How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

10 minutes on the phone. First offer the 99. When they quickly went to the 5 months for 25. I brought up that a friend had just got 1 year for 60. They offered either 30 for 6 months or 60 for 12. Good for another year.
10 year customer, 1 radio. all access requested. current plan was a 6 month all access promo.

Here's how it went: 10-15 minute phone call.

I just told her i wanted to cancel. she first offered all access for 119 23 fees= $142. i declined that and asked for $99 fees for 12 months. she offered a Select service streaming to save me money but i wanted howard stern. she then offered 6 month all access for $50 fees. i got 6 month all access promo with fees, plus the extra $2 fee for invoice, for a grand total of $63.96.

My choices were all access promo, with all the fees: $142 for 12 months or $63.94 for 6 months.
** it appeared to me, she didn't want me to waste her time, she immediately started offering me promo deals. **
I just got the same $60 deal for 12 months. $60 fees so total was $74.55. Took about 12 minutes on the call with the Sirius rep. Thanks everyone for posting your info.
They refuse to honor the deal I received in.the mail. I have to pay full price! No way.
Wow, I just tripped for another year at $99 as this was a much better deal than the original quote. Sure wish I had done my homework and came to this site first. $60 is much better than $99. I’ll know for next year.
So I just hung up with them. was paying almost $400 for 2 radios per year. Told to cancel. $99 first time per unit. Then $30 for 5 months and I said no. I told her I didn't want to jerk around with this in 5 months. Told her I wanted a year. She said not available. I said cancel sub and she did. Game over. Actually quite freeing. F them!
I just called and got the All Access package for $50 for 6 months. They originally offered me the original package I had of $120/12 months All Access. Asked if they had a better deal than that and he offered the $50 deal.
Just got $60/mo. It's hard to fake being surprised when you say to the guy in the phone you think your sub is coming up for renewal and they rattle off the real cost of over 200 dollars. I told him there is no way I can afford that, so he immediately offered $99/year and it was hard to say no, so I just said I heard there is a $60/year deal that would make it affordable for me. He asked if I would cancel otherwise, sure, put me on hold and got the $60/year deal.

Why don't they just save us the hassle and offer it as their standard rate. They would actually gain a pile of subscribers. So many cars have XM available that no one subscribes to...
Just got $60/yr deal today and it was very easy. Total cost was $76 with fees and taxes and that may vary per state? I requested this deal and she put me a hold for 30 seconds to see if this promotion was available and it was about 10 minutes total time after listening to the agreement crap.
Just called.........super easy. Gave the guy my 'no nonsense' and 'I know you have a better deal' voice and he gave it to me right away.........$60 for the year for Sirius Select. Total with all fees came to $75.09. I had been paying more ($99/year) for the last few years through using this site. I'm glad I check every year to see if there are better offers. Thanks to all who post and update the info!
And they f'd me yesterday but chat worked great today. See transcript.

Todd (18:21:22 GMT) : Hi, my name is Todd. Thank you for contacting SiriusXM.
Visitor (18:21:40 GMT) : I cancelled yesterday because it was to expensive. I want a better plan
Todd (18:21:48 GMT) : Let me see what best I can do to help you with this.
Todd (18:22:09 GMT) : May I know the radio ID or VIN please?
Visitor (18:22:27 GMT) : XXXXXXX
Todd (18:22:42 GMT) : Thank you
Visitor (18:22:50 GMT) : you're welcome
Todd (18:22:55 GMT) : May I know the package price and term which you want to activate on the radio?
Visitor (18:23:54 GMT) : A friend of mine tole me they just received an offer for 1 year for $60. That is what I would li I have been paying way to much way to long
Todd (18:24:30 GMT) : I'll be happy to help you with that offer
Visitor (18:24:37 GMT) : Thank you sir
Todd (18:24:39 GMT) : May I know the complete address including zip code?
Visitor (18:25:03 GMT) :
Todd (18:25:07 GMT) : Certain changes made on your account may result in us sending you an email confirming the changes. Is [email protected] your current email address?
Visitor (18:25:16 GMT) : yes
Todd (18:25:18 GMT) : Perfect. Thank you for verifying the account details.
Todd (18:25:22 GMT) : Current Card Number: ***********XXX Current Expiration Date: 7/XXX
Visitor (18:25:23 GMT) : yes sir
Todd (18:25:29 GMT) : Is it good card to go?
Visitor (18:25:32 GMT) : Yes
Todd (18:25:45 GMT) : Please give me a moment while I process your request.
Visitor (18:25:50 GMT) : yes sir
Todd (18:26:12 GMT) : Thank you
Auto-Generated Message (18:26:40 GMT) : Visitor has minimized chat
Todd (18:26:51 GMT) : Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Todd (18:26:52 GMT) :
Let's go over the details. The 12 month Select plan you chose starts today and comes to $76.19 for the initial billing period, which includes fees and taxes.
Todd (18:26:55 GMT) :
Your service will automatically renew on March
yup, they came down to 5 months for $25 plus fees, 6 months for $33 plus fees, $99 for 1 yr, thanks post!
Just called and got the $60 for 1 yr deal. Just begin call with 'I'd like to cancel service' and they will go right to the promo of $99 per year. Tell them ' a friend got it for $60' it ended up being $71 including taxes and fees. Good luck!
Spent about 10 minutes on the phone with the CSR. Was not able to get the 12 months of select for $60. They offered the $99 for 12 or $49 for 6 months (though they upgrade it to the all-access plan). After a few minutes of back and forth, she would not budge. Took the $99 deal. At least that's what I got last year.
No problem, when prompt who do you want to talk to just said cancell. Rep answered agreed to $5 a month for 1 year quickly.