How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

It took a fair amount of work but I kept insisting on the $99/yr plan plus fees and taxes for all access with one vehicle. At first he told me that was a special for the last two weeks of December. After being on hold for very short periods of time, it worked out. I also will get the free echo dot but who needs that thing spying on me. :)
Received the $60 annual rate as well. Off the phone within 5 min of calling. Thanks for the info
Just called and after some haggling got 6 months for $29.94 plus fees. They wouldn't offer the 1 year for $60 but this is basically the same thing
Was told the all access with free echo dot was over. I said cancel, they transfered me to another sales person. I got all access for $120 fees and a free echo dot. I should have argued for the $99 price tag but I was already on the phone for 10 minutes and wanted to get off.
Was told the all access with free echo dot was over. I said cancel, they transfered me to another sales person. I got all access for $120 fees and a free echo dot. I should have argued for the $99 price tag but I was already on the phone for 10 minutes and wanted to get off.
I did as you said. I feel like it is anything goes. I was quoted $6.00 a month for 12 months. Plus fees. Came to $7.76. Who knows what I really could have done. I did agree to this price. They refunded a portion of a previous month charge. 1-23-19
They was charging me $232.94 a year which included $41.06. They were placing this on my credit card and did not informe me of the increase of $132 a year. Stay away from these criminals. I called and they would give me a price and would increase it on the final price (negotiated). Just cancel and youse your phone! They will stick it to me from experience.
They refused to honor the $60/year offer as of today. Jan. 28, 2019. Said it was a promotional deal from the holiday season.
$64 and change still good for 6 months of All access with a free Echo dot. Came off a $99 /year of Select. They also forgave an outstanding balance of $20.88. Not a bad deal!!
I got a jerk on phone after new trial they charged my account. without permission would not deal
Jan 31, 2019 The offer is now for a monthly fee that comes to about $120/yr. Had 1 year for $60 fees but was told $60 wasn’t available. Got $30 fees for 6 mo. Seems like an annual is available every other renewal. Sirius would love for you to miss your renewal and automatically hit you with the extremely higher fees. Don’t be late in renewing!!
Called 1-866-635-2349 told them I wanted to cancel because my prior promotion was expiring. They offered me 5 months at $25, so accepted that. Done in under 10 minutes.
Just got all access with a free Echo for $60 with fees and taxes for 6 months. It took 15 min with hold times. They didn't want to do one year all access for $99 plus fees and the echo and I just wanted to get off the phone. I prefer all access to stream online and on my phone.
Just got off of chat . They wouldn't offer anything besides going to a lower package . This company is a JOKE !!!!
Just called and renewed All Access for $49.99 for 6 months / $8.33 per month. 12 months was more expensive and they needed a credit card to keep on file. Always have them send you an invoice and ask for the invoice fee to be waived. Was told the free Echo was only for new users so they wouldn't give me.
Just got $66 for a yr pls taxes and fees came to $79 and change. Took 10min including me holding for a rep. I did Select not all access
Did the chat on line- they offered $99/12months for Select but would no longer honor the $60. I did not renew- will wait and see if I get a better offer in the mail.
I just haggled and got the all access for $99 for the entire year with all fees and invoice cost waived.