How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Have done this for the past three years and this is the first time I encountered some push back. They even offered to start the cancellation process before I stopped them and told them I would just call back. Then they said rather than make another call, they would check with their supervisor to 'see what they could do'. When they came back to the line - since I was 'such a good customer' - they upgraded my package from Select to All Access for $131.30. It took a bit longer than my usual call, but I'm happy with the result.
Just got the $25 for 5 months which is the third time I have had to do this. I FREAKIN HATE HATE HATE HATE DOING THIS EVERY 5 MONTHS. If my wife wasn't so hooked on this I would stop it immediately. EFF this BS. The stupid normal rate is such a joke but obviously thousands of suckers just eat it so those of us paying attention must threaten to cancel and do the 5 month dance. Just hate it.
Received my renewal bill of $147.39 for 6 months for All Access. My last payment was $59.54 for 6 months which is about to expire. The disparity in price is crazy, so thanks to this site, I called to get a discount. The rep told me that the system generates the discounts and he had no control over that. I told him what others on this site were paying and again he said he couldn't offer anything else other than downgrading to the Select package for $175/12 months. I said no thanks and would call back. What a lousy way of doing business. They just hope no one will call and negotiate a lower payment. I wonder if they would be more receptive to a deal if you just wait until your service is cancelled and then call.
Just called back and got a 6 month rate of $64.19 (includes taxes & fees) for All Access. They must make notes in your account to see if you've called before to negotiate cause the second time calling was a totally different experience. Persistence pays, but what a pain and time waster!
Told them I needed to cancel because I couldn't afford to renew at the full yearly price and she said well I can keep you at your current promotion of 6/30 ($35.47 with fees) or billed monthly at $5.99 and I don't have to call back for a year ($7.13 with fees). I opted for monthly so I don't have to call back for a year.
Received one month bill for $19.04 ($15.99 plus $3.05 fees)- Called 1 888 601 6302 and was offered 6 months for $37.56 ($30. plus $7.56 fees).
Three minutes and money still in my pocket!
Customer since 2013. Just got Select 6 months for $35.66 total including all fees. Renewal Bill was going to be $96.88...Happy!
got 6 months for 30 plus taxes and fees - 36.37
Please remember to set a reminder to recontact them in less than 6 months to avoid getting billed for full price.
For ~6 / month, XM is worth it as it's better than FM
But it's not worth full price for MP3 quality music
I had the All Access trial for my 2018 Audi for six months for $50.00. When it expired, they charged me $75 for 3 months to renew every 3 months. I called them to say that I did not want or need All Access anymore. They tried to give me the posted subscription offer on their website of $15.99 per month. I told them I wasn't interested and that I had seen an offer of $99 for one year for Select. They honored that offer. it was actually $117.00 once they added in the subscriber fee and taxes. They applied most of the $75 they originally charged me a week before so I paid them the remaining $46.00. Thanks everyone for the information in the comments!
Customer for one year. I was on All Access package for 6 months that expired 5 days ago. Was charged $25 a month for a renewal. Called and was quoted $10.99 per month for 12 months. Said that was too much still and right away the rep said let me check other offers. He went right back to All Access for 6 month for $50 plus fees/taxes. Same as others have reported, just ask and you typically get a better deal.
Thanks to this website, I followed the directions (as I do every time I call) and got my current rate of 6 months for $35 (including all fees) renewed again for another 6 months. Marked my calendar for the next call 6 months from now. Thanks again!
Got bill for $113.16 for 6 months. Called and said it was more than I wanted to pay and would like the same deal as last renewal, rep said no problem 6 mo. for 30 fees, came to 36.71. Not too bad. Never had a problem doing it this way.
Just got All Access for about $55 with taxes and fees included. Agent wasn't the most helpful, but finally got her to work with me on this.
Thanks for the help! Signed up for All Access 6 months $49 ($58 with fees). Easy call, tried for one year @ $99 for both cars & I wouldn't have to call back in 6 months - they said that offer wasn't available. Saved a lot & minimal haggling - 14 minutes to renew both cars - thanks again!
I was auto charged $281.90 for all access. I was trying to get the woman down close to $100 with taxes and fees and she was basically only giving me the option of paying $140something with taxes and fees. Finally I ended up switching to 6 mo all access for $59.54 with taxes and fees included. Definitely more reasonable to do the 6 month plan at this rate and only pay $120 a year.
Pretty much the same as everyone mentions here. Select Package was $114.95 (with the taxes) now less than $50. Just have to call them back every 6 months. Its a game. I understand it. Save $100 or more every year. That's not to bad.
I originally had 6 months for $30 (plus fees and taxes), expiring in two days. Using the info on this website, was offered 12 months for $99 plus taxes and fees. I said I was not interested, then she offered 12 months $7 inclusive of taxes and fees. I am happy I don't have to call back for another year. Thanks again.
Called today. I have Sirius Select. She offered one year for $109 plus fees/taxes. Then she offered one year for $99 plus fees/taxes. Then she offered $5.99 per month plus fees/taxes for 12 months. I took that deal.
Called last week before my promotional rate had expired and they said there were no promotions available. Forgot about it and got charged the full price for the select package for 3 months (~$57). Called today and said I wanted to cancel due to it being too expensive. They immediately offered me the 5 month special for ~$35 after fees and taxes and credited my account for the difference that I overpaid. I wish they didn't make us go through this every 5 months, but its worth it to save the money.