How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

On 4 Jan 18 I called to cancel all access renewal for 1 vehicle radio at $150.42 for 6 months.
Was offered and accepted 6 months for a final price of $61.21 including tax and fees.
I was sent an offer in an email for 3 years for $99. So I called to take it. I previously had 3 radios on the account they said it was only good on one of them. Of course this was the one that broke and was removed from the vehicle. It would cost me the $99 price for 1 year for the working ones. Had me update all my info. What a scam! Only give you that offer to a radio they can tell is not working.
Just called to 'cancel' two radios that already auto-renewed today under a crappy regular rate (although one was discounted). I was offered the $99 per year originally, but said that was too expensive. Then got the 6 month for $30 rate for each radio, which I was under previously. Asked them to waive the taxes and fees but they said there are always going to be taxes and fees. Figured that was the best I could do. It came out to ~$35.80 per radio, which resulted in a net credit for me. Never pay full price, even if they have already begun the auto-renew process. Worst case, you'll get a credit back in a few days.
Just called and got $47.68 (including fees and taxes) for 6 months of all access. Didn't need to be transferred. They offered me the all access for $127.28 for 12 months. I declined and the next offer was the $47.68 for 6 months of streaming and select in my car.
Called today and was offered $99 deal for a year of select.....told them I wanted all access with streaming and they offered 6 months @ $50 Plus taxes or $120 plus taxes for 1 year. I chose the 1 year deal and tried to see if they would waive the taxes and fees but they wouldn’t budge on that....good luck to all!
I just got the $25 for five months, $28.46 with fees for the second time after the same 5 month deal expired for me yesterday. Tried to get the same deal on their online chat but they said they couldn't give me the same $25 for 5 months again. So tried to cancel and they said they couldn't cancel and I had to call. So just called to cancel and got the same deal this time after they offered me $50 fees for 6 months. Said no to that and they offered the $25 fees for 5 months right away. Kind of a hassle to do this every 5 months but if they don't offer something decent I'll just cancel. This isn't a critical service they offer so I have no hesitation in cancelling it. We're in the better negotiating position. Unlike with internet service that is more critical.
Just called in and got 6 mos all access for $55.33 (fees & taxes incld). Didn't have to be transferred all over the place (thank goodness)!
I just realized mine was auto renewing in February, for a total of $218 which included 60 for internet radio which I never use. I figured if they called my bluff I would just cancel since I don't drive as much as used to and would just use Spotify and FM. She offered me a deal for $123 with the internet and an upgrade from my 'Select' to more stations. Dropping the internet would not have saved since no promo for that (which could have been BS but I was not in the mood to haggle over a few bucks), so the plan was going to auto renew in Feb and now I will get service until early Jan of '19 for the $123 including fees. I just don't feel like getting the 5 month deal and going through this every 5 months.
Jan. 9, 8pm CST - just renewed Select for 6 months for $34.10 including all taxes and fees.
Simply called and told rep there were $25 deals all over the internet and either I got the $25 deal for 5 months or we were cancelling. Took 5 minutes to set up new billing.
If your credit card company allows you to generate a one-use number with a $ limit, use it in case you forget to cancel at end of period. Get tired of doing this every 6 months, but Sirius is a lifesaver when you drive long distances.
Just called and told them I wanted to cancel because of the renewal price. Told them I would renew if I could get the All-Access promo for $49.99 (plus taxes/fees = $59) for 6 months. They agreed right away, transaction complete in less than 4 minutes.
Called today - mentioned I've been a subscriber for many years. Said rate is too high, and when I asked what I wanted said I wanted a lower rate or else I'd cancel at the renewal date (end of Feb). ...a few minutes later, she offered $109/year.
I told her I saw a rate of $99/year and she said she could take off another $10. Got discount for early renewal (paid until end of Feb). Total $105.
On 01-10-2018, while I couldn't get the exact-$99-deal, after insisting on it 3 times (and pulling the 1-year renewal rate down from ~$140.00) I was offered 1 year for $101.00 - taxes INCLUDED (so the `product' cost would actually be less than $99) - on MY vehicle, and renewed my wife's for the same rate.
Just got ~$34 inc fees for select 6 mo with streaming. They kept saying it was not available, but when I told them people got it withing this week, and said cancel if not available - they gave it to me. Thanks everyone!
You cannot accomplish this via online chat. You MUST call the cancellations department at the number listed above. But it's worth the quick phone call. They may ask what stations you listen to most, make sure you give them one that is only available on the package you want (example, I told them I listen to SiriusXM Fly which is not available on the lower priced Mostly Music package, so they couldn't counter with that). They will always start with an offer for the Select package at $99 for 1 year. Just tell them you can't afford to pay that much at one time. My 6 month subscription was about to renew at the regular price and I kindly explained that I had previously taken advantage of a 6 month promo offer and if I could not get the same offer, I would have to cancel. They had no issue offering me the XM Select for 6 months for $30, the same promo I got last year. Total $35.03 after taxes. A little over $5/mo versus the standard $15.99/mo. If you need internet streaming, you will probably have to pay more. I only need it for my car. No need to be a jerk to the CSR, this is an easy 5 minute phone call.
Received 6 months (XMSelect) for $30 (including fees). Asked them to wave the fees, they said no but would instead credit my account $3.xx to get it to exactly $30.
My previous 6 month select package was expiring 1/12/18 so called 1/11 and asked for 12 month $60 that they were advertising at the end of 2017. Gave me the run around that it expired on 12/31 (which I did see in the notices for my expired car radio). I told him others online were still reporting getting it. Asked him to clear it with supervisor. Put me on hold for about 8 minutes checking back once and then came back with approval of it. Musical royalty fee is getting ridiculous for notice of that increase a week or so ago and they passed that along to me but as a base he was still giving me the 12 month/$60 deal if you are willing to be put on hold. Total time I was on the phone was 14 minutes to complete all the agreements. He apparently would immediately have renewed 6 month/$30 without approvals but am getting tired of this calling every 6 month crap. He did tell me the going renewal rate for 12 month is over $200 and that's even more ridiculous so I'll cancel before ever paying that much. Also said this was a one time courtesy renewal but so far every time I've called it's been that whether I got 6 months, 5 months or now a year renewal.