How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

well guess called during peak hours. took an hour before deal finalized. (on hold for 23 minutes) argued back and forth and finally got the 6 months for $30, plus tax and fees brings it up to $35.48 even though I am renewing 3 radios that was the best they could do.
offered $33/6 mo. I said I didn't want to pay more than $30/6 and they offered that. Normal process I've done for like 7 years. About 10 min for 2 cars.
Wow I need to do this next month.... I'm really bad at negotiating but ill do my best.
This worked, exactly as outlined! Thank you! My friend upgraded to Pandora Plus, that also links to Bluetooth with no ads, for $4.99 a month, if you wish to use that option- here's the link for that, also:
All access - 6 months - 50 bucks.. this gets you access to the app, so that you can stream anywhere. If you called and haggled, you could probably do a little better. I did this all online over there chat, while in a meeting at work. Pretty painless. Have your radio ID or VIN # handy.
2 radios had been renewed to very high rates (3rd is on annual plan). first rep said best was $10/month plus fees. i said if not lower, please cancel. next rep offered 12 months for $7.50 total. i said no and was given $30 for 6 months plus fees. slightly better deal and aligns my radios to all the same cycle. have faith, friends.
I see a lot of people posting that they are getting 6 months for 2 cars for 30.00 but I'm only being offered that price for one car so a total of 60.00 for both cars for 6 months.
OK...did my yearly dance with them last night. I stopped the rep in her tracks when she started in with the 'what channels do you listen to?' crap. I told her I have dome my research, and that I have seen where people got 6 months of all access for $35, and I wanted that deal. She she could not do that, and came back with a couple of offers (56 fees and taxes for 6 months, then $126 F&T for one year), both of which I declined. Told her that was too much...I have Amazon, IHeart, and Pandora, and while I like XM, not for that price. So I told her I'd give her one more shot...$99 period for one year of all access, no taxes or fees. After 'talking with her supervisor' she said yes. So after a credit for the one day left on my previous sub, I paid $98 and change for one year of all access.

A suggestion to posters here...please put what plan you subscribed to. It's hard to tell whether you got a deal without knowing what you got for the price you tell us about! Thanks.
Just tried online chat and was told since there was already a promotion on the account I could not renew w another promotion. Guess I'll try and call back for round 2.
Just read these comments. At first the rep wanted 389 for two cars then 99 per car for 12 months. It took 15 minutes or so, but ended up at 30 per car. THANK YOU to everyone for suggestions.
Just got an email for 6 months of All Access, a free Echo Dot, and streaming for $50 tax and fees
Just called and received the select package for 6 months for $33 taxes & fees for a total charge of @ $39.
To the previous poster, don't use chat. You need to call and say 'cancel' and 'it's too expensive'.
Just renewed XM Select for 6 months at $30, instead of a year at $191.88. I was first offered a year at $99, but I said no. NOTE: They always add a Music Royalty fee and tax to the quoted price.
Called Sirius today telling them I was calling to see if I needed to cancel my or what they could do to keep the account. First offer I responded too much, I am on fixed income and cannot afford. They then offered the 12 month $99 deal which I accepted. Pays to call.