How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

SiriusXM is starting to be very difficult to deal with. As their subscribers increase the 'deals' are becoming unavailable. They are even blacklisting customers who insist on being billed via invoice because they know they don't have access to your checking account to withdraw that huge payment once your introductory offer runs out. I've been a subscriber since 2006 and there is no loyalty to their customers whatsoever... BEWARE!
Just called & played dumb about Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale. I gave them credit card last time for 5 months for $25 (Sirius Select) & this was supposed to automatically renew at regular price on 12/18. Was offered $89/year deal & then $25 for 5 months, but I continued to ask about 6 months & was offered 6 months for $25 plus tax & fees. So I lose 2 1/2 weeks of my current subscription, but prorated this means I'm paying $24.43 from today to May 28.
11/28/14 I was able to take advantage of the $89.00 with no fees for 1 year promo.
Just call and say you received a mailing for 25 for 6 months. No questions asked, works everytime
11-29-2014 - Called and spoke to a nice Customer Service Rep. Simply asked to activate a new account from my Trial Offer that came with my new car. She offered me the annual $99.00 price and I mentioned the $89.00 offer listed here. She gave me the $89.00 offer. With tax and fees $105.00 for the next year. I'll be calling back this time next year prior to the auto-new.
I just got a letter in the mail with 5 months for $20. I called and got it for 2 of my radios that were off. The number is 855-511-2015. This is the best I have seen. There is also a web site listed. I did not try that, but it may work. Good luck.
I called to cancel service when I lost my job in April, and they convinced me to stay for another 6 mos. for $70. Yesterday, out of the blue, the service stopped and I had the 'holiday preview' instead of my pre-set channels. I called to ask, and the guy said my subscription has run out, you need to pay to renew. I said, I never even got a bill, and asked what plan I was on, and what I paid last time... he said you paid for 6 months, you need to pay $111. I said, I paid $111 last time? That doesn't sound right'.

He said 'yes, to continue the service, you have to pay $111' and kept pressuring me for payment right then. I said that I'm in the car, so I can't give my ccard. He kept pushing 'Oh, this will only take 2 minutes!' I repeated, 'I'm in the car' and btw, two separate idiots walked right in front of my car during this conversation -I was at the mall. I finally had to hang up on him - did not make payment.

Then, magically, my service returned today - all of my pre-set channels are back. BIZARRE. I will be checking my Amex to be sure I wasn't charged.
Btw, my service should have been terminated 3 weeks ago. Their left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.
I asked for the $25 offer and was turned down, although I threatened to cancel, saying I'd lost my job (true) and was cutting expenses. Best they could offer me was 6 months for $65 taxes and fees ($72).
I called the number and just asked for the 89/yr rate and was given it immediately. This is the third year I have done this and this was the easiet, with no argument at all from the CSR.
Just called. Said I wanted 6 months for $25 (Select). Said I would cancel otherwise. Two minutes later it was offered to me. Came to $29.91 after fees.
And 26 minutes later, I am signed up for another 6 months at $60.22 (this is for two radios). I never actually said the word 'cancel'. I just called the number listed above and said that I received a payment notice - is there anyway I can get $25/6months for each radio. After lots of holding, she came back and said 'sure'.
I just called to cancel and they didn't offer anything.....Just told me to have a nice day.
Called this morning and they told me no promos available for my 3 radios. Told them I was interested in the 6 for 25 deal and after talking to her supervisor she came back and offered me 1 year for 89. Said no to that and then offered me 6 months for 45. Said no to that and was finally offered 6 for 25. Bingo! 3 radios for 84.33 with taxes and fees.
it worked, thanks! went form $180 a year to $89 a year and lost only 10 channels I don't listen to, like Howard Stern
I just called today to establish an account as my free 3 month trial that came with my new vehicle is about to expire. I asked the CSR for the $89 per year deal, and she cheerfully signed me up for that, no questions asked :)
Called today and tried this as the trial subscription on my car runs out on Sunday. They told me that in order to get the $86/yr you need to have received an email promo. They were happy to let my subscription run out. I will try back with another rep later today and see if I have better luck.
I called in to establish an account as my trial ends this week. I asked for the deal and was told it was not an option as I had not received an email with that as a promo. They were happy to let my trial run out without signing me up as a customer.
Just called and said I had to renew (true, I was to reup on 12/3) and was offered the $89 deal. Asked for the $25 for 5 months as it says above and was given six months. Total was $29 and change. No holding at all and total time on the phone was around 7 minutes.
My subscription was set to renew at $180/year. I asked for a cheaper rate and was offered $89/year (what I currently have). I only wanted 6 months and they offered $45/6 months. I finally asked for $25/6 months and got it.
I called the above number wait time was 13minutes which was pretty accurate and was initially offered the standard advertised deals from 199 all access to the 5.99/month basic plus wouldn't budge then I mentioned about the 89/yr deal and was challenge about that deal I told her I heard about it online and was placed on hold for a couple minutes then got offered that deal for XM select and added $2 for invoice. total is 102.13 I currently have a month left of my trial and it would start whenever my trial is over.