How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I just called 866-635-2349 and cancelled because of the renewal rate. The rep immediately offered me the $50/6 mos. promotion I had before which is fine with me. He also told me (unofficially I think) to be sure and call before the next renewal date and they will give me the same 'promotion' again. Works for me.
I used the chat on their website and told them I would subscribe if I could get “All Access” for 99$ for the first year. The agent said they “would see what they could do.” I reiterated that I did not want to subscribe if I could not get it for 99$. Needless to say... I have All Access for 99$ for the year. I’ll be playing this game again in one year, I suppose.
Just renewed my All access deal..They wanted $299 and I got 12 months All Access for $137.91 including all of the whore fees. Third or 4th time I've used this site to renew, so Thanks!!!!
Just called to renew. I had an email offer for 12 months at $60 for another car I own so I used that leverage. They gave me the same deal within 1 minute of waiting on hold. I never renew the other car.
Including fees - $29.76 for 5 months. Renewed after expiration and they charged 'market' rate for those extra days. Did a little more complaining and got a credit for the days.
renewed again for 5 months/$25 plus fees and tax which comes out to $29.38 or so. Been doing this for the past 7 years or more.
I negotiate with them every year. It's coming up for this year. Last year my TOTAL cost including all fees/taxes was $58.53 for the Entire Year. Wish me luck OR I will CANCEL.
Thanks to all, my final offer of $99 for 12 months, plus taxes and fees that would have brought the number to about $150 has been negotiated to $71.42 all in for 12 months. Couldn’t have done it without this site.
I've been getting $25 for 5 months for the past 5 years. I was told by a csr that it was now $28 for 5 months as of 2/18. I then told him i would only pay $25. He put me on hold and got $25 approved by a supervisor. Fun and games worth xm.
I called and was able to get 6 months for $30 plus fees and taxes which was just about $40 total. I had just paid so they applied that amount to the total so I ended up only coming out of pocket like $20. I asked about the cost in 6 months and he said call back to see what renewal offers they had at that time. Never paying full price again!
Been doing the 6 month deal since Dec.2008. 1 time cancel but within 3 weeks received offer thru mail. I think it was like 6 months for 20 back then.
Saw they renewed for 299.00 and I just called- all access pass &120.00us tax. 140.00.
I currently have 2 vehicles each with Sirius XM radios on separate accounts. Has anyone see good or bad with putting multiple radios on the same account when negotiating these deals?
Didn't work for me. We have one month left on our subscription, they wouldn't do anything better than offering what we paid last year (we do one annual payment). They only offered $10.99 a month for Mostly Music, but we need comedy channels. Grrr.
Have been a subscriber for a little over a year. Got the 5 month promo yesterday for $24.99 fees &taxes = $31.12 total. This is about 22 cents a month less than the last time I renewed. I tried but couldn't get the 6 months/$30 so I 'settled' for the promo. Thank you to all who posted suggestions and deals.
All Access for 6 months for 50 plus fees. They would not budge on 120 for 1 year plus fees. She asked her supervisor. Took 15 minutes. What a pain. I would pay 200 for 2 years All Access to avoid these headaches.
My 3 month trial was coming to an end, so I decided to use the online chat to speak with an agent (Amos.) I told him that my trial was expiring, and I was interested in continuing the service. He asked if I had received any email offers and I told him I had received the 6 months for $30 offer (I did not, I had received the 5 for $25 offer). I then told him I was only interested in doubling up for $60 for a full year. He came back and said he could activate the 6/30 offer, then in December I would be rebilled. I told him that at this time I was not interested in bi-annual billing, and preferred yearly billing. At first, he said that there were no 12-month deals, so I told him that I would only accept a yearly deal, so he asked me to hold on while he saw what he could do for me. Less than 15 seconds later, he came back with 'I have checked the details, I see that your radio is qualified for the offer of 12 months for $60.' In total, with taxes/fees it came out to $71.46! I had read these reviews and took the advice of one of the previous posters, who said they created a single-use card number over at the Privacy site. I logged into Privacy and while I had Amos on hold in the chat, I created that single-use number, which I used for the transaction. The only drawback is that you are required to keep a card on file for this offer. It's not available for invoicing, but if you create a single-use card number, they can't rebill you on it. Thanks a lot guys!

I hadn't seen this site and just called to cancel as my one-year subscription was expiring in a couple of days and the rate was going from $119 to $230, and there was no way I could afford that much for listening to the few stations we use. They initially came back with the continuation at the same price, I again said no. Then the rep offered the 5 for $5 deal, $30.03 including tax. I took that and will mark my calendar, and after the insight offered here will try to work an annual deal next time.