How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I just got $60 renewal for Select on the website chat line. It was very easy. I asked them right up front for their best and lowest offer. I am very happy with that rate
Renewal is coming in the next few days. I called to see if the can renew my All Access for $99. Best they could offer was $150/year plus taxes and fees. So told them to cancel and they canceled my service.
I got the $66/year Select plan that persists as long as I'm a customer. Comes out to $78.xx with fees and taxes. No more needing to call in to this # each year to threaten to cancel!
Just got the usual 6 months for $30 deal. $41 with taxes and other bs. They insist on a credit card on file for more than 6 months and I won't give it to them.
Called today to get the $99 deal that SiriusXM has given me for the last 13 years. They would only offer the $84 for six months, not going to happen. After two holds came back with we will cancel your account. My reply 'Thank you' and I hung up. They said the $99 was not available, BUT SiriusXM gives NEW customers the $99 deal. So I now happily will not long be a customer of the service. Goodbye and good riddance. If they thought I was not serious, they were sadly mistaken. Their rip off tactics will NOT work with me.
Used the above phone number and with minimal effort got the $60 Select plan. I have used this site for many years and once again say thanks for your website!
I tried to renew my SiriusXM subscription yesterday on chat. After 30 minutes we were getting nowhere. I also discovered that after renewing last November for $30 for six months, I had been downgraded from All Access to Select. I had emphatically said I wanted All Access and thought that was what I agreed to. The price given yesterday on chat for All Access for one year was $164 or $168 and 'Lauren' would not go any lower. I said I couldn't do that. I called the retention number this morning and finally agreed to the All Access $99 for a year, plus royalty fees. I asked for those fees to be waived after seeing on this site one person was successful in this request. I could not get 'Cindy' to budge. I asked for a paper invoice and requested the $2.00 fee be waived. She did do that. Total for All Access for one year is $120.18. At least I have a year before I have to jump through all the hoops again!
Wow !st time ever I could not talk them into a deal, , the would not out me on hold. Used ever excuse in the book! Said I will think about it & call back if they don't have any promotions to offer me I will have to cancel. I have had all access for 10yrs the last couple yrs for $99/yr! Very frustrated this time!!!
Called to renew as I have for over 13 years. No luck this year. Would not budge. So I canceled my account and HUNG up on them. Did not wait for them to hang up on me!!
Tried to renew my $99 all access today. Failed. Would not budge at all. Too bad, I have had XM or SiriusXM for 21 years. All this time at a reasonable rate. They just lost a long time subscriber who will bad mouth them for the rest of my life. So Sad To Bad!!
Did it via online chat when signed into my account. Asked for annual renewal at the promo rate ($99 for 1 year for all access taxes and fees). Said regular rate was too expensive. The agent did it right away. Friendly and no issues. Maybe try online chat if the phone agents don't comply.
Got the select for $30, traffic for $12 and travel for $6 all for 6 months via chat. Easy.
I have 2 vehicles. I Was able to get 'Select' 1Year for $96.00 fees. ($130.00) that's the best they would do.
I got $99 per radio for 3 radios today. Someone below posted they got the royalty fee waived but I don't think I've ever had that happen for me. Don't think I've thought to ask. Which sadly means the $99 per radio ends up being more like $130 per radio. However, we listen extensively so we get our money's worth. Sure wish I didn't have to run this same rodeo every year though. The number I called was 1-888-539-7474.
Called 888-601-6302 as listed above. That number is only M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM. Call the Malaysia center 24 hours at 866-434-7429. Renewed Select package. Was $60 for 12 months last year. Same price this year. Very little haggle. They started with no packages available and the current price of $240 per year. Told them to remove my credit card from their system. Then they 'found' the $99 all access package. Told them I only want the Select annual package. Came back with $60 $12.84 royalty fee. Did not spend more than 5 minutes start to finish.
After playing their renewal game every 4-6 mos. for about 10 years, I had to cancel. The only packages offered required a credit card. I would never do this with a company using their shady marketing tactics.
All, just a few pointers from my experience today. Call 866-635-2349 instead of 888-601-6302. It got me right to a cancellation specialist. They initially try and prompt you to text with them citing extremely high call volumes, but I was speaking with a nice rep within 60 seconds. I politely stated I wanted another year long committment at my previous rate ($6.06 per car per month for a total of $12.12/mo) including taxes or I would have to cancel my subscription. She initially offered $8.12 per car per month for all access for an entire year, but I kindly restated my desire for Select video (which is essentially the same as All-Access (includes internet access). She politely agreed and met me where I wanted to be. Less than 7 minute phone call and relatively painless. I would suggest having your account open on a computer when you call so you can cite exactly what your previous bills entailed. I'm more than happy paying $12.12/mo per car for everything it entails. Anything more is not worth the $ in my opinion. Good luck to all and don't be discouraged by the recent posts on here. I don't think it hurts having a few years service with them when getting this kind of deal - it took me about 5 years before I was able to lock in this low of a deal, but after I got it I kept asking them to match or cancel. Last year I was offered to start having these deals last for an entire year vice 6 months which is so nice. I also was able to have them match both of my vehicles up on the same billing cycle which has made this the ultimate 'Easy' button, now once a year!
I have two vehicles. I was paying 320 and 247 all in, for All Access, for a total of $567. I called to see if I could get a better deal. First time I called, nothing. Second time I texted and I got 180 all in for All Access for each car for a total of $360. Saved $207 bucks. Maybe not the best deal possible, but much better than where I was.
Just got the $60/year plan via the online chat. Quick and easy. First time for me to use the chat but it was much better than a phone call (that I've done for many years in the past)
Renewed Sirius Select for $60 for a year. Total including fees was $72.77. Easy transaction via text - no hassle.