Appreciate everyone taking the time to share their pricing.
Today after 45 mins of back & forth - worked with friendly overseas rep - finally agreed to:
Select $5/mo ($60yr), with taxes=$72.84. Traffic, $23.94/yr (inclusive of fees & taxes).
Without reading others feedback, I may have stopped @ $99/yr. Original auto-renewal was @ $270.82.
Started with XM in 2002, and have been playing the renewal game ever since. Looking back thru file, I've been disconnected 7x, service cancelled 2x (w/o consent) all because I continued to request a USA based rep and they refused so they thought they would stick it to me. Reinstating service took another full filled hour of aggravation. Every single phone call, without exception, I have been nothing but friendly and polite but that's only 1/2 of equation, it all depends on agent. Wish they weren't the only game in town. Dread renewal time.