How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Last year, based on tips of other SiriusXM subscribers like you, I was able to get $95.56/year, including all taxes and fees. When it came time to renew this year, I called back and said I would cancel unless they gave me the same rate. The rep was very nice, and initially offered me $110/yr. I pressed, and she then came back with a rate of $98/yr. I reiterated politely that I was willing to pay the same amount as this past year. After talking with her supervisor, she said OK, she would match my rate of $95.56 for the year, including all taxes and fees. It wasn't as simple/easy/quick as some other commenters' experiences (the rep made me work for it), but I got what I wanted.
Sirius sent me a letter saying I could renew my ALL access 3 month trial for 119.45 for a year. Sent them a check and they held it saying that was only good for select package. After a 20 minute phone call tonight , I got the All access for $143 (after tax). Not super, but not hateful.
I just called the customer advocacy phone line 1-866-635-7541 and mentioned I wanted the 6 months best promotional price of 24.99 plus usual taxes and was given the price with no difficulty for our 2 car radios. Thanks for prior guest comments!!! another good deal!!
One of the best things about Sirius is their Internet Radio. Has anyone been able to get a deal on the subscription rate and the Internet deal too?
I called today to see if I could get the 6 month deal for $25 (with tax/fees it came to $30.36). I simply said that a friend had gotten the deal and I was interested in renewing my subscription if the deal was still available. The request, approval, and activation on my account took a total of 7 minutes. Super easy. Thank you to everyone that posted about the deal.
The customer advocacy number works the best. I called the regular number twice for two vehicles and they wouldn't budge (seemed like I was calling India). Called the advocacy number and gave me both vehicles for $89 a year! Very happy but the advocay department was curious of how we got their number? Thank you Spoofee 866-635-7541
I just called the advocacy number as well and got the 6 month deal for $24.99 plus taxes and fees for each of my two cars! Thanks for posting this. What's sad is that my renewal notice was set at $185.50/year. It just goes to show you how much wiggle room they really have with these prices - somewhere between $25 and $185!!
I agree that the customer advocacy line works well. I spent 4 minutes on the phone and got $89 for a year.
Just called the advocacy number, 1-866-635-7541. Got 6 months for $24.99 plus taxes and fees
Got a 5 mo.for $25 yesterday, renewal notice was $200 for the full year, didn't pay it, they disconnected me a month ago. Great deal. Thank you.
On the phone with them as I type (on hold) they tried to play hardball and I said I would just call back to another CSR he then said ok I'll give it to you.
10/1/14 - First off, thank you to all of you who posted and now let me share my renewal experience with you. I called 866-687-4213 and requested the cancellation extension. After some automated attendant responses, I was transferred to the customer care line (or something like that). I spoke very nicely to a pleasant representative and explained that I wanted to renew if she would give me an awesome rate. I was offered the $89 plus fee and taxes. Since I listen mainly to the music channels, I asked if there was a special promotion for the mainly music package plus internet (because I have a Grace Encore internet radio at home that could access it) I was hoping that I could get that for about the same price as the select. (List price would have been $167.88 for that combo)
My operator then suggested that the All Access package would be a better deal and told me that it was $119.88 per year plus fees and taxes. Then without any prompting from me, she said, 'let me see what I can do....and then proceeded to tell me that she could give me a one-time special deal and waive the fees and taxes (which she said in Florida are pretty high) So ultimately, I got the All Access package for $119.88 for the next year, which is about the same price as simply renewing the Select package I had previously for my car only. I don't know if it made a difference or not, but let me reiterate that I am VERY nice over the phone and ask very nicely for an awesome deal. I am delighted that I was able to upgrade my package for only a little more than last year and the experience was quick and painless! Thanks again all you posters and good luck with your renewal.
Yesterday the CSR wouldn't budge. She tried to charge me $350 for two $89 specials - obviously she didn't understand math so I just said I would call back. Checked this website and today I called the advocacy no. 866-635-7541. This time a very helpful CSR, he explained my current billing, and when I mentioned offers he said no problem and listed $30 for 6 mo, $25 for 5 mo, and $99 for one year. I said I had seen $89 for one year, and after a brief moment of silence, he said sure he could do that. He also explained that with offers there's no proration, so just be sure to do your next renewal negotiating close to the end. Also no multi discounts on specials. Still, for 2 radios $200 for a year is ok with me. This is a great forum, hope it's still active next year.
I had my own issues with them today. My trial subscription on my new car expired today. They had a $79.00 credit on my prior account with my old car which was to be transferred to my new car. That never happened & they couldn't explain why. I spoke to a very nice supervisor after the CSR couldn't explain anything. The supervisor transferred my credit to my new car and extended my subscription for 1 year. You have to be nice and firm with them. I just received their e-mail confirmation of today's transaction and everything is correct. I've marked my calendar for 8/1/15 to check on promotions for my renewal. Thank you all for your great comments and advice!
10/1/14 - Called 866-635-7541 and told the CSR that I wanted the same price I had last year (I've been doing this a while) and they said they could only offer an $89 price. I accepted it and it's one more year of SiriusXM at a better price. Just like my dad used to tell me, 'It never hurts to ask.' Bam, save $100.
I was at the end of the $25 for 5 months deal. Called and said I want to cancel unless I can get another good rate. CSR said 'I see you are loyal customer' and offered me same deal ($25 for 5 months), which I took. I never give them a credit card and remain on paper bill. Works for me.
Called 888-601-6302 and said I wanted to cancel because I just wasn't getting into a 20 minute hassle to renew it. I said I'll agree to renew for the last rate I received 5 months ago (for $25), but otherwise I want to cancel. The CSR was very nice and quickly agreed to renew me for 5 more months for $25, plus taxes, total $31.62.
Got renewed for 6 months for $30 tax and fees. Cancellation dept was most helpful, but you do have to keep asking. Total $32.64.
Just did the $89 plus tax & fees for one year. Need to mark my calendar several days before it expires so I can call before it renews at the regular rate.
My 3 month renewal expires 10/3. I called the number on my renewal - 866-409-0296 and was offered All Access for 12 mos. for $131.71 including all fees. No haggling necessary. That looks like the best deal based on this forum.