How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Wow, easy this time (been with them 7 years and refer back to this page twice a year to check in). Said I wanted to renew all access at current rate of $50 for 6 months. Immediately said they could do that he added in the amazon dot.
Subscription expired 12/1/2018. Just got an offer in the mail for $99 for 36 months ( tax & fees). Total came to $117.91.
Ditto others at $60 for 12 months for Select. Quick and easy. One offer prior for $129 but when I told her I heard about the $60 offer, she came back with it right away. Thanks so much for the info...wish I had researched this before I renewed at $$$ last year!
Stupid me forgot to cancel but fortunately I had used a 1 time credit card # so I wasn't automatically charged $185/yr.for Select.
Called, told agent I was canceling because of price, took about 15 min. but got 12 months for $76.46 all taxes and fees included PLUS waived the fee for the three days of service after agreement ran out. Most of the time was on hold while they figured out what to charge for 3 days of service. Wasn't as hard as it sounds.
I just called, was on the phone for awhile, I transferred my old subscription from my old car to my new one, ( I have three free months on the new car adn one month on the old one) I told them If they had the $60 for the year I would resubscribe. After talking for a while, I got transferred and $60 for the year. I did only want the Mostly Music Package. I'm happy!
Okay boys and girls.

I have been a subscriber for about 16 years and had been paying regular rates of about $150.00 per year, until today. After reading your reports and following the script with siriusXM on the phone I was able to obtain the $60.00 annual rate (plus about $15.00 in fees). Thanks for the help. Now back to the Mad Dog afternoon show.

never have paid more than $5 month (at beginning, used to get $25 for 6 months). Over years have gotten $30/6, $25/5. Last year I got $60/12 month. Even though the 'promotion' email now is reading 12 months for $6 a month starting in January 2019, yesterday I called and demanded the 12 month for $5 month plan they were advertising throughout 2018. They gave it to me without hesitation when I said I'd cancel if they didn't. Was on phone less than 10 minutes for them to look up account, verify everything, and sign me up for year.

Royalty fees and taxes will probably push your 1 year bill into the $75 or so range for 1 year--ever since they upped the music royalty fees a few years back.

They key is to say you'll cancel...
They wouldn't give me the 1-year for $99 all-access package but they did give me 6 months all access for $62.18 including all taxes and fees, plus a free amazon echo.
I hate to deal with SiriusXM but I do it thanks to your website. They wanted to basically charge me $340 for two radios for 12 months. I followed your formula, as I have done for the past several years, being careful to be polite and respectful to the poor agent on the other end of the line who is only trying to make a living and has a 'procedure' to follow. It took some time - maybe 20-30 minutes but I stuck to my story and eventually ended up with the $60 fees/taxes for 12 months for each radio. I did have to pony up with a credit card number unlike the invoice-payment I have gotten in the past. I'll just either renegotiate next year or cancel the credit card so the charge won't go through.
Just called and renewed at $60 annual rate plus fees (promo for new subscribers advertised on their website). This promo required my credit card. Previously paid a $2 invoice fee for check payment. Oh well - just means I must call before renewal date and do this all again so they don't charge me full rates. Super easy call this year and the agent was very friendly and helpful.
I have Select. Old plan expired which was six months for $30. They offered the same thing. I asked to extend it to a year and was offered $60 for one year plus about $15 in fees. I told them I would only pay $60. She spoke with her manager and came back at a flat $60 for on year. Was hoping for the $99 for three years but happy with what I got.
Got all access for 6 months for $49.99 plus fees (59.54) but they wouldn’t throw in the echo dot unless I put a credit card on file, which I won’t do. I tried two different reps and got the same response.
Just called, requested pricing and they offered me $71.88 fees for 12 months. I mentioned the $60 a year rate listed here and they gave it to me. Thanks spoofee!!!
Just a quick tip.
Every credit catrd has a function to create a temporary credit card. When I renew, with a phone call of course, I give them a credit card number that has a three to six month expiration date. Check on your credit card website.
Just got all access for 6 months at $50 with free amazon echo dot. I asked for it and they gave it to me.
OK...SO...I told them up front that I've been a customer for 14 years and know they game they play. Told them I wasn't going to go through that game of being transferred to various agents, put on hold, etc. etc. etc. Told them I wanted to pay $110. INCLUDING ALL TAXES AND FEES, including $2. invoice charge for my TWO cars for one year (to be clear...that's $55. per car per year). She put me on hold to 'check' to see if she could get approval.

She came back and said she would need to get my credit card number in order to provide my request. I responded that I do not give my credit card number over the phone, and that was MY last offer to THEM...take it or leave it! This puts YOU, as their CUSTOMER in the driver's seat!

Then...she says I have a $4.20 remaining balance on my account! I told her that's not the case...that I paid my entire invoice in full which I have in front of me! I told her my expiration date is yet two days away, so there's no way I owe them anything (actually they owe ME for two days' service)! She said she would adjust that amount off. I assured her that they were overcharging on a contract. She adjusted it without further comment.

Thus, I paid $110 for TWO cars ($55 each car) for ONE year, including all fees and taxes.

I told her I was recording the entire call (which I was).

You're welcome!
I checked my account this morning and saw that I was being charged $20 per month. I love Sirius but this was a bit too much. I found this page and tried exactly what it says. I did not wait on hold for more than 30 seconds. I told the guy that I want to cancel because the cost is too high. Without hesitation, he immediately offered me a promotion of $10 per month for the next 12 months. Cut the price in half and it took no more than 5 minutes altogether!
$60.00/year fees/taxes for a total of $76.84. We've been subscribers for several years, and this is the cheapest rate we've ever gotten. Thanks everyone.