How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Billed for 3 cars, total $542.00/year... Called and got 6 months for $77.13 with all 3 vehicles included. Definitely worth the time to call.
Tried getting the $60 a year plus tax for the select on the online chat & it was a no go. The rep stated that was for streaming only. I explained it was for select & honored between 1 & 5 days ago on this site & she said it was expired. I said I would not be signing up & they were fine w/that. I can’t do business w/a company that charges different pricing depending on how slick you are...bummer :-(
Cancelled my Select Internet Streaming back on 4/1 because they would not include the Internet Streaming (IS) as part of the $30/6 months. They called today and tried to sell me on the $30/6 again, but said I would only do it if they threw in the IS. Rep said no problem, so total Select Internet came out to $40.24 (includes all fees) for 6 months. I've put an alert in my calendar a few days prior to the expiration for a reminder (been working great for 5 years).
Tired for $60 they said wasnt available in my package (select). They offered $117 a year, i said too much. She then offered 50.00 for six months which I laughed at. She said that all I qualified for. I told her of the deals online and the cards we get for my work truck of 6 months a $30.00. She said that was for new customers only. I said well apparently you view new customers in a different light rather then long standing multi-vehicle customers. She ended up just canceling both accounts, i was surprised. Im sure ill start getting offers in a week or so.
just got my renewal: $221,13!!! yikes!!! called immediately CSR got me the original $99 promo deal ( $total with tax etc $124.29). had no problem at all negotiating...I DID however stress that I was a senior on a fixed income and had a limited budget...blah blah...she was very nice...took all of 5 minutes of my 'oh so precious' time
Last week I got the 12 months for $60 deal with zero back and forth. Apparently I got a great customer service person. No internet but full access for the one car I have it in.
been renewing for years. just did it again yesterday.. XM Select - 6 months - $33 royalty fee = $39.30
I told Sirius that the renewal cost was too high. They offered Select service for one year at $99.00 ($132.13 w/fees). Told them it was still too much. They offered All Access, including phone, tablet, and computer for 6 months for $50.00 ($66.38 w/fees). Took the deal. Will play their game again in October. Thanks to all who gave advice to get the best deal!
Just called to cancel and right off the bat offered $33 for 6 months plus fees so it was $39.89 for 6 months. They would not budge on internet radio, but I use another streaming service, so no big deal to drop that.
Previous subscriber. Called to cancel and took offer of 6-month all-access $59.54 (includes tax and fees). April 22, 2018
Two cars, over $350/yr, called before reading this, was only offered a discount of $50 for an only music pkg, which I’d never heard of, but still too expensive for a service we use maybe an hour a week, told her we’re quitting, they didn’t seem to care.
Thank you all for your input! I just got All Access for $120/yr plus fees&taxes ($152.78). It'd normally be $297.30f&t, so I'm very happy as I do enjoy streaming and listening on Alexa. FYI I was offered All Access for $50/6mos and asked for a year price because I didn't want to have to run the gauntlet again in six months. Twenty dollars is worth not having to remember to make another call in six months, and who knows if I would get another nice person who'd give me a good deal with zero haggling. (Thanks Rob@Sirius!)
Called today and told them I wanted to cancel due to the price. No pushback at all. Was offered All Access for $130 (which includes taxes). The call lasted less than 8 minutes!
Called to renew or threaten to cancel my All Access subscription. THey were going to charge about $300 for 1 year. The CSR offered me $119.88 for year which is what I got last year (a few cents more). Since the royalty fees jumped to 19% plus, I asked if she could drop the main service charge another $5 or $6 so I come out at the same price. She said no, but offered a renewal for $49.99 fees and tax for 6 months. Total amount: $63.48. I took that. Will call back in 6 months. Total time of call, 10 minutes
Nicole @ 800-643-2112 put up valiant resistance in declaring they had no offers for 1yr all-access..The best she could do was 139 with taxes and fees. I explained that there were reports on social media Sirius-XM was offering this exact deal. She replied she couldn't offer me a 6 month deal including fees and taxes for $50.Hmmmm doesn't that work out to less for a year than $139?
Sign me up Nicole and I added a reminder on my calendar to call before 10/26/18 to get the same offer.
Why is anyone paying full price? Tell your friends and family this works.
Called this evening. I was charged $238/year...they offered $99/year (plus fees). I asked for a shorter term and they offered five months for $28 $7 in fees...and I took it.
I have an app on my phone where I program a reminder to call Sirius right before my 6 months expires. I just called and got 6 mos. Select for a grand total of $35.10. Now to program a reminder to call again at the end of October. LOL