How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Same as everyone else...used the chat and got the $60 taxes renewal for the select plan for a year with no haggling at all. What a great change from the aggravating 20-30 minute calls I've had to make for the past few renewals. Easy as could be!
Just updated my plan through chat. They immediately offered 6 months for $30. When I asked for 12 months for $60, they said you have a have a credit card on file for that plan. And I will not allow any company to 'keep' my credit card on file, so I opted for the 6 months.
Wow - the online chat is great! Got the $60 plus taxes renewal, and they gave me back streaming. Last year they gave me Select Lite and took away streaming for the same $$. LOVE this method.
I tried the chat and was told no offers are currently available! I will trying calling as I have done in the past and see what happens. I've been a subscriber for 15 years and so annoyed.
Just renewed for $60 for 1 year. No hassle at all. Took about 10 minutes. I previously called every year. This was much easier.
Received Automatic Subscription Renewal Notice for All Access for a yearly renewal at $320.35. Used the SiriusXM chat function. Said that I would cancel if I didn't receive a better, less expensive deal. First offer was Select for one year at $60 plus fees and taxes. Responded that I wanted All Access. Next offer was All Access for $99 plus fees and taxes. Responded that taxes and fees were too high, and I saw that subscribers got cheaper deals recently. Final offer was All Access for one year and a free Amazon Echo Dot for $60 plus fees and taxes through what would have been an upgrade promo from Select to All Access. Sold. Took about 40 minutes. Great service from customer service representative.
Having to do this EVERYTIME I renew subscription is akin to placing burning straws under my fingernails. Lasst time I ave them my credit card they took the liberty of renewing me at $21 per month. I no longer give them a credit card. I have 3 radios that all renew at different ties ad they will not put them on at the same time. I really don't know why I even try anymore.
Just renewed and got the $60 plus fees for all access and an echo dot. Was just honest told them what I wanted and they agreed.
just renewed for $60 a year... they offered it to immediately when i went to renew and includes streaming
I had sirius radio 'Mostly Music' in my Toyota van for $13.34/month (including taxes). We were involved in an accident where the car was totaled. I then purchased a 2017 Subaru Forrester on February 2020 which came with free sirius for several months. I received a bill August for $15.50 for 'All Access' and a bill on September for $29.74 for one month 'All Access'. I never authorized any change for the existing subscription and therefore wish to cancel my subscription. Please confirm the cancellation as I certainly do not want to pay that much for the service.
Website gave me 5/month for one radio and chat got me 5/month and Echo Dot for 2nd radio
I went online and found the $60 offer. Called Siriusxm and told them I wanted to renew at that price. Claimed they could't do it despite my staring at it on my computer ! Wouldn't budge. Hung up, went online and renewed Sirius Select for 1 yr with taxes $72,.21
A question about Music Royalty Fee of $55 per year. Is that added to the $60 best rate that people are getting for a total of $115 per year?