How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I have All Access and went to renew for six months with one month left on the current subscription. I previously paid $49.21 and the fees were waived. Today, with one month left, I spoke with two people and the best offer was $50.00 plus taxes and fees of $9.55. I passed and told them to cancel when the current subscription ends. They gave me a confirmation code for the cancellation. Hard nosed today, but maybe that will change the day before or of cancellation.
Just called and got $25 for 5 months. Credited me $3.59 for time left on original subscription. I added car #2 for an additional $25 for 5 months. Couldn't get her to waive taxes and fees, so total is $31.55. I'll take it.
My first call to renew All Access for 1 year: Person wouldn't budge on the insane $299 annual price! I said 'last chance before I hang up and cancel' and he still didn't budge! So, I said 'make no changes to my account, bye!' hung up, immediately called back the other number 866-635-5027 and got someone better. I told her I'll keep it simple: Want to renew all access for 1 year for equal or lower price than I paid last year. She got me 1 year for $118 NET (includes fees. $20 less than I paid last year). I had to use 'one time payment' credit card and she promise this will not auto-charge next year (doesn't matter as the card will be expired by then anyway). So I was happy with the second call. If you get someone unreasonable, just say 'Make no changes to my account, I'm hanging up now, bye!' and the call back another number or same number and try someone different.
Called and said 'I need to cancel because my renewal price is too high' the Customer Service Rep was very helpful and offered me a couple of packages. I politely declined and told him they didn't compare to what i previously paid ($35/6 months) he came back and told me he could give me the same promo $35/6 months for XM Select. I have to put a reminder to call back in 5.5 months or else they charge me a jacked up renewal rate! Thanks Spoofee :)
Tried to get the $99 deal or would cancel...after many many talks with his supervisor ..they cancel me...on well
I called to get better pricing and they would not budge off the 119 a year for all access. no 6 month offer. told them to cancel when it was to expire, I let it expire and after a few days tried the promo below with the echo dot and it worked.
My previous 6-month plan ($49.99 tax/fees = $63.72 total) was to expire tomorrow, so I called to cancel the service, which would otherwise roll to an automatic $25.88 monthly renewal rate. I was first offered a 6-month plan for a total of $68.80. I asked if there was a better offer for a 1-year plan, but the representative couldn't find one. Instead, he said he found a better 6-month deal at $49.99 , or $63.72 total, which is same as expiring plan, so I accepted. Good enough. What a game!
No 6 month plan avail for me and couldn't get annual all access lower than $142 after fees/taxes. Guess will try again later
The first agent said that there were NO promos available. I replied that I never heard that before and if so I will cancel. Transferred to second agent and got the following deal:
Sirius All Access 6 Month $54.00
U.S. MusicRoyalty Fee $10.31
Total $64.31
First offer for renewal, 6 months for $30 fees/taxes, in less than 5 mins on the phone. Super easy...
First call last week - no offer to reduce cost of $228.53. Called today and got the $99 offer.
Just got it for 7.13 a month all fees and taxes. charge monthly on cc xm select. $85 a year
Nice. I got it at $5.99 (7.13 with fees and charges) billed monthly for 12 months. Now i have to remember to call them next September to renegotiate before it goes back to $19.04 again. I totally think it is worth $7/mo.
Thanks so much to you and everyone who posted here for this info! My renewal rate this year for the Select Package was $239.96 inc. fees and taxes. I truly suck at negotiating, but armed with the info shared here, I just called and am now paying $89.88/year inc. taxes and fees, with a $10 credit on my account.
This was the 4th offer the agent made, so as others have pointed out, definitely keep trying if the first offer(s) aren't low enough. I feel like an idiot for not negotiating before now!
All access for $140 including all fees & taxes. A lot better than the $299.99 my bill had. That stupid 'royalty fee' is killer! Could have gone cheaper, but I wanted to keep the NFL.
I called the first time, got LOTS of gobbledygook about saving money, family discounts etc. We had a one year plan for our new car for Select at $121.00 with all taxes and fees ($99) and they were going to renew at $157.07 Tax &Fees). Her 3 year plans were NOT much savings $161.66/yr). Called back, immediately she agreed to offer the same intro rate of $99, which the other woman said wasn't available. THANKS!! Our other older car still has lifetime, now THAT was a good deal.
$5/month - 6 months I have been calling every 6 months since 2013 and EVERY time, I am able to get this deal. They do add some taxes and fees on top of this, so the total amount charged for 6 months is always between $35 and $38. I just tell them now that I want the $5/month deal and they agree every time.