How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Thank you for this. they charge me $60 every 3 moths cuz im too lazy to fight them. With unlimited data and $8.99 streaming services, i dont see how they stay in business.
Just go a 6 months for $34 after saying that some did get that deal. toke 5 minutes on the phone
Yep. 8 minutes brought my Sirius Select 6 month package price down from $109 to $34, including fees and taxes. I've been doing this for 8-9 years now. It's an inconvenience, but worth the 5-15 minutes on the phone.
I was very upfront with the rep. Told her I wanted a lower rate and was offered $99/yr. I told about $60/yr. She told me it was a special during the holidays. When I told her about someone receiving that price yesterday, she put me on hold to talk it over with her supervisor but wasn't able to give me the cheaper rate.
I just called today, Jan 12, 2018. My subscription had changed over to a $20/month (included streaming.)
I simply stated that I saw my subscription had increased to $20/month, and I wanted to cancel.
They immediately offered $30 for 6 months, without streaming.
Very easy process, except for understanding the CSR
Thanks. Just called. My radio was canceled and off. It took several visits to the 'supervisor' to get the $99 yearly rate including all taxes and fees. Of course, there is no supervisor You would think you were buying a car. It's still not cheap -- Sirius needs subscription numbers as much as you need the service.
I called on 1/8, which was the renewal date. I asked for 12 months for $60, they said that was no longer available. Got 6 months for $30 including streaming. First time getting streaming included, really psyched!
I just called today, Jan 13, 2018.
I told them my renewal rate was too much and I would need to cancel.
They immediately offered $29.94 (plus fees and taxes) for 6 months.
Very easy process, the whole thing took less than 8 minutes.
I forgot to call prior to my renewal date and was billed the approx $20 monthly fee. Called today and was immediately offered the $99/yr. Negotiated a 6 months for $30 (with taxes and fees $36.49) and they removed the $20 fee they charged my card. I was upfront with the CSR, told him what I wanted. I can't believe there are those who pay full price !
Just got the deal $99.00 for a year had to pay the frees total $106.00 it beets the $25.00 a month I was paying for same thing.
Just renewed two radios for the 5 months for $25. They'll offer the $99/yr, but just say no and they'll give you the lower rate. Took 8 min.
worked very well - I was even past due and they waived those fees as well. everyone should know about this!
I just renewed for 6 months. $32.44 includes taxes/fees. Doesn't include streaming. Next time I'm going to try to get streaming meant to try this time and totally forgot. So stupid that we have to call every 6 months. Extremely hard to understand the lady representative on the phone.
1/17/2018. I just renewed for 6 months for $39. Took just a few minutes. The rep even tells you to call before it renews to get another promotion.
Had the 5 months at $25.00 tax and fees which totaled $29.85 that was expiring. Called today,1-17-18, and renewed for 6 months at $36.50 with tax and fees included. I asked about streaming but that was not offered to me. Had to turn down a couple of offers for a year of service at a higher cost first and then had to wait a few minutes while the customer service representative checked with an account specialist before being offered the six month deal. Some difficulty understanding the representative but then again I'm from Texas. Took about five minutes or less. Worth the effort to call.
Yep. My renewal was for All Access was $281 (and change). Just called the cancellation line for Sirius XM (which is a different number than listed here). Renewed All Access for 1 year at $120 and fees ($138'ish). I had Nav/Traffic that I cancelled so I received a proration for that. Ultimately paid $119.52 (incl taxes/fees) for All Access for 1 year.
Called the main number for Sirius and the best deal they could give me was $50 for 6 months. Asked to speak to the retention department and was able to get them down to $30 for 6 months. Always a frustrating experience. Took about 15 minutes. Hard to understand customer service reps as this has been outsourced to other countries.