How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

$60 plus tax for a total of $63.xx for select with streaming for one year. Basically the offer I got via email but MINUS the royalty fees that would have made the $60 offer $78.

They wont wave the royalty fees at first but stick to your guns. They told me what royalty fees were and how the $78 was a huge discount. I politely told them that although I understood all of that $60 per year was what Sirius was worth to me and they could meet my request or I'd cancel. They eventually came back with $60 plus tax, which was fair.

Total time on phone 23 minutes, much of which was hold time.

And unless you're a Stern or NFL junkie I don't know why anyone would pay double for All Access. Those are the only two things lost now that Select has streaming, as far as I can tell.
My Subscription was ending 10/15. Asked for the 60/yr waiving Royalty fees and GOT IT! (I've been with Sirius for 14 years so it didn't take much convincing to get the deal.) Asked for the deal right off, person said 'yes the deal is available,' and was on hold off and on for around 8-10 mins and off the phone in 18 minutes after giving payment info. Did provide credit card # which I usually don't give them this (to prevent automatic charges), but the rep told me he will delete # right after charges go through. Hope so, but have reminder set for 9/30 next year when I will call in and renegotiate my renewal rate. Have been doing this for years. ALWAYS WORKS. Thx so much
TODAY: Requested renewal for 1 yr @ $60 tax, tried to add on additional for 'royalty fees' advised NOT interested in paying that extra fee, hold your ground. Ask them to waive it..... It works. I full year for $60 tax @ $64-out the door!!
Requested renewal of my All Access promotion (6 months, $49), but also asked them to waive tax & royalty fee this time. Been paying this for 6 years! Initially no go citing govt regulations. I insisted this was a deal breaker, got the usual “check with my supervisor”. Came back with “can’t waive fee, but will give you an equivalent credit. Bottom line, 6 months All Access for $49. Call took about 3 minutes.
wanted to take advantage of this program but can't. Just bought a new car and got a six month trial for $2.13. Three months free and three months for $2.13 all access. Can only buy a subscription after the 2nd block of three months starts.
One year select (single car and streaming) for $76,78, which includes taxes and fees. Maybe could have got them lower, but I'm happy with it.
One year select for $5.60 (including tax and fees). Mentioned I had been with them for over 10 years and just wanted the deal that others were getting ($60/year). She said okay and I renewed and was on my way within 5 minutes.
The $60 rate for 1 year subscription on Select is still valid but you have to use a credit card. They won’t allow billing on 1 year subscriptions. I refuse to give them my credit card as they will charge you the full rate if you don’t call before the expiration of your subscription.
Called as usual for a discount Since my promo was running out. After threatening to cancel They offered the same discount at $60 a year but had to pay tax and royalties (gave me a government mandated speech). I said my friend got royalties waived and it is unaffordable. Got the old supervisor hold and voila- $60 a year including royalties and tax! Total time was 10 mins start to finish. For years I never take their 1st or 2nd wonderful offer. When they say that’s the best they can do I tell them to cancel and the magical supervisor hold comes in and they give in each time.
I was able to get $60 Select for a year and no fees. You just have to be patient and negotiate kindly.
One year All Access with no royalty fees for $65.06 and less than 10 minutes on the phone.
I just got All Access renewal for 2 cars plus streaming on the computer or smartphone.

$175 for 12 months all in. It took 36 min on the phone but no supervisor was needed. I agree, you must be patient and negotiate kindly.

Very nice CSR in Philippines. Well done Sirius Company.
Thanks for the info. I was really going to cancel before reading this, but I also got the $60/year taxes rate after saying it was too much. Their first offer was $108/year. I feel like I should buy you a coffee or something for sharing this info!
It worked! After being a Sirius subscriber for approx 14 years I finally decided to search online to see if people were getting better deals than I was. Glad I did!

As usual I spoke with them a few days ago regarding my renewal which was coming up trying to get a better deal than the 'standard' one they send me every year. Got a 1 year renewal for Select(with streaming) for $60(including taxes/fees). This is about half what I usually pay. Very happy!
Got the $99 promotion on a renewal, with a discount based on the remaining time on my current plan because I mentioned this information. Thanks!
I just renewed my All Access for $120 plus the music royalty fees. I realize based on the discussions below I could have pushed for $99 or even $60. I thought about doing that, but I don’t mind them making money- I just didn’t want to pay the $320 full price they were going to bill me. I’ve very happy and marked my calendar for next year to do it again.
Paid $50 for 6 months of All Access (have an XM radio and it's the only way to get Howard). She said she couldn't waive the fees but I asked her to check with her supervisor and they were waived.
Their immediate offer was $40 plus fees for six months. A request to waive the fees was also granted almost immediately. No hassle.