How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Was offered $109 for 12 months, then $99 for 12 months, then 6 months for $33 (sold!).
I always write down the persons name and use it often in your conversation.
I told them I've been with xm for ten year, I'm retired now and their rate is too high. I don't want to go to Pandora. Can you help me out with this problem? Steven gave me $5 per month per car and internet. Fees where extra. He just call back in six months and we'll give you the same deal. that's when I asked for a year.

In the past I have always called to cancel and have ended up with 5 months for $25 or 6 months for $30. I went to cancel the other night and had trouble reaching somebody in person so I went to the online chat to try to do it. They offered me $10.99 a month but I told them that was too much. They said they would get somebody else to help me and that person came on and told me my account was cancelled. I was totally surprised!! Today I signed into my account and they are offering me 6 months for $30 to reactivate!!. A lot easier than dealing with somebody on the phone.
Similar experience for me. Offered $99 (plus fees/taxes) for 12 mo. Told them I still wanted to cancel. Offered their 'best' rate of $30/6 mo plus fees/taxes - total 35.66 for 6 mo. Note that when you accept, the new subscription period starts immediately and your subscription will run 6 or 12 months from today, not from the end of your existing subscription (unused days are credited to the amount you owe)
Similar experience for me. Offered $99 (plus fees/taxes) for 12 mo. Told them I still wanted to cancel. Offered their 'best' rate of $30/6 mo plus fees/taxes - total 35.66 for 6 mo. Note that when you accept, the new subscription period starts immediately and your subscription will run 6 or 12 months from today, not from the end of your existing subscription (unused days are credited to the amount you owe)
THANKS!! Got the same $30/6 month deal....took 4 times objection but well worth the 13 minute conversation!! started at over $200/yr
she started at 6 months $36, continued to work her and finally get her to give the 6 months $30, so always keep pressing them for best,
My subscription for Sirius “All Access” was jumping from $136yr to $299.99yr for the renewal at the end of the current promotion agreement. So I called, and stated that I wanted to cancel my subscription. I was immediately offered a new promotion of $13mo with no changes to my current service. Easy savings!
Complicated because my current subscription doesn't end for another six weeks. Had to have them convert their prorated answers back to the full cost answer. Got them to $160 for the year for all access, but kept sounding non-committal. 'Anything shorter? No, would really like all access.'

After checking, the agent found a prorated deal for $44 for six months that translated into the $64.31 deal for six months with fees and taxes. Negotiating has never been so much fun.
Called 9-23. Got the 6 month rate of $40.67 including all fees. I can play their game every 6 months. Beats the original fee of $159.07 for one year.
Called 9-26 and after refusing their offers about 4 times I got it for $5.99 a month, $7.13 with fees but they also gave my account a $20 credit, so I get almost 3 months for free so am paying $65.56 for the year or $5.46 a month.
CSR was adamant about the 'best promotion' being:
$49.99 for 6 months or $117 for 1 year with *all access*
this didn't make sense to me and we talked in circles until finally I gave up after asking a number of times to be transferred to customer retention or to cancel the service. had to cancel as the offers listed on this site are for the select package only.
It has never worked for me, they are terrible , they give a hard time every single time I call them.. I have had the service for 5 years. I will not be renewing again. My brother called 2 days before me, he got 6 months for $35. They told me no deals. The service cost me $79.00 for 6 months all music nothing else. I don't know what kind of game they are playing. I'm tired of it.
Mine expires in about a week. I chatted and threatened to cancel and the lowest they could go was $10.99 a month for music only. I called the number and was very nice but started off the call by saying that I didn't want to Auto renew I needed it to cancel the day before because I couldn't afford it. They immediately offered me $5.99 a month for 6 months for the select package I originally had
I honestly was going to cancel service. Too many commercials and repetitive programming. Bill was for $229.56 for a year. I said cancel he offered $131. I said nope and he changed to $44.79 for six months. Will see what happens in March 2019.
Got the invoice for $226.18 in the mail and called --- nice rep --- he easily changed to $99 per year plus taxes = $118. I don't want to do this every 6 months so the 1 year plan works. I don't like to let them have my credit card on file so I just give it to the rep once a year and that seems to work.
Have done this for over 3 years. It’s a pain to have to call every 5/6 months but I set my calendar put 15 minutes aside and play their game. The trick for me is that I’m actually willing to cancel. I hate SiriusXM, way too much talking and ads for paid radio. I have premium Spotify and pandora which I love.
I do SirusXM for the wife.
Either way I call... tell them I want to cancel, WAAAYYY too expensive. (All which is true) at this point they see my account and just offer me whatever the lowest price is. If I ever got a mean CSR I would as for their manager. Just know what the going deal is on your package you want BEFORE calling. If you try to talk down below it you will most likely have your subscription cancelled.
All of this seems way too involved for ads and talking that I pay them for... but it’s time/money there’s plenty of people paying full price.
Absolutely painless renewal… called, said I wanted to renew with better rate- expires in 2 days. They offered 5mo @ $28, 12mo @$85 (fees & taxes not incl). I asked for 6mo @$30 and lady said no problem. Total came to $35.28 with fees & taxes for 6mo- credited my 2 remaining days, taking me to 1 Apr 2019. Fantastic experience. My last 5 renewals have been good experiences. My commutes are so much better with Sirius XM! -Rick