How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Last year I paid $99 plus fees. This year I called up and tried for the $60/yr rate. Was told I didn't qualify for anything despite being a customer for 5 years. Asked to cancel , then we started to negotiate. I ended up paying $94.38 which included a dollar and change in credit and no royalty fees , which I was satisfied with. 15 minutes
Just called and told CSR too expensive and she immediately offered reduction of $100 less. Told her still too high and not in my budget. She offered to lower the one year annual fee of $60.00. Done by one rep with no transferring to mgr.
Was super easy.
I just called Call 1-866-635-5020. Told the CSR that 15.99/month was too expense.

She looked at the account. While that she was looking she asked what channel I like to listen. Then she said that doesn't matter because she can offer the same service for 60/year with fees. I said OK and got a month and a half credit since my old service extended to Oct. 30. I had to agree to pay 51.07 today to for 1 year of new service to Sept 19, 2020. Thanks you guys for all the info on this site. Cheers.
Got 1 year Select Lite for $60 $12.84 royalty. Did not realize that I downgraded from Select to Select Lite (no streaming) until after the fact. Apparently more negotiation could have kept Select, but not worth calling back.
Love it. Got 12 months all access for 116 including taxes and i got a free Alexa Echo... What a deal.
Thanks for all of these great tips! Just called Sirius XM (844-357-3713) and went from paying $393.04/yr for two cars (SiriusXM Select package) to paying $108.01/yr for same two cars!! Changed to SiriusXM Select Lite package which is car only (no streaming - which I didn't need). Also told them I thought US Music Royalty Fee was part of initial base price - so they waved that fee for me. Feel like a got a great deal!
20 Minutes yielded Select Lite $59.03 for one year with $.97 credit, no issue waiving the Royalty Fees, would not budge on streaming but I have never had it before so it was worth a shot, lower than last year's renewal so I am Very Happy !
Wow. Phone call for 5 mins and saved quite a bit. Wish I knew about this sooner. Thank you everyone!
Thanks for the tip about getting them to waive the Music Royalty Fee. So I got 1 year of Select Lite service for $60. I put it on my U.S. Bank cash VISA card which gives a 5% cash back on streaming services. I had cancelled my service but they sucked me back in again with this offer. Tough call whether it's really worth $5/month or not but I have a deluxe sound system in my Acura so SiriusXM actually sounds decent in my car.
I just 'downgraded to Select Lite. Afterwords I went to the streaming site and it still was working. I was wondering if there are fewer channels in lite or is it just no streaming?
Previously had a 6 mo All-Access promo for $49.99 plus tax and royalty fees. That promo came with a 'free' Echo Dot. Called in today as my promo ends on 10/4. Was offered several different options, including pretty much all what folks have posted here. Ended up with a repeat of my promo (yes, with another Echo Dot -- after previously being told there were no Echo Dot promos--ha!). This time, the rep waived the tax and royalty fees for this six-month promo. My total cost = $48.99 for 6 mos All-Access with Echo Dot. I've already marked my 2020 calendar for the next round. PS - the rep was very friendly and was happy to provide details of each promo and cost. it was a very nice call.
Got a one year deal for two radios “Select” for $85 for each car. This include streaming.