How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Renewed Select for 12 mo. at $60 plus fees and tax, just shy of $75 total. Rep initially said this rate not available and offered All Access. A little back and forth, 2 hold periods while he talked to his supervisor (?) and received this price, which is what I initially asked for.
All-Access, including streaming, for $141.55, including tax and fees. Would have been $65.08 for 6 months, but it's worth paying the extra $10 to avoid the BS of renewing after only 6 months. I love the radio... absolutely hate this annual dance. What a bunch of crooks.
All access renewed at $314. Immediately tried to get a better rate through online chat. She cycled through some special packages (some with music only, some with news only) and all were expensive ($15.99/mo fees and taxes). Ultimately when I insisted on cancelling, she told me I had to call to cancel, so I could have just skipped the entire chat. Ended up calling and getting the $120/yr offer first, then the $50 for 6 month offer next, which I accepted. It was a 5 minute phone call, and really not much of a hassle, so well worth it.
All Access internet : 6 months $50 ($63.34 including fees/tax in TX).

Previously had 1 year for $120 flat. They adjusted the price so I was essentially not paying any of the other fees. Would not budge this time and said it was a one time courtesy because I'd been a member since 2014.
I had the same experience—chat was useless, had to call and listen to the 'Do you know that you can do things on' message at least a dozen times while waiting for a rep. Then I told her I wanted to cancel because it wasn't worth the money, she offered the $140 ($120 plus fees and taxes) annual plan, I declined, and then she offered the $60 ($50 plus fees & taxes) six-month plan. Took way longer than it should have, as she clearly had a script to read at each step of the process, and the best part was the end of the script where she reminded me to set a reminder to call in six months before it autorenews. Insulting and time-wasting process, between the 'taxes and fees' add-on and not being able to handle this via web chat, but given that I'm planning a cross-country drive in July, worth it. I may cancel for real in December, though.
Just did this. They immediately offered the $99 rate again (closer to $120 with taxes). I inquired about the 5 months for $25 rate, he said that promotional rate was only for people resubscribing after letting their account lapse and could not provide it since my account was currently active. I said, thanks, I will call back after my account cancels in a month. He said wait, he can offer it now. Less than $30 (taxes included) for 5 months. Worth the 10 minute headache.

Will make the call again in November. Such a silly game to have to play. But I guess there are lots of folks out there who are OK paying $230/year for for XM Select?? Sorry but I am not one of them.

They day I can't get the $99 rate in the worst case is the day I drop XM and don't ever look back. For as few channels as we listen to, it is barely worth the $99. The 5 for $25 makes it a good deal. I will always renew at that rate and it is worth 10 min of my time to get it.
For two renewals now I have seen the 6mo for $30 deal and called and was able to get it. The first time I did it the person gave me some trouble but after I told them that I would just cancel now with them and then wait a week and go sign up for the $30 offer online they gave me the deal. When that 6 months was up I did it again. This person offered me 12 months for $100. I told him why when I can get 6mo for $30. He gave me the 60mo for $30 deal. Call took 8m and 48s. Worth the savings to me. Now they are offering me $60 for 12mo but I'm in the middle of my current 6mo period. Might renew early so I dont have to call again in 3 months LOL
called 6/30/18 to try to get renewal of 6 mo $29.94 package. Immediately was told I was still eligible for this. Taxes & fee increased by $1.92, but hey, that's not bad. So only the hassle of tracking this in my calendar and calling again on Dec 31.
Called 866-635-2349. Got 6 months All Access for $40.51 after a partial credit was applied to my account. Got a second radio renewed which has Select on it for $64.32 for 1 year after another partial credit was applied. Very painless, and the rep was nice about it. I let her offer me the default deals first on each radio before letting her know which deal I was looking for, and after a brief hold both times, she came back and said I was eligible for the promotions. Call took around 10 minutes from start to finish.
I signed into my account to renew and to get ready to negotiate a better price. On my renewal page, I received this offer:
***Subscribe and get 12 Months of All Access for $120.
See Offer Details.
You'll get every channel we have to offer plus streaming.***
Today's date: July 1,2018
Just renewed for 6 months for $30. They are mailing the bill & waived the $2 fee.
I had a $30 for 6 month trial. I called and said not to renew. They offered to continue it for the same rate for 6 months.
I have been a subscriber for 10 years and was charged annual renewal for all access overnight.I have been negotating every year but forgot to call before the renewal hit. It was insanely high, $313.14. I called this morning and was told I was 'paying too much' and received refund and given all access for $99 taxes and fees. Total charge for annual all access is now $131.36.
Called today 7/6 and did the 'paying too much' game. They offered all access for a year for $120 plus fees which then made it $159. Said still too much and said they could do 6 months at $49.99 plus fees which made it $63.40. I had a prorated amount which added $9 to my total. I'll have to call back in January but think the 6 months $50 for all access is on par with what others were getting...
July 6 just renewed 6 mo. Select at $35.09 taxes/fees included for 6 months. Simply told rep. regular renewal price was too high, wanted to cancel and immediately $30 for 6 mo. Select was offered.
Just did it...worked great and only took about 10 mins for the whole process. Great customer service. They really do want to keep their cuctomers
Got $33 plus fees = $38 for 6 months select plus streaming. Initial offer 5 mo for $30. But, aft5er insisting I would quit then rejoin they offered me $33 for 6 mo - not quite as good as offer on website of $30 for new subscribers but better than $110 renew
Worked as usual ... I called 3 days before my service was to renew and said I could not afford the renewal rate. Service rep said congratulations, I qualified for another 6-months for $30 for Sirius Select service. I tried to get 12-months for $60 but was told this offer wasn't available to me. I didn't push any further and just went with the 6-month promo.