How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Called to cancel like I always do after every 6 months. Told them I would only renew again if I could get the deal I always get (6 months of All Access for $50 plus fees). They agreed immediately. Quick and painless, was less than a 5 minute phone call total.
My current plan is the mostly music plan that was going to renew for $157 total (with fees, etc). I called and just asked if there were any promos available to me since it's renewal time. He offered 1 year for $99 for the select plan. I then asked if there was anything available for a 6 month time period. I was offered 6 months of the all access for $50 (not a bad price!), but I knew I wouldn't use any of the extra features. I mentioned that and asked if there was a select plan available for 6 months and was then given the 6 for $30 offer. Honestly any of these promos would have been ok with me, and a much better option than the auto renewal bill. The entire call took 11 minutes, and I was on hold for about 2 of those. Worth the call!!
Got $60 for 12 months including fees and taxes. They basically applied the $99/year promo and then offered a seperate credit for $39. They were able to include all taxes and the US music royalty fee
Thank you for this tip! I just called and got the same deal $30/6 mos plus fees for Select. Asked for 1 year, which would have been $99, so opted for 6 months instead. Was paying $228/year - yikes!
Worked for me - $38 all in for 6 mo but took 30 minutes after a fairly painful conversation
Worked perfectly this morning for our two car radios. My six month deal was expiring tomorrow. First they offered $99 plus fees for a year for each radio. Said that was too much. Then they offered $50 for six months of all access. Said that was still to much as it was nearly double what I had been paying.
Then they offered the $25 for five months. With taxes and fees that comes to $31.55 (I assume amount may be different depending on state of residency?). Agreed to the five months. Marked calendar to call again on Dec. 7.
Called to cancel - 7 days before renewal - told them I didn't use it enough for how much the renewal rate was. He offered 5 months for $28 - I asked for 5 months for $25 (since I have renewed at that price for the past 4 years) and I got it! Worth all 8 minutes I was on the phone!
Just called and was gonna do what everyone suggested. My plan ends July 25th. She said call back a few days prior to your cancel/renewal date and a promo will be up for you. She said they don’t populate until a few days prior to your cancel date. I’ll check back here with an update on my pricing.
Worked for me much easier this time than in the past. For 2 radios and the Select plan, the 6 month renewal price started at $169.62 which I, of course, declined. I said I wanted the same deal I got 6 months ago and the agent said OK. No fooling around with getting put on hold. Bottom line - for 6 months I'm paying $70.94 ($35.47 per). Never give them your credit card -- get an Invoice and pay by check. But, you have to remember to call before the expiration date of the subscription. Total call time was 11 minutes but she had to read me the terms and conditions twice - once for each radio - or it would have been much quicker.
worked for me. 2 cars renewing at different times(1 month apart) had i paid it it would have been $372! we've had them for 15 years. i'm now paying $25 for 5 months. for each.
Wow! It all depends on who you get connected to. Normally I have to go back and forth to get the best final deal but this rep jumped right to the point and offered me 5 months for $25 or 6 months for $30 and then even offered to remove my credit card from their files which I took advantage of.
Ditto for me. I forgot to cancel my 6 month for $30. My wife noticed I was being billed by Sirius. I think at $96 for 6 months.
I called and cancelled telling them too expensive for the amount of listening. They offered $99/year, told too much. They offered $49 for 6/mos, told them too much. I said I would like the previous $30/ 6/mos. The rep 'searched' and found it and offered it. I accepted. The rep gave me a credit on to my CC for the unused offer that I kicked into and started the new $30 rate as of today.
My wife just got a phone call from them saying that her subscription ran out in June and they tried to charge her credit card for the full year of $246 but the card expiration date changed so they weren’t able to bill the credit card. Now that it is mid July they are trying to charge and make my wife pay for the time used since the subscription ran out. Since my wife did not approve the charge but they automatically let the Sirius continue playing in her vehicle have any of you had this happen and did you have to pay for the time they allowed to continue playing in her vehicle even though she did not approve the charge?
07/16/2018 Just renewed 5 months for $30 w/o the usual hassle I go through each renewal time. Seems they are finally learning.
I had a years subscription before at the $99 level. We had exactly 1 month left on that subscription. I called a couple of weeks ago to get my expiration and to request another promotion. I was told that I could not get back to back promotions. I said fine, I will cancel before my expiration date. After reviewing the comments below, I decided to call back today and follow the instructions. I told them that I was currently out of work (truth I'm retired) and needed to cancel because I couldn't afford the renewal rate. I was told that I was a valued customer and they wanted the opportunity to search on additional promotions to reward my loyalty. After a few minutes he returned to tell me that the good news was that I could renew at the last promotional rate of $99 fees for 12 months. I told him that my wife just did an internet search and discovered that others were getting a promotional rate of $30 for 6 months would that be available to me. Again he did his search thing and returned to inform me that I could qualify for that promotion and also prorated my current subscription to $26.08 (I assume there were additional fees to the $30). So, I said that would be great and my wife could continue listening for a few more months. Thank you to everyone who posted their story so that the rest of us might benefit!!
Chat is usess for this, don't even bother with it. Called to cancel my all access and they immediately offered me the same rate I had for my trial.package. about $140 total. Took 5 minutes. Ridiculous to have to go through this though.
I've been a customer of Sirius for five years calling every 6 months to get the $30 price. I called today and had to cancel my service. The best offer they would give me was $33 plus taxes for six months. I really love Sirius and hope they reach out to me to continue my last rate. I even explained to the representative that other people were posting That they got the 6 for 30 days but they would not budge. It just the principal of the matter.
My subscription of 6 months for $30 was about to run out. Called the first time and the best they would do was $33/6 months. Called back and another rep offered the $30/6 mos so I am happy with that. Came to $39.81 including fees/taxes. Keep trying til you get a price you're happy with!
Sirius XM is such a joke. We go through this whole charade every time we call them to renew our two-car contract. Every time for over a decade. I always record the conversation because they ask you to give permission for all their what I call 'creative posting' when they mention charges & credits we never discussed! This time, I told him I had recorded the entire conversation and that I wasn't agreeing to anything except the fees he and I discussed! He finally relented to each car for $30 for six months including taxes and fees, thus charging me a total of $60. He credited the amount they had billed us which was just under $200, because I had forgotten to call them when our contract expired 10 days prior. I told him I didn't want to be transferred to different people...that Sirius XM was a racket, and they treat their customers like used car salesmen treat them! I don't think he knew how to handle me, because I told him I was 'over that' just give me the bottom line. It took 40 minutes, which is absurd. It's all a game with them. Oh...forgot to mention that they transferred me to their 'cancellation dept' right in the middle of the agent and I discussing the promo! Nuts! Aren't there rules against this racketeering?!?