How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

just did the chat thing and got all access for 1 vehicle and streaming ...1 yr All Access for $99
Fourth year in a row of getting a great deal thanks to this page! Had a very painless phone conversation with 'John' and got $60/year for XM Select with Streaming. Thanks again!
I did the chat just now and told the agent I needed to cancel since I'm not driving my car much during the pandemic. He first came back with the $5 per month for a year deal, which I rejected. He then came back with a 3 month all-access deal for a total cost of $2, which I of course accepted. This is the third time I was able to do this. I really was going to cancel during this COVID time, but they keep offering me the deal you can't turn down. :)
Got Select for 1 year for $5/mo, $60/year plus $17.08 for taxes & fees (same $17.03 for daughters radio renewed in November). Simply told 'Max' I wanted the $5/mo plan and he replied by asking for which car and my credit card number to charge $77.08 includes streaming.
Interesting in that call volume was high and system asked to call me back, never had the 'automated renewal' option noted earlier offered.
Tried chat this year and asked to renew at the same rate as before, $60/yr plus taxes and fees. The agent was very friendly, but he persisted with the $16.99 per month renewal. As soon as I declined renewing and thanked him for his time...bam! He offered the deal he just refused me.
$60 select one year fees and taxes included. I had to play a bit hardball. Agent said needed to talk to her manager for a minute. Manager said OK. But this is the last time they will do that on my account.

I'm sure not. I'll do the same again next year.
Just used the chat and straightaway asked 'My current subscription is ending. I would like to subcribe to the Select
$5/mo for 12 Months an Amazon Echo Dot. promo' They gave me the $60 plus taxes and fees but said no echo dot because I received one last time.
I bought a new car recently and got a 3 month Sirius trial. I kept getting emails asking me to add the new car to my account, where I have another car. I didn't do that because I didn't want it to interfere with negotiating for a new rate on my other car which came up soon. I got another pestering email about the new car but this one offered a 3 month all access trial for $2 after my 3 month new car trial ended. I took that but when I used my email address it said it was already in use. So I used a different one, which created a separate account and then took the extra 3 months for $2. It may be to my advantage to keep the two cars on different accounts, but for now that got me another 3 months on the new car for $2.
Got the 3 month All Access for $2 deal for now, but I’m pretty pissed that I didn’t get the same deal my mom got a few weeks ago....which was a year of Select for $60 fees with a free upgrade to All Access (including streaming). I’ve been a subscriber for 15 years and was basically penalized because my renewal cycle happens in January after the promotion ended. I might be done in April if I don’t get a similar deal.
I called to renew my 1-year subscription for SiriusXM Select with sreaming on 1/12 /2021. I was able to get the same 1-year plan for $72.84 including taxes and fees. I was offered this plan with streaming on an automated line WITOUT having to haggle a with live agent.
Got the XM Select for $60/yr (plus fees & taxes) after a bit of haggling back and forth. Been doing this for 7 years and always seem to get a good deal.
I received a renewal notice for the Select Package for our two cars with total monthly fees of $20.63 for the first and $14.56 for the second. I called the (888) 601-6302 number and explained that I would not renew at the rates on the notice. I was immediately offered the All Access Package for $99, but I said that all I wanted was the Select Package. She then offered and I accepted the Select Package at $60 a year plus $12.84 in taxes and fees for each car which is the same as I paid last year. This was my sixth renewal and by far the easiest. No haggling and no checking with a supervisor.
Hi - I was able to get All Access for $99 and after a bit of haggling back and forth got the taxes and fees waived and had them throw in an Amazon echo dot....
I guess I pushed too hard for the $60.00 a year deal. The Customer Rep demanded a credit card on file to qualify which I did not want to turn over so they can automatically charge me next year. I should have taken the $90.00 a year All Access as the Customer Rep Cancelled my subscription and hung up on me!
I have had All Access for over 5 years. Did the online chat and was offered 3 months for $2 plus fees.
I have had All Access for over 5 years in 1 car. Did the online chat and was offered 3 months for $2 plus fees. It came out to $3.xx. I will just go through this whole process again in 3 months.
Just renewed All Access at $61.91 for 6 months via chat taxes and fees included. Other offer was a year at $126.05 all in. No movement so went with shorter term.
Just completed a five minute phone call and got the 'all-access' for $99 plus the royalty fees etc. The total came to 117.60 which includes online streaming. This is the 6th year in a row I called and was able to get pretty much the same deal. Very happy! I did ask about the Echo Dot, but no luck--no problem, very happy with my deal. Good luck all!