How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Called 866-635-2349 and said that I wanted to cancel my two Select accounts (2 cars). Not much arm twisting and both are renewed for another year at $60 each plus taxes & fees = $76.18 each for two accounts. I always use a 'burner' credit card number so that I can't be charged a year from now at list price.
No problems. Used chat to get $99 All-Access on the vehicle up for renewal in a week. Then asked to have two other vehicles aligned in their renewal dates (one in October, one in November) and she applied the same discount to those as well. Excellent experience.
It's a pain to do this every renewal. But I do & also insist on paper statements. Otherwise they'll bill your card for whatever they want!
Yesterday, I called 1-888-601-6302 to renew my 'XM Select' package (for the 3rd time with this car). 12 months for $60 $12.65 taxes = $72.65. They were insistent that this deal (which I got last year) no longer existed. They offered me two other deals of decreasing cost. I just kept politely saying it was too expensive and couldn't pay that price. Then with 'special approval', they gave me the 12 months for $60. Done in 10 minutes. Likely others have said, just be patient, friendly, and maybe call back later if needed, but it should work.
After playing renewal games with Sirius for over 10 years, 2.5 weeks ago I canceled. They were demanding a credit card for any future deals. Not going to happen with their shady marketing tactics.

Today they called and offered six-month deal for $38 and change with all fees and taxes included. Prior $2 invoice fee also waived. As in the past, no credit card involved.
Called 866-635-2349. A little dance to try and get me all access then, a flat $7 per month, eventually got to $60 for one year fees/taxes which is what I have been getting for over 10 years per month. Was done fairly quickly since they have my card on file. Quicker than in the past.
Called 866-635-2349. Did a little dance, as everyone else, and got $66/year for Select Advantage which will renew every year at this same rate. Maybe I don't have to do this silly dance next year. Total with fee and tax is $80.12. I would have pushed for the $60 price, but it is worth $6 to not do this dance again. 7 years is enough.
When I started listening to XM radio, I bought a lifetime subscription. Since then a lawsuit was filed which results in the lifetime subscription being good for the 'lifetime' of the subscriber NOT the lifetime of the radio. Good deal, we now have a lifetime use of SiriusXM for the price of a $35 transfer fee. Finally a good deal for subscribers, instead of a great deal for SiriusXM!!! Great!!!!
I got the $60 one year select plan with no problem, just said I want to get the same plan as my other vehicle. In and out in just a few minutes. I have been using this site for years and never had a problem with renewals. Thanks
I got the $60 one year select plan with no problem, just said I want to get the same plan as my other vehicle. In and out in just a few minutes. I have been using this site for years and never had a problem with renewals. Thanks employee monitoring software

just wondering how much could you have saved over the years with your forum posts?
never thought about it? :teeth:
I have been a subscriber since 2006. I found these discounts several years ago and have had excellent luck. This morning, however, after two phone calls and a lengthy text exchange I got nowhere. The first phone call actually canceled my service without my consent! Now I'm a 3 month free streaming user while I weigh my options. New Jennifer Witz crackdown on discounts?
can I get only three channel's cheaper because that is all I ever listen to. listen to one channel 99% of the time.
Used Chat...waited 10 minutes.
Told them I was ready to cancel. I wash.
Worked great.
2 cars - $60 per car for 1 year, instead of crazy $20/m per car.
I got the same 6 months for $30. I cringe about all the months I paid full price.
First time in years the Agents on the phone were not willing to keep my $99 All Access (Now called Platinum). Wouldn't budge...wanted me to pay over $170! Tried the online chat and was able to keep paying the same price for Platinum as prior years! Amazed the online chat treated me better.
Used chat to get the 6 months for $30 offer on two radios. They offered me Platinum for what came to about $9/month for 6 months. That's not bad, but I don't need/want Platinum. Thanks!
Chat wasn't operational, so I did the quick dance with customer service over the phone. After shutting down her asking about what stations I used most, I told her that I just want to keep the exact plan that I have, and do it for $60/year. She came back with $108/year. I told her that I had a 'friend' who just renewed for $60, and I wanted that price. She asked me told hold while she 'checked with her Her supervisor must have been sitting on her lap, because she was gone for about 5 seconds, and came back with the $60 plus fees. Total for one year of select - $76.87. Took a total of about 8 minutes.
Once again I got the 12 month Select for $60 taxes and it took under 10 minutes !