How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Thank you, worked for me. She wasn't having it at first and I mentioned I'm not driving because of COVID. Then she offered 8.25/mo instead of 99/year and I said that was the same. She said ohhhh and then gave me 4.99/mo
Easy renewal. After an attempted upsell by the customer service rep, they renewed the one year XM Select package for $72.65
All the 800#'s I tried ended up with 'Our Office is Closed' so renewed via chat.
Got 1 yr. Select Plan with minimal effort for $77.94 includes Music Royalty of $12.84 and taxes of $5.10. Ask agent to break out fees and taxes to double check.
Got 1 year, XM Select for $78 which matches what I got last spring for my other car. Not sure how the previous one got it for $6 less. But I'm OK.
Just called and got the Select Plan plus streaming for $60 tax for the year again.
Wow, you guys rock!! I just signed in and joined a chat and got Select for a year for $72.84 which includes taxes and fees. I'll be chatting back at the end of the year for another 'discount'!!!
Did this via chat. Initial offer was $99 for 12 months for All Access...I declined that offer, and the next offer was XM Select at $72.44 for 12 months. I accepted. Pretty easy overall
I was under the $5 per month (plus fees) plan - I was honest that I liked the service and the plan and after turning down the $99 plan, she offered to match my current rate - which I did! Thanks!
Just followed this advice! By coincidence, during the chat I got a call from a salesperson, my All Access plan had actually expired on November 5th. He tried to get me to renew at $320.35. On a previous call I had said I wanted to review other plan options. On the phone they never offered any discount. When I told the phone agent that I was about to renew online for $99 he frantically tried to steal the sale from the Chat Agent! I had to keep repeating that I was going to renew on line and had to just hang up. With taxes and fees, and 20 days of November (they didn't cut me off)
the bill came to just over $132 for a year. This was fun way to save nearly $200 Ba ba Booeys
This is a great website, very helpful. I just wasted a half hour on a chat with 2 of the most incompetent people I've encountered in a long time. I thought it'd be easier than a phone call...wrong. In past years I've always renewed by phone without a problem. So, back to the phone I go. For those of you that were successful, congratulations.
Negotiated (phone) 1 year Select plan for $60, plus they gave a credit of $12.84 to off set the music royalty fee. So net: $60 for one year. Getting the 60/year deal was fairly easy, but I really had to play hard ball to get the 'one time special credit' to offset the royalty fee. Call took about 5 minutes. Good luck.
Did my yearly negotiation for All Access as the regular charges would have been over $320.00 per year. This time I decided to use chat. I was immediately offered $99.00 plus taxes and fees. I wrote to the agent that in the past Sirius had waived the fees (which they did). He said he would check and a little while came back and wrote his supervisor approved $99 with no fees. Easy transaction. Chat took about 10 minutes.
I asked them to match the All Access plan that I had last year which was about $120 for the year. The wouldn't do it, best offer was about $ thanks, I cancelled service.
I renewed at $5 per month for the Select package for 1 year ($77.47 w/tax & fees). I called 1-888-601-6302 told them I needed a very good deal or I would cancel, which was true and I was offered the $5 per month deal. Took about five minutes on the phone. The rep was very courteous.
After years of doing the song & dance via the phone, I went chat this year and it was frankly a great experience. Told them the truth that I could live or live without their service. Currently have 1 radio at 4.99/mo and 1 at $6.99mo. They started at.$8.99/month each and pointed out that why would I pay an increase on both if I am 50/50 on renewal. I did ask about price reduction if I did not want streaming. Agent explained that there is no surcharge anymore and asked if I could just hold rates for another year. I was expecting for him to continue to negotiate and was pleasantly surprised that he offered both radios at $4.99/mo for 12mo. Said yes as fast as I could. Total chat time was about 20 minutes. Will use chat again in 364 days! : )
Tried the chat got offered 99 all access plus taxes and fees but would not waive them. Then offered the select for 60 plus taxes and fees but would not send an invoice and ended up cancelling my service. Phone call would be better
Called to renew, high call volume, the automated service offered me the same deal as last year ($60/year for Select). With taxes and fees it was $72.84. Less than 5 minutes on the phone, never had to talk to an operator.
I used the Chat feature after receiving my renewal for Select at $16.99 a month. Told the rep that was too high and was offered the All Access for $99, which I didn't want. Asked for deals on Select and was offered $5 a month plus taxes and fees (just over $72). Took about 15 minutes.
I got the $60.00 per year, $77.00 with taxes, fees. Did both cars same time. One car was 12/24 expiration, the other was 1/10/21. first I was offered the $99.per year, don't know if it include fees, taxes. Glad I'm done for another year. Don't forget to mark your calendar The chat made it easier to be firm..
Just followed the advise here. Called 1-888-601-6302 and notified them unless I could renew at discount I could would need to cancel. I had to specifically ask for same renewal at $5 month ($76 annual with taxes) but eventually got the deal. Very helpful. Thanks