How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

11/3/18 just got the 6 months for 29.94 $5.74 in royalty fee-I also added on Nav Traffic for $11.97. Was offered the $60.00 for 1 year but Nav Traffic would only be for 6 months, soo I would still have to call ever 6 months so I did not take the annual plan (with credit card)
Just offered 6 months for $30, he had to 'ask his manager' then when he came back approved I asked if he could just do 1 year for $60 so I didn't have to call back in 6 months. After another hold to 'ask his manager', approved.
11/3/18 just got the 6 months for 29.94 $5.74 in royalty fee-I also added on Nav Traffic for $11.97. Was offered the $60.00 for 1 year but Nav Traffic would only be for 6 months, soo I would still have to call ever 6 months so I did not take the annual plan (with credit card)
I just got off the phone with them, after a fairly rude interaction with the Cancellation Agent, I was able to get the year for $105 Canadian for XM Select. Initial Auto Renewal was for $267, their first offer was for $202, I declined and asked to cancel, got sent to the Retention Department, who first offered $186, then I said still too much, she then said $143 which is what I had paid last year, I said it wasnt worth that much to me anymore and that I know of many others (on here and otherwise, that got it for better rates) and she gave me a speech about how the Sirius XM site is the only official site and started to lecture me about the same. I politely told her that I felt she was being rude and that I wanted the $5.99 a month rate or to please cancel. She went to her manager and came back with that rate approved, plus taxes and fees, hence the $105 total.
I just called and asked to cancel my subscription which was set to renew at $228.53 for Select after the 1 year promo. By refusing the first two offers the rep made, I was then offered a price of $5.94/mo for 1 year, or $71.28 for the year. That call was well worth 10 minutes!!
Called in today, the agent stood his ground told me there are no current promotions and I could downgrade to Mostly Music if we did not feel like paying the full rate, I kindly told him no and if that was the case we would most likely be canceling, he didn't blink. I have a few days until my subscription is up so will be calling back again.
I just got all access for 6 months and a Amazon echo dot for $58.94 total

Would have preferred a 1 year subscription but that would have been 148

So I will call back in 6 months
11/6/2018: My promotion was about to run out in a couple of days and would go to $21.57 for the Standard service. I tried the chat feature and that didn't work. I called the main number to cancel and was offered $38.85 for 5 months (taxes and fees included). I accepted that offer. The rep I spoke with says that the promotions vary from time to time and by vehicle as well. 2014 Mazda 6 GT is what I am driving (came with an Sirius XM radio).
Just renewed 12 months of Select for $87.28 from Nov. 7, 2018 to Nov. 15, 2019 for $87.28 inclusive of all service, fees and taxes. Simply told them renewal price was too high and they automatically offered $87.28. Was unable to get offered better deal.
just renewed again. last time the deal was 4.99 plus fees. comes to 6.35 a month for 12 months.
when renewing this deal they said it was not available. they would finally settle for 5.99 a month plus fees. I threatened to cancel, but asked for someone above the CSR who could do that deal.
2 minutes later I got my 4.99 a month plus fees for 12 months.
I hate this company for turning these transactions into used car experiences. but you can still get 4.99 a month for 12 months if you are firm. but be ready to settle for 5.99
also, this is mostly music, not the full plan, but in the last year I have found nothing missing from my package.
I called and just kept saying that Spotify was 5 dollars for a student and that I could control the music I listened to/create personal playlists. Kept arguing and stating that they keep saying I’m getting the best price when I clearly haven’t been if it keeps decreasing....until I got a deal for 6.33 a month for 12 months with a reminder 2 months beforehand to renew the promotional price.
Thanks! I got a reduced rate of $5.99 per month, $7.63 per month after taxes for 12 months. I am happier...
you guys are awesome for sharing!! I just got 1 Year for $60 plus fees and taxes = $76
I appreciate you posting this!!!!
Just called. I said I got my renewal notice, but it's too expensive and need to cancel. The rep said he had multiple offers to tell me about.
He first gave me a $109 12 month deal, but I said that I had friends that were only paying $60 for 12 months and that's about all I could afford.
He paused for a few seconds and then agree to it.

That's even better than last year :)
Just called and they gave me the same promotion I was on - 5 months for $25. Putting a reminder in the calendar to do this again.
I just got a full years of premium select package for $60 plus taxes ($71.46) and they waived the $14 that I owed for service used beyond my previous plan (ignored the renewal until they cut me off). (I tried to get them to lower the rate to adjust for taxes, but they couldn't -- so I asked for a better plan for the same price! They said 'okay'. I can cancel anytime and get a pro-rated refund if I want. ('If I trade truck in, etc.') They said that it will renew automatically at the full rate if I don't call back next year before it renews and be charged to my credit card. Note to self: Have card reissued with a different number before next year!
You guys rock. I've done this before, but today was the best:

I just got a full years of premium select package for $60 plus taxes ($71.46) and they waived the $14 that I owed for service used beyond my previous plan (ignored the renewal until they cut me off). (I tried to get them to lower the rate to adjust for taxes, but they couldn't -- so I asked for a better plan for the same price! They said 'okay'. I can cancel anytime and get a pro-rated refund if I want. ('If I trade truck in, etc.') They said that it will renew automatically at the full rate if I don't call back next year before it renews and be charged to my credit card. Note to self: Have card reissued with a different number before next year!
They told me the $25 a month is for new customers. I did manage to get it for 7.13 a month for 12 months, that's not bad.