How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

25 minutes on the phone. ... BUT, got most of what I wanted. 3 radios -- 2 select at 6 months for $30, 1 with all access at $99/year and Echo Dot. They initially offered me $99/year for the selects, but I got them down with patience. All access was originally $120 with an Echo Dot but I asked for $99 or said I'd cancel. I have no use for (another) Echo Dot but they threw it in anyway. see you back here in 6 months - thanks all.
Called two different times and talked to two different reps, neither would budge from $99/yr for the Select package. They would not give the 1 year for $60 deal.
Spent about 30 min on the phone. I renewed my All Access and Select packages for 6 months for a total of $82.19. For this price, I negotiated for a free Echo dot (3rd Gen) and had most of the royalty fees waived via a credit. So, to get to this total price, a 'supervisor' first approved a $20 credit that the customer service agent could apply to one of the subscriptions. So, the deal worked out to be: Select = $38.28 - $20 credit = $18.28. All Access = $63.91. Total for 6 months = $82.19 (includes taxes) with the Echo Dot. Incidentally, the 12 month deal they offered was for about $179 without the Echo Dot. Assuming I can get the same 6 month deal when I renew in 6 months, I figure doing it this way snagged me an Echo Dot for about $6. Not bad considering the 3rd Gen Echo Dot goes for $50 bucks on Amazon.
minor correction on my post. If I can renew at the same price of $82.19, then I'll come out way ahead of the 12 month rate they gave me for $179. $179 - $164 = $15. And when you factor in the $50 3rd Gen Echo Dot, I'm coming out $65 ahead. Seems like you can get a better deal if you negotiate for 6 months vs. 12. I think its because they have a plan to automatically renew you at a very high rate after 6 months, and they are hoping you'll forget to call back and renegotiate. I put a reminder on my Outlook calendar so I don't forget.
Just got the 6 month select package for $45. Didnt really feel like haggling lol
When I call to try to cancel they offer deals. Don't tell them you want to lower your rate, tell them you want to cancel. If they don't call back and talk to someone else.
Called and they offered $50 for 6 months of all access. I wanted 1 year but they wanted $120 plus fee. I canceled.
Did the $6 Mo for 6 Mo promo on the select plan Sept 18 from a mailer they sent. Got them to honor it for 12 Mo when they had new promo Dec 18 on other inactive radio. Provided my credit card for PIF. Immediately went into my account online and swapped the payment method to our medical spending account Visa card. It allows the $1 preauthorisation but refuses all charges Unless they are from a medical provider. Now it will expire without ever charging the inflated rate. My other car has the no longer offered lifetime membership for $375. That was a good move in 2007 eh?
Package = $119.88 Royalty Fee = $25.65 Taxes = $10 plus fee Echo for All Access 12 months
just renewed 3 vehicles at $60 a year each for the select package, with time, patience and negotiation skills. Saw these postings what others were paying so I went with it. good luck.. don't get what you want call back and get someone else.
At first they claim there are no specials, can only renew at $149 for 6 months. Told them I want to cancel. Says they will talk to manager, and what do you know, they can give me the 6 months for $45, including bs fees. Just like dealing with a car dealership. They go to talk to the 'manager' and actually are just stalling hoping you will change your mind
I got a notice in the mail that my subscription was overdue and I was going to lose my service if I didn't act soon. I went to my account online and noticed they had already given me a balance of almost $21/month for Select Services. My service is in a company car that isn't used that much. So I called and told them truth. I mentioned that I had been a customer for the past year on a new car that I had purchased for my business. I told them that my secretary really enjoyed the subscription, but since my account was scheduled to be billed $250/yr for the same subscription that I got for WAY less during the past year that I had just decided to cancel my subscription. I told Listening Care that the car is just not used enough to justify that cost. The Listening Care Representative promptly offered me $72 for the next 12 months, Royalties Tax, connection etc., wanted me to pay my balance also. I just nicely said that I if he wanted to split the past month fees with me, start the subscription today, add tax, royalties, etc. That it sounded like it would be close to $100 and for that amount I wouldn't argue with him and I would re-up. Total amount all included was $100.60 I didn't even wait for a second offer or try to complain, for me this was a good enough offer. I tried to be nice and pleasant and the Customer Care Representative was very nice in return. Put me on hold for less than 15 seconds to get authorization. Complete duration of the call was less than 10 minutes. Good Luck, Be nice it helps. Saved 1-1/2 Benjamins in less than 10 minutes. Have a Great Morning.
I have noticed a few people who posted their frustration because Chat would not deal with them. I specifically asked the Chat person if he had ability to make me a deal. He indicated that he could only offer me the deal that is listed on the website. Don't use Chat to try to make your deal. You have to make the call.
I just got $30.00 for 6 months select with streaming. Initially they offered me 120.00 for 12 months which I declined and he quickly offered me $30.00 plus taxes and fees bringing the total to 36.00.
Just renewed for $30 for 6 months, after about 20 minutes of SPECIAL offers being presented to me. I finally told them I knew someone that got 6 months for $30 fees and taxes, and that is what I wanted. After 5 minutes on hold while she talked to her manager, she came back with the deal. This was each for 2 cars, then they asked if I want an Echo Dot for $20, and I said sure, since I don't have one.
I've been with Sirius XM for over 6 years, and I play the renewal game with them everytime I have to renew. I call, and always get the All-Access for $119 for the year. With tax and royalties, it's about $140.00 for the year. Then, I pay with Sirius XM Gift Cards that you can get at Best Buy. I learned early on to NEVER, EVER, give them a credit card.
The All-Access plan is nice because I can listen, not only in the car, but on my Amazon Echo, my phone, and on the computer.
I wonder what's going to happen now that Pandora is part of their company now....