How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I asked for $30 for 6 months, he said how about $60 for 12 month. I'll take it
not as good as i'd like or as good as what i read here, but after lots of back and forth got $72/year select, which comes out to about $92/year after fees/taxes. i got tired and they were slower than usual with the better offers.
On the phone for 35 minutes... Finally got All Access auto and streaming for 1 year with a Echo Dot for 114.88 cents including a rebate for my existing service that would have expired in 15 days.
A quick follow up... I just posted that I got my 1 yr for 114.00

The guy came at me at least 10 times with different deals.

I just keep quoting the deals on this page until he agreed...

YAY Spofee
I just called and they said there were no promotions available. I mentioned the $30 for 6 months and they said I was not eligible. I said it was sad they treated new customers better than existing ones. They said call back later after I cancel and maybe I might find something I can afford. Gee-why did I not get the rep you guys got?
08-05-19 Monday -
Wow! Yes, I called them and they gave me $92 ALL ACCESS for 12 months down from $250 . . . Wow!
Just call in and ask for lower rate because you are thinking of cancelling to save money. (They have gotten too expensive.) It worked.!!!
What about the price with Traffic? How much? This 1-800-601-6302 still direct you to the Philippines call center tough.
8/6/2019 - Was hoping for quick and easy, but it took 30 minutes to get them down to $99.00 for 12 months of All-Access. With taxes and fees, total is $120.61, which I can live with.
We receied the notice in the mail today that my husband 90 day trial is expiring 9/7/19. I called and said I wanted the same plan that they offered me 12/2018 on my vehicle. She says they can offer all access for $152 for 12 months and I said NO I do not want to continue the service unless they give me the same plan and cost. The normal let me put you on hold and she came back after a couplwe of minutes sayibng she was validating then again and said he willo get 12 months for a total of $76.48 that it included taxes and royalty fees. She continues talking and says it doesn't include NFL, Nascar or Howard Stern so I interrupt her and say that I don't want it if it's not like the plan he currently has in his 90 day trial which includes those stations. Then she says she accidently over looked and they are included with the 12 month for $76.48. I said he still has 32 days on his trial and she said it won't be billed until 9/7/2019.
Okay that was easy peasy!!! :)
Took 25 minutes on the phone. I kept on insisting on $99 total for 12 months of All Access. Persistence paid off. $99 total... That's the cheapest I've ever gotten 12 months of All Access for. I think offering streaming in the Select package may devalue their All Access package. Thanks guys!
I just renewed All-Access for $120 / yr including fees and taxes. Their initial offer was $78 fees for 6 months. I eventually offered to renew for a year @ $120 all inclusive. Phone call took about 15 minutes.
difficult negotiation at usual phone number, no negation via chat, told them that I would cancel so transferred and was on hold for an hour for an account retention specialist, chatted to get a new number to call 888-601-6302 . . . and she almost immediately gave me the same deal that I had. Just takes time, don't give up or cave!
First offer was Select for about $10 per month, but it came with an Echo dot. No good for me. She asked how much I was willing to pay. Told her was hoping for something around $5 per month. Needed to talk to supervisor, so I was on hold for five minutes (while she talked to other customers, I'm sure). Came back with the $5 plan, but I couldn't get her to extend it to a year. Need to start there next time. But I did still get the Echo Dot!
My promotional subscription was supposed to end tomorrow, so I tried this in an attempt not to get price gouged. To my surprise, IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!

My previous subscription was for SiriusXM Select for $30 for 6months($38 after taxes&fees). And after that, it would have increased to $20/month(nope). First the rep tried to sell me on SiriusXM AllAccess for $12.99/month. Definitely wasn't going for that offer because on top of having more features than we needed, I'd still be paying substantially more for the service. Next offer was SiriusXM Select for $40/6months($60.77 after taxes&fees). Not a terrible deal, but I reminded the rep that I have both Amazon Prime & Xfinity that have their own music services that I could fall back on. Then after putting me on hold for a bit, he came back at me with SiriusXM Select Lite for $30/6months($37.95 after taxes&fees). It sounded good, but apparently they recently created this package level and it doesn't include streaming over phone/tablet/computer. I told him I'd already been using the app on my phone(I actually have!) and that I wouldn't be comfortable paying the same amount for less features than I was currently receiving. After a few more minutes on hold, the rep came back with the offer of SiriusXM Select for $37.95 for 6months(after taxes&fees). All of the features I currently have for the current promotional rate I had before. SUCCESS!

So I bit on the offer. Who knows how much lower they were willing to go. But with my current rate's end rapidly approaching, I certainly wasn't willing to test my luck. This was my first ever attempt at this. Thankfully, I had an amiable person on the line today, who was very kind and courteous. Good luck, everyone!

And thank YOU, OP, for this awesome information!
I let my subscription lapse two weeks ago when my annual terms ended (but XM kept it active for at least five days after I canceled). I called today and got $127 for all-access, an echo dot (which I don't need), but was happy with the terms. I live in CT, so the taxes may've been higher than some other posters below, but it worked and I'm happy with the new annual fee. Below is my post from 2 weeks ago:
Called today (my subscription ends on Wednesday, the 1st). The 'best' they could do for me was $151 with taxes/fees included for All Access (which I've had for the last year for $120). Told them to drop it but may call again in a few days. Will keep the group posted. With so much other stuff available via streaming for free, it became less and less of a priorty for me to listen to Stern or Jim & Sam.
I let my subscription lapse and canceled on August 2, but XM kept the account going for at least a week after I canceled. So, with a lapsed subscription and no access to XM, I tried again today (hey, what can I say, I ACTUALLY missed the 80's channel and LIMITED commercials) and asked them about current rates. After about ten minutes of 'negotiating,' and being put on hold and off hold and on hold again, they gave me an annual All-Access pass, with an Echo Dot for $127 (it includes taxes and fees, CT taxes may be higher than other posters below). I'm happy with that, it's only about a buck more than I was paying last year. This was my post from about 2 weeks ago: Called today (my subscription ends on Wednesday, the 1st). The 'best' they could do for me was $151 with taxes/fees included for All Access (which I've had for the last year for $120). Told them to drop it but may call again in a few days. Will keep the group posted. With so much other stuff available via streaming for free, it became less and less of a priority for me to listen to Stern or Jim & Sam.
I called 15 days prior to my All Access with Traffic, Navigation expired. Mentioned that travel will prevent me from calling in so would like to cancel everything. CSR mentioned suspending account for a month. I countered with possibly extending service if the cost was $5 a month in total.
The CSR offered the Select with Traffic and Navigation for $112/Year. I asked the difference with All Access and he stated, 'NASCAR, Stern and NFL with no streaming. I countered with cancel my account if you can't include streaming and the NFL(NASCAR and Stern Suck) The CSR put me on hold and offered the Streaming and NFL, NASCAR and Stern for the $112/Year. Paid and verified the deal online since I went with the paperless invoice and saved $2 for maximum frugality. The CSR is the key to making the magic happen. Go Seahawks!!!
Called 'em up and said hey brah, it costs too much. I've been a customer for 10 years. Got two cars for $4.99/ea for a year. $12.98 total monthly for a year. Took about 10 minutes or so.
I called the day before mine automatically renewed at over &200. When asked what I needed, I said cancel and got a representative right away. I said I was going to cancel unless they made me a cheaper deal. She said of course they would find me a deal. Then I said I’d heard of $60/yr deal for Select Lite with no streaming. She checked briefly and said yes. Whole deal lasted less than. 5 minutes. For the past 10 years, we have had to haggle and get transferred several times to get the $99 deal. This was amazing! I really appreciate this site’s help!
Just called and immediately indicated I wanted to cancel... thought they were going to take me up on it. She finally asked why and I told her it was too expensive and I was frustrated with the process of having to call and discuss prices each year. She offered me $108 for Select for the year. I told her I paid that previously but I was upset that I saw others were getting 1 yr for $72. She said, we have 6 months for $30 with Select. I replied, 'Can't we just extend that to a year for $60' She agreed (they don't always). Then, in check out she mentioned that I'd used my service for $19 for no charge. I told her I hadn't used and assumed it was cancelled on Aug 1 (um... why was I calling to cancel then- I wasn't exactly being logical here). I told her I didn't want to pay an extra $13 for part of August (that was them trying to slip in an additional charge). She accepted this and charged me $60 $12 in taxes/fees for a total of $72. I had to leave the CC on file. In past years at $99 or $108, i was adamant about a one time authorization. This time, I gave them a CC expiring in January. Hoping when I get my new card that the # differs. If not, I'll need to be extra careful next Aug so it does not auto renew at prevailing rates. I'm really tired of this dance. I think I've done this for 8-9 years. That said it works each time.
Don't get discouraged. Having done something like this for 8 years in a row, there is a system. You also have to be willing to hang up as well. If she would not have given me my deal, I would have said I need to think more about this and hung up. If you cancel I believe there it is harder to get the deals. I've never let this happen, but I've hung up once or twice and just called back. This works in several arenas in life. If you don't get the answer you want, try someone else.