How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Was offered $99 for the select package, and asked about the echo with the all access for $99 for a year and they approved it without much effort. Tks for the post
Just called to get my auto-renewal setup for $99/year. I didn't even have to ask for the promotion. The agent offered renewal at $99/year beginning now. I am 1 month from my renewal date so they issued a $10 credit.
They only glitch is that my renewal date is going to be December 12 instead of January 15 now.
All in cost to renew today is $107 (incl. music royalty fee and service fees, and $10 credit).
couldn't get the CSR name the english was poor but friendly, had the select plan for $99/year got the same offer but after taxes came to 127 I told it was alittle too high and she asked her supervisor on hold for a few secs then brought it down to 115 I also asked to waive the invoice fee and placed on hold for less than a second and got that as well, the call lasted 10 minutes
Worked as promised.

In my case I did a 'Chat', 2 weeks before old contract expired. . I specifically asked for 'cheapest rate that included NPR' He gave me $10.99, THEN when the email contract came through, they added $2.13 for us license!

Called the number listed here, told her I was very disappointed. “Then” she found a (TaDa!) Promo rate, with literally 25% more stations, for HALF the price

Very helpful post spoofee

Happy Camper

Ad Free, EXCEPT for their own ads! Really appreciate when a serious instrumental is interrupted with some gritty voice hawking the 'Sirius NFL package'
Thank you for this tip. My renewal was 12/24 and just called. After being on hold for 5 minutes, the CR was very friendly and as soon as I mentioned the $99 dot promotion, she offered it. From $286 to $108 (after pro-rating) in less than 10 minutes. And the CR even reminded me that I can request another promo before the next renewal. Thanks.
These guys are all over the map with their pricing. Last year I negotiated my package down to $130. This year Siriusxm Canada wants $245. I spoke with CSR. She could only give me package discount 25%. I asked to be transferred to the Loyalty department. THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO TALK WITH! Got 1yr. for $145. Still too much in my opinion, but whatcha gonna do?
I just called. I was on AA at $25/mo. Asked for and got a year with the Dot for $99. Best 5 minutes I've spent in a while!
This is the first time in 8 years. I have had to decline their offers. Usually they give me the good ones right off the bat.
I keep telling them to cancel until they agree to $60 for 12 months, been doing that since 2016.
Why would anyone want this? It is mostly advertising. I don't pay to listen to ads.
I have 2 cars - both with XM. I paid the $60 for 12 months this past year.
After reading comments on, I called one day before my renewal date. After a polite opening to the conversation, I simply stated 'My renewal date is tomorrow and I am hoping to renew at the same rate as this past year. If I can't get that rate, I will have to cancel.' After giving me the ol' 'let me check to see what I can do' etc, I was informed that I could renew for $60 for 12 months again! Total call took 5 minutes.
I called and immediately got offered $4.99/mo for 12 months for Select service. Total with fees and taxes $77.23 for the year. Seems that this close to Christmas they aren't messing around!
After reading this, got the All Access for $99 (after taxes and fees $117.91, exactly as another writer said) including the echo dot (link sent to my email that I have to claim) today (Dec 17, 2018), and fees waived so far that I had accumulated since my subscription auto renewed at high rates a month ago. Thank you all for letting me know about this. Call took about 25 minutes. I let them make me two higher offers before I stopped them and told them what I wanted.
I just renewed my SiriusXM select for 12 months @ $60 plus fees. I had to decline two offers first then basically told them I would only renew if they matched my promo rate from last year. I was put on hold so 'they could talk to their manager.' Then they came back and said yes. It only took 5 minutes for the whole transaction.
I just called and same as below - declined two offers put on hold and got the 'holiday' promotion for 12 months at $60.00 they were very polite and it was not hassle.
Just called and got 6 months Select for $35.66 including fees/taxes...wouldn't give me the $60 for a year without having a credit card on file. There's no way in hell I'm putting my credit card on my xmradio account after hearing horror stories of other subscribers who had to fight to get their cards credited. Took 5 minutes...I call every six months and negotiate a deal.
Operator kept telling me taxes went up yesterday and were giving me $80.31 and I kept on asking to cancel unless given the 1 year for $77.23 like in the comments below inclusive of all fees like my friend got yesterday, they kept putting me on hold and going to a supervisor and finally agreed. Key Word (repeat what do I have to do to Cancel).
All Access. $99 plus fees for year. Includes echo dot. Took 15 minutes from time I asked that account be cancelled and rejected several sub par offers until finally offered $99 deal. If agent does not offer to deal with you, hang up and call back.
Thanks for the tips! I just renegotiated my 2 year plan from $457 to a one year deal at $60 plus tax for a total of $71. Sirius also gave me the same deal for my second car that was renewing in March and prorated my bill. It took about 30 minutes, 4 offers and 2 reps for a 75% discount. I mentioned I knew they were offering these deals you all referenced here. Happy Holidays!