How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Received offer in mail. Pricequoted $5, per month @ 12 months. Ad says listen anywhere. I have home connection. If this includes hook up for auto connection sign me up. This is deal 106. Put charge on same card I used before if ad is good.
$60 for 12 months Select ($77.21 after fees and taxes). Took about 10 minutes to speak to 2 reps and listen to their higher offers. Love this forum, been doing this for about 10 years, always coming here first.
I've been getting select for $5.99 per month. It renews at $22 per month. Called and got the same rate no hassle. My wife is happy.
took about 18 mins and had to speak with a manager but she updated my 2 vehicles to the 12 months for $60 per car
Great info below. They charged me $28.30 per month after my new car service expired. Called today at got the 4.99 month deal for a year and they credited me the overage.
I renewed 2 vehicles. Vehicle 1:All Access for $99 per year plus taxes and fees. Total Price $119.85.

Vehicle 2: XM Select $60 per year plus taxes and fees. Total Price $72.57
Very happy to say that this process still works. My six month rate was finally done. I had to call in so it wouldn't increase to 6x what I'm currently paying. They tried to offer me the 'same' rate which was somehow nearly $20 more, so I didn't bite. They came back at me with a couple more offers before settling on the same rate I've been getting for the past year. $30/6months SiriusXM Select, $38.17 after taxes and fees. Thankfully I got a very kind and courteous representative this call. It took probably 15minutes less than last time.
It took 5 1/2 mins to get all access for $99. The music royalty fees were another $21.19 and that was it! This was the 4th year I've called and had no issue getting a better deal.
Just got a new car so transferred my balance from my old car's account to the new one and set it up to renew at a promo price in 3 months. I've found that you don't need to play the 'price is too high and I'm gonna cancel' game anymore. You can just quote a promo price that people have listed here and they will find it for you. I got the all-access for $99 per year plus taxes. I have been a subscriber since 2006 and I'm glad the promos keep getting cheaper!
I'm a Select package subscriber with 1 car.
1. offered $108 for 12 months
2. offered $96 for 12 months
3. offered $60 for 12 months but without online access
4. I asked if they could offer $60 for 12 months, but WITH online access. Was on hold for about one minute.
5. Success! 12 months with online access for $60 for 12 months. Net annual $72.44 for the year. Thank you for all these posts!
Called. Told her upfront I want the $60 for a year. She came back with $99. I politely said no I need the $60 per year or I'll cancel. She typed around and said...ok you are eligible for the $60 deal. $77 includes Taxes and Fees.
so glad I found this site. thank you. I ended up paying $78.50 for a year for each car. only had to speak to 2 ladies.
Is it necessary/better to call on the phone, or is an online chat equally effective? Anyone able to get a year of All Access for $60?
I just called to cancel my subscription and the guy automatically went to the $5 a month for 12 month deal total $ 6. 36 for a months for 12 months
I didn't do as well but received one year with streaming for $114.89
My Renewal was going to be $247.52!!
Just got off the phone with them. 2 vehicles, $60/year fees. Some shenanigans about a 'credit' we still owed (or something), but I said I was fine streaming Spotify and she did some more clicking and that was that. She was very nice.
*VERY POLITELY* I called in to inquire about a charge I saw on my credit card statement knowing full well it was the autorenewal. I [politely] explained it was too much for me to afford at this time - again, being NICE - then inquired about any specials that might be available. She offered the $99 'Premium' package, going through the full sales pitch. I thanked her and asked if there were any other options for non-premium service to which she immediately offered the $60/yr 'Select One' option. The entire call was well under 5 minutes. I valued my time more than the premium features I will not use. Last year I went the discount-me-or-I-will-cancel route and spent almost an hour on the phone, only to find my card was run for an incorrect amount so back on the phone I went. This was a far better experience today. (1 vehicle, 8 years of service). Hope this helps someone.