How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Got 1 year of select for $60 plus fees. Usually can only get $30 for 6 months at a time. One of my easiest phone calls in years.
I called today.
1. Best offer is $72 fees and taxes for 1 year = $87.
2. $33 for 6 months plus royalty fees.
3. $30 plus royalty fees for 6 months only.
4. I then asked if he's sure I can't get that for a annual deal. Put on hold briefly, check with supervisor....and done at $60 royalty fee = $72.26. Same as last year's haggled rate for Select Plan.

I'm grateful to the posters here.
I just called them. Right away was offered the $25 for 5 months deal. Also I told them I was did not want to pay the $14 for the 'days used' and it was a deal breaker. She took it off. I have been doing this for over 5 years.
I got 1 year for $60 plus fees for both my cars and they gave me a free 3 month trial for both
just called and talked to Jason, he is AWESOME. I have been a customer for 8 it for $5.99 a taxes will be $7.27. I had put a second car on....gave me the same rate....1st time I called they wanted to charge me $10.99 for my car and more for 2nd car.... call back until you get what you my $5.99 rate for 12 months....THANK YOU for your advice
8 minute phone call and renewed for the $72 Total/Yr for the XM Select. I'm glad I won't have to do this for another year now. Time well spent!
I'm one of the CSR from Sirius xm.
Tip: Just be friendly. Be nice. Promotions can still depends on us. Even if its available we will not give it to you unless you're nice. You demand, we give. Don't say you want to lower the price - just say the magic word CANCEL because of the COST.

You're welcome.
Just got 6months all access plus free echo for $59.99 after taxes with no haggle at all. Very happy with that price...
called. got $5 a month for 6 months. Initially they offered $5.99 a month but I asked them for the $5 a month deal that I saw others got on this blog.
I've been calling every year since 2015 and getting all access, including streaming via the web for around $150 (give or take a few dollars) utilizing the number on this page. I called today and without any hassle my promotion was extended again. 126 for one year all access, 26.96 for music royalty fees and that's it! EZ..but you have to call and not use chat. Seriously, it took 10 minutes of my time, it's that simple folks! Sure, maybe I could have received a cheaper rate for 6 months, but I don't want to hassle having to call twice a year. See ya next year.
Dear Siriusxm, I have no interest in talking to 'bob' in the Philippines. or 'steve' in Mexico. Please setup in America or you can **** right off.
Just called and spoke with Ryan, a polite young man. I took the advice of one of the CSR's (in a comment below) and made sure I was nice too :-)

I originally had $60 for the Select plan for 1 year. I called and asked to cancel because of the cost too high, they tried to offer me $72 fees for one year. I mentioned that their website has a deal for $30 for 6 months, and I want that for 1 year (essentially, my same package but annually). They resisted initially, so I said 'then please cancel'... Oh wait! It worked, we can do that! :-)

So I got the same rate again for 1 year -- $60 $12.84 (US Music Royalty Fees) $9.94 (taxes) == $80.29. I STILL don't understand the tax breakdown, and spent about 10 minutes on the phone trying to get them to tell me how those taxes are calculated... No one seems to know! But it wasn't worth the hassle, so I just left it as is...

Overall, grateful for this site and the recommendations! Good luck everyone!
Was offered renewal of my intro streaming for six months at the same price ($32). Quick and easy.
Appreciate everyone taking the time to share their pricing.

Today after 45 mins of back & forth - worked with friendly overseas rep - finally agreed to:

Select $5/mo ($60yr), with taxes=$72.84. Traffic, $23.94/yr (inclusive of fees & taxes).

Without reading others feedback, I may have stopped @ $99/yr. Original auto-renewal was @ $270.82.

Started with XM in 2002, and have been playing the renewal game ever since. Looking back thru file, I've been disconnected 7x, service cancelled 2x (w/o consent) all because I continued to request a USA based rep and they refused so they thought they would stick it to me. Reinstating service took another full filled hour of aggravation. Every single phone call, without exception, I have been nothing but friendly and polite but that's only 1/2 of equation, it all depends on agent. Wish they weren't the only game in town. Dread renewal time.
I called and got the Select plan for one year for $60 plus royalties and taxes. Talked with Alexis, the same CSR that I spoke with last year. Last year was the first time I could negotiate a 1 year plan. I like only having to call and cancel once a year.
Just got a six month promotional rate of $66.49 for the all access package. That's 52% off of the renewal price of $125.49.
Took 32 minutes but got 60.00 per year per car plus taxes and fees = approx 72.00 each car total.
I just got off the phone. First offer $109.00 for 1yr taxes. I had first asked about discount promo $60 for year still being offered did not want to cancel. Jackie/Rep said let me tt supvr she returned saying she could give promo of $72 tax for 1yr. So I got 1yr Select for $85.47 for the year!!
Sirius All Access 1 Year $119.88 plus Music Royalty Fee.. Plus Bonus Free Amazon Echo Dot