How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

First off I hate to deal with some of the representatives at serious-xm I called to renew my subscription and got a person named Roger, or so he said. I asked for a promotional rate and he told me that they were not offering any at this time. I asked him if he knew about the $89 special and he became very rude to me. I then asked to speak with his supervisior. she said her name was Mary, and I mentioned that I would like to renew but was looking for a promotion. She told me that I had already had one two years ago and they won't give me another. I then told her that I wish to cancel my account and she told me that no matter what I did I will not be able to get a promotion. I then asked her if I could be switched over to a representative in the United States to which she said, 'what's the matter can't you understand me?' She then turned into a real bit*h I then told her that I wanted to discuss this with someone in the USA. At that point she told me that they would tell me the same thing. She also seemed to have a chip on her shoulder even though I was very polite. I then asked her again and she refused to put me through so I told her that I want to cancel. She then started asking me why I wanted to cancel and I told her to switch me to a billing representative She then hung up on me, so I called again and this time I asked to speak with a billing representative. Once I got talking to him and told him that I wanted to cancel. He asked me why I would like to cancel my subscription and I told him about all of what went on. He told me not to worry because he would give me a promotional rate. I had the choice of five months for $20 or a six month rate of $86 or a year for $89.95 plus the royalty fee of $14. I don't pay tax because I live in Pennsylvania.
When all was said and done my bill was $103.95 for one year. It would have been about $5.00 more but that was deducted from my remaining time (just a few days) and the service was from today until one year from now.
I originally had 5 months for $20 (plus tax) and they automatically renewed at 3 month $51 (with tax) ....I just called and the tried to offer me 89/year (plus tax) and I told them it was still too much. He offered me the 5month for 20$ again and I took it in a heart beat.
My renewal was C$213.20 ($175.89 taxes and fees) so I phoned and canceled. The best the agent could offer was $141 taxes and fees to which I said no thanks. I told him about the various offers I've seen and was told that $141 was the best he could do. He asked if I'd be interested in re-subscribing if there were better deals - I wonder if they'll call at some point with a better offer. I've been successful getting the lowest rate each of the last three years but I guess I got the wrong agent this time around - at least he was pleasant. BTW, I removed my credit card a few years ago and pay by cheque so I have no concerns about auto-renew.
I'm currently on the 6 months/$25 deal and the contract is ending in 4 days. I called and asked for the same deal to continue for another 6 months for $25 and was given it on the spot without a problem. The whole phone call took 6 minutes. Yay!
Just called to renew my XM Select subscription (1 vehicle). Told operator price was too high. She said she understood and offered me the $89 dollar promotion for 1 year. Total $102.67. Done until 12/18/2015. Not interested in calling every few months. Worth $102.67 to me not to have to talk to them for another year. Thanks!
Called the 1-888-601-6302 number and after a brief conversation , the very pleasant agent agreed to the $89.00 deal. Five minutes saved me a fast $86.00. Merry Christmas!
Sirius is RIDICULOUS!!! I have done this every freakin year with them for about 6 yrs now. I guess they get enough suckers that let it auto-bill their cards to keep this scam up.
Called in to renew 2 cars and internet. I said I received my invoice (almost $400) and would be cancelling if we couldn't work out a better rate. The nice agent renewed the first car at $108, and changed the second car to all access which includes the internet. Total: $248 which is what I paid last year. Fair for both sides.And of course, have them send an invoice to pay by check.
I called to try and get a lower rate on my renewal bill. The first agent said you've already been given a promotional rate, you can't get any more. I called back and got a second agent and explained that I could not afford to pay double and would have to cancel. He offered me the $89 rate and it was $97.79 with fees.
Just called to renew and was offered the $89 rate when I mentioned the word Cancel. No problem, smooth and easy!
Anyone else run into a problem with which radio you have?? If you have the radio with the dog you can get Howard Stern in the select plan. If you have the radio with the ((XM)) you can't get Howard Stern with the select plan? Why is this? I got the 89.00/year select plan just by asking and then ran into this problem.
Called during the day today and got a US based rep. Went very smoothly, just told him I wasn't sure I wanted to continue at full price and wanted to see what promos they had. They extended my All Access for the same $119/$131 after taxes others have quoted here (which is also what I paid last year, aside from a trivial tax/fee increase). I know some have gotten a cheaper/month 6 month deal for All Access, but I'm happy with the 1 year deal to not have to deal with it that often. Guy was very easy to deal with, and we even chatted some football.
Just called this number and said i would like to cancel. They rep asked why and i said because the price is to expensive. With out even batting an eye, she goes can we give you the price from last year. 89 taxes 99.60

Do watch the auto bill.
I just called to cancel my plan in my car. I got a discount of 50%. My renewal bill with taxes was $112.54. They then offered me a discount rate of $89 for six months and i said no it was not within our budget. Right before i hung up the agent offered me a rate of $32.22 for six months. i of course said yes. Ive been trying for years to get a reduce subscription. Thanks this site and others i was able to get a pretty good deal for six months which makes me feel im not being taken advantage of so much anymore. Happy Holidays!
I just called, asked for the promotional rate of $25 for 6mos and was given the price, no questions, no problem.
Got All-Access for 1 Year at a cost of $119.88 on the first call. Thanks for the help guys.
One call to the above number. Asked for the $89 rate, total cost $107.41 for one year. Agent asked if I'd received a promotional letter....just said 'yes'. Actual cost in the letter they sent me was $198.99/yr.