How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Nobody is getting all access for $60 a year.....the cheapest price for all access is $120 a year plus tax/fees.....
Had to call three different times, but finally got the $60 tax offer for one year. Once I got that I renewed my second radio for the same price.
Just called and said that my 5mo/$25 was expiring and that I wanted to cancel unless I could get the same rate. CSR called up my account and agreed right away to that rate. She then offered me 12/$60. It's the first time I'd been offered the $5/mo rate for 12 months instead of 5 or 6 months, so I took it. All set for a year.The whole call took about 5 minutes.
Just got off the phone. Renewed my “select” subscription for $67/year. That is the cheapest I have ever renewed for yet! Transaction completed in less than 10 minutes. You just need to let them know that you’re not going to pay the crazy rates they are trying to sell. I have been a customer for several years, so they “value my business.” 😊
Less than a 5 minute discussion and got the $60/year on the Select package. I was up for renewal from the free intro offer with a new car purchase. Easy discussion. CSR went quickly from $99/year to $50/6 months (no difference) to $25/5 months and when I said that was too short she jumped to the year for $60. Quick and painless. I don't care about the additional channels and services the All Access offers so I didn't bother with trying to get that.
I just called and mentioned the $60/year offer. She checked, verified that it was on the Select package only. I accepted the offer and was off the phone in 5 minutes.
I called and got the $60 rate for one year but she said it required I give them my credit card for auto renewal. I have them invoice me each year and there is no way I would ever give them my card number, so I declined. She had already offered to continue my $99 a year rate, so that is what I got. It is not worth $40 to me to give them my CC info.
I called in on 3/7/18 to the cancellation number, asking to cancel. I had just gotten my renewal notification (with 2 months left to go) for $228.55 total. The person I spoke with was pretty quick in offering a discount to $109 base cost. I said that was still too much because a friend had renewed for $60 and I wouldn't renew for more than that, and I wanted to cancel. He said fine, I'll proceed to cancel your subscription. He typed a bit, then said 'let me try to see if we can extend that cancelled offer to you'...put me on hold a couple minutes, then said they could do the one year for $60 (for Select). He credited the two months remaining (~$30), so my outlay was ~$40 for the 12 month subscription.
Got XM Select 12 months for $60 -$72 with taxes) -billed as one payment but with credit card on file. Told the frst level CSR to cancel (which at $15 per month I was willing to do), the next person offered the 5 months for $24.99 or 12 months for $60.
I have 3 radios, 2 All Access in cars and 1 older model Select sirius radio. I can listen to Howard Stern on all of them, thanks to a variation between Select original sirius radios and All Access on siriusxm radios. They wanted $450 for 2 years on the older radio. I called and haggled briefly before telling them I just wanted to cancel altogether. They put me on hold for the cancellation dept. which is really their price haggling dept. I quoted mentions from this page. PLEASE specify what program you haggled for, select, all access, etc. For my original sirius radio, I got it down to $60 for one year plus taxes and fees, total: $71.46. Not bad considering the bill was for $225 per year. I couldn't get them to do much with the 2 siriusxm radios in the cars. The best offer was $120 year. I have a few more months on those promo subscriptions so I will just wait until they are closer to expiring and then try again. I have a headache but feel I accomplished a lot. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to explain their journey, especially people who explained what package they were negotiating.
Just renewed my $49.99 all access 6 month promo plan for another six months. They wouldn't go out 12 months without bumping up to $120. Phone call took less than 10 min and the CSR was friendly and helpful. Have multiple XM radios, but get free data through TMobile for streaming so gonna use the app in the non-subscription vehicle.
Just called . The call took 13 minutes. (I had a very chatty CSR.) Like others -- I was offered $99 for twelve, then $25 for five. I asked, how about $60 for twelve? He checked to see if I was eligible, of course I was. Done deal $60 for twelve.
I pays to check this site when you're up for renewal.
Called a few days ago to activate service after free trial expired. Wanted All Access with NavTraffic/Weather, but they wanted $21/month for it. Tried calling several times, but no deals on Traffic/Weather. Each call to 10 to 20 minutes, so big time waste. Finally found a phone number from the XM NavTraffic/Weather plans page and the CSR gave the best deal that I had been offered all day, $200/12 months or $85/6 months. Signed up for 6 months. CSR said the deals that they offer are radio-specific, based on the radio ID.
I asked for all-access, they said best they could do was $119.88 plus fees ($142.78) total for 12 months. I would've have loved to drop down to Select for $60 that many are posting here but I use my online access more than car probably.
Warning! NEVER sign up with these scammers! 10 years after I quit with them they were harassing me for services never rendered. DO NOT give them any of your personal info!
7 min phone call, including the longest part of listening to the customer agreement. I got the $60 Select for 1 Year. I've been doing the $25/5 for a long time and the rep went through the usual steps a little faster this time, went from the 99/yr, right to the 25/5 offer. At that point I just asked if I could do that for longer than 5 months and he said he could do a year. Mark the calendar for next year! Total with fees was $75.75.
I just called and the $60/year is if you have 2 cars. She gave me $28.18 with fees for 6 months. Not bad.
I had the same experience as person below. They started with 50% off so $10/month for a year, then to the $99/year, i mentioned the 5 for $25 and she said she could actually do one year for $5/month, total was around $71.