Yesterday I called XMSirius at 1-888-601-6302. I said the bill the company just emailed me was too expensive ($190.82 for a year) and I was going to cancel unless she could offer me a better price. The person I spoke with said there were no discount deals available. Additionally, she said the current rate was about $7 more than the email indicated so I should expect to be charged that higher amount. I'd been through this before so I said OK and hung up. I then called back a minute later, said the same thing and this time the rep forwarded my call to the cancellation department. At first, they offered me a 1-year policy for $89 (with taxes and fees it would be $106.86). I think this would be approx. what I paid for this past year's service. I said no, and that a friend had recently gotten a deal for 5 mos. for $25. (My 'friend' was everyone kind enough to post on this site!) The rep immediately offered me that deal. After taxes and fees I'll pay $29.80. The only disadvantage is that I'll need to remember to call again in 5 months to renegotiate. I'm happy, though. Next time I'll directly call the number on the bill for cancellations (1-866-687-4213) as I think I'll waste less time if I just get to the right people right away.