How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I just got off the phone with them 5/22/20. My $60 six month deal was up. They quoted $130 for 12 mo. Told them to cancel. Came back with $41.04 for six months all access, plus a $2 invoice fee. I took it.
I clicked cancel and got the 12 months for $60. $5/mo not too shabby! Thanks Spoofee!! All in 5 minutes. Easiest it has ever been.
Called in and requested the 'select' for $60 for 12 months. Easily accepted. Very smooth process, finished in under 10 mins. Breeze. Thanks to all who posted.
Called today, 06/02/2020, said either $120 for All Access for $120 or cancel my subscription. 5 minutes after start of call, paper invoice coming for $119.85. Very easy today, usually some what longer BUT same result. Have to be serious about cancel comment. I would have cancelled if the deal had not been done.
Called and asked to cancel. They offered me the $99 deal. I gave them a couple reason I don't need the service and still want to cancel. They then offered the $60. Plus credited me my current month at the same price. Really simple, just annoying you have to go through this....
SiriusXM Select package was expiring in 10 days. No promos available through my online account. Did an online chat to ask for help with pricing. They offered Select package 12 months for $99. I asked for Select package at $60 for 12 months ($70.85 USD total for 1 year including fees). They accepted. They sent the confirmation agreement in the chat session. Thank you to the previous posters for the inspiration.
Went on chat. Stated I was looking for better pricing so I wouldn't have to cancel. He offered $99 plan. I said I had a friend who pays $60 for the year. He gave me the $60 deal. Made a show of 'checking to see if that is available' but took about 5 minutes. Also, my rate after the year is up is lower than what I am paying now by about $5 so that's good too.
Easy peasy. My trial subscription on my new car was expiring. I called and asked for the $60 Select package for 12 months. The CSR agreed with no hassle. The final amount with taxes and fees was $72.84.
I have a 6 month free trial with a new car that is expiring shortly. They sent me an offer for $4.99/mo for 1 year of Select, or roughly $60/yr. With taxes and fees, that number ballooned to $82.50--37% more! I declined. I tried hard to negotiate that number down and called 3 different times. They would not budge on the price. They also sent me an offer for 3 free months of All Access for $2 plus fees or $2.29, after which it automatically renews at $21.99/month. I'll take the $2 offer for 3 months, but no way will I take this service for $21.99/month. Has anyone taken this $2 for 3 month offer? I will take it if I can cancel before the 4th month starts. I think this is the end of the line for me and Sirius. Customers shouldn't have to work so hard for something!!!
So I just called them after seeing that they had charged me 28.30 for the last two months when I specifically asked for a paper statement. Right off the bat she offered me the 99 all access package which is actually cheaper then the 120 it had been the last few years. After double checking and making sure she said it right I clearly took that deal and she also prorated the card charges. Quick and fast call and I do it every year, just didn’t like they auto charged my card.
I called 1-866-635-5020 which is the same number I’ve called for years. This year I forgot to call before my renewal period but still got a great deal. When I call I don’t even play the game of cancellation as I tell the CSR I want a promotional rate as previous CSRs told me to call a day or two before the renewal period to request a promotional rate. I was offered the All Access package for $99/yr which in the past it was $119. Normally, I’m offered the promotional rate based on the previous year.
I just got off the phone with Sirius/XM and they tired to give me the all access plan for 12 months for $99 with fees which came out to $136.50 I said my budget could only afford $99 so they discounted all the fee. So got it for $8.25 a month for the premium package with internet access. They run their business like a flea market but as long as you can haggle with them for a cheaper rate it's fine with me.
Got my annual bill for All Access - $322.35. Started a chat session. Asked for a better deal. She offered $119 but could reduce to $99. I said I had heard about a 'Select' option that was less. She came back with $60/year plus fees for $78.35. Required a credit card - I wanted paper billing. Paper billing would be 6 months @ $30 which would mean going thru this again. I took the $78.
Thanks for keeping this up-to-date. Just called 1-888-601-6302 today: Provided them by XM Radio account number, told them upfront that I want to renew the XM Select package for the $60 for 12 months plan. (The rep tried a script for a higher package, so I stopped her after 10 seconds and repeated I wanted the $60 for 12 months. She processed that right then. Total cost came to 72.84 after fees and taxes. Used credit card on file. Done in 5 minutes. Wrote down calendar invite reminder to call back in 364 days to do the same thing.
You don't need to chat or call for CSR. Login into your account, scroll down at the bottom and look for 'I want to'. It's a pull down menu and pick 'cancel my subscription'. Additional screen will pop up, just continue to cancel your subscription and the final offer will show up. $99/yr all inclusive with video and Howard Stern, $60/yr all inclusive without video and Howard Stern, $30/6 month. I processed the $60/yr option today, 6/25/20.
Renewed via chat with SiriusXM and received the 12 month option of $4.99/month. Total pricing was $78.67 with fees and taxes. Thank you for the help.
Went to website, chose 'I want to' drop down and selected Cancel subscription. Menu automagically popped open a chat window. Told agent I wanted to cancel because I can't afford service. He offered to 'help me out' and went straight to $4.99/month for 12 months ($60/yr) for full access package. Done and done within 5 min. No fuss.