How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Just called the telephone number above...I was on the phone for 12 minutes including wait time and got the 89 dollar price. Very nice convesation with Customer Service Rep.
Called 866-431-7474 and received All Access for 1 yr at $100 including all fees and taxes. They also waived the invoice fee to bill so I did not have to give them my cc info.
I received a renewal notice for Nav Traffic w/XM Select for 252.76/yr. I just called and mentioned cancelling due to the high cost and redundant services (iTunes Radio, Pandora, etc.) and was immediately offered the half price deal, 89/yr for Select. Nav Traffic then was added at a discount too (normally 3.99/mo), resulting in a total of 124.75 for the year. It’s essentially half off of the original renewal rate, with the difference being a couple of days of proration.
just go to
the price is $20 for 5 months. It is easy. Just need your account number and radio #. If you call this number you get the same:
I just phoned. The initial customer service rep could not make any deals so she transferred me when I said I had to cancel. Starting with the 'cancel' option will save you some time. I was offered $50 for 6 months or $89 for one year. I took $89 (plus $19 in taxes and fees, approximately 108 total) for one year. This is the select package as my older car radio cannot get the extra 'all access' channels anyway. Select does not include the internet access which I can add later for $4/month, $48 per year.
I received a renewal notice for Nav Traffic w/XM Select for 252.76/yr. I called earlier today and mentioned cancelling due to the high cost and redundant services (iTunes Radio, Pandora, etc.) and was immediately offered the half price deal, 89/yr for Select. Nav Traffic then was added at a discount too, resulting in a total of 124.75 for the year. It’s essentially half off of the original renewal rate, with the difference being a couple of days of proration.
If they were smart, they would understand volume pricing will beat the BS of the ridiculously over charging for radio signal, pumped via satellite. 10 million customers @$50 per year, beats 1-2 million @ 189... The marketing price point is off, they need to nderstand what people are willing to pay. Sooner or later the model will fail and they'll be belly up. Anyways, yeah, just got the thing turned back on for $25/6months
Been like that for a while. I always get the 5 for 25 deal. I just tell them I will will cancel if I do not get it
Said that I wanted to cancel. Declined the year for $89.00 option and accepted the 6 months for $25 offer. Have to put the renewal date in my calendar.
Just called the number said I wanted to cancel because I had very poor customer service when i tried to call the day before and that the $89 was too much. She gave me the same deal I was already on $25/6 months and asked me for my card. I read in these comments that it's better not to have your card on file so I asked her could I use a check and she waived the $2 check fee. On the phone for 5 minutes tops!
Just got off phone with Sirius - of course renewal over $200.00 - told them to much and wanted a better deal as I have internet also. Took about 5 minutes so have both for 102 a year all included - which I think is a pretty good deal
We had not received any kind of mailing from SiriusXM about renewal occurring, I'm sure because they had our credit card info on file. Had it written on our calendar to cancel today. Called and was told that they had already charged our card $39.52 w/ taxes/fees for 6 mo. I was obviously upset and said I was calling because I wanted my card info out of their system and did not want to pay that amount and said I wanted the 6 mo for $25 that I know is being offered. She knew I was not happy, so she cancelled my previous account, gave me a reference # for the cancellation of our old acct as well as a refund ID # because refunds take 3-5 bus days. She requested expedition of the refund but couldn't guarantee it. I received (no questions asked because I was upset to begin with) the Select pkg 6 mo for $25 (plus $3.47 royalty fee, $2.07 tax = $30.53). She automatically waived the $2 invoice fee, too. Inquired about whether the royalty fee is 'set in stone' and she said yes, it's a % of the fee for the package and that it is set by the gov't. Other than it being hard to understand the woman on the other line (she's from another country), my experience on the phone was handled satisfactorily.
just called, my renewal is tomorrow at 204.88! I got the $25.00 for 6 months, total with tax and fees $30.45. Very nice customer service
just called talked to some lady from india named 'Kim' the bill that was mailed was over 200$. said not paying go ahead and cancel.
she looked up account gave me the $89 deal did not even pause a minute to do so, Also took off the previous month's charge for $12 sais I never got the Bill and so there was no way they can charge me for a month without my say so. and also removed the $2 service fees total today for select service $101.37. told her to remove credit card from system and NOT allowed to automatically bill me next year. Will they ever just charge a reasonable amount for the service, they could save everyone a lot of time and money when we have to call and do the little dance, just stupid. Anyways, See ya in a year...
I just called in. i got two radios and internet/app radio for 72.87 for 6 months.
My bill went up to 17 per month and called and complained about increase and if i could get the 6 for 25 deal...she went thru the 89 per year to 6 months for 44 then finally 6 for 25..ended up paying 14 dollar difference since we got charged 17 already...have to call back again September 2 and do it all over!!!
I just talked to REA in your customer service because I could not get Sirius on my car radio. I had it in the shop day before and they took it off my SiriusXM and I had NO idea how to get it back on. she helped me with it. Thank you.
Started at $89 for year, then $25 for 5 months, and final offer was $14 for 3 months ($14.61 total). Just need to call 5 days before renewal date to renegotiate.