How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Wow, this worked! Be really nice to the representatives. It's not their fault the company policy is this nuts. Got my 12 months done monthly less than $6/month.
I am currently still in a free trial. Used the online chat and just asked if I could sign up for the $60/year promo or I would have to cancel. It was done for me no questions asked.
Woker for me today. Was given $30.00 for 6 months. Plus fees. Call was fast less then 5 minutes.
called the 888-601-6302 number above. Talked with 'Max'. The guy was actually super normal and nice. 12 month subscription auto renewed tomorrow. Was paying $99 $20 tax & fees. Told him ready to cancel if we could not agree to a different price than auto renewal. He said we could hold price from last two years at $99 for 12mo. I went on a mini bitch session and asked why as a loyal subscriber - why I would pay $99 bucks when you are offering the $60 rate to new customers. Asked Max if I cancelled now and waited a couple weeks - I would resign up for the $60 Holiday offer. He said he did not know if I would qualify and checked. Surprise - he could offer me the $60 rate for 12mo for my loyalty. Including tax $72 for 12 months. Merry Xmas indeed. bottom line: Don't ask? Don't Get.
last year I gave in to the $99/year offer because I didn't want the hassle of calling every six months to haggle.This time I was offered the $99/year after a couple of no's from me. I kept asking for the $60/year deal I saw on their website to no avail. I told her I was going to take a day to think about it and she told me not to hang up, she would talk to her manager. I am happy to say I renewed for the $60 plus taxes. Schweet deal.
Regarding the warning 'DO NOT EVER give XM your credit card information! You have been warned!', the simple solution is to use a credit card that supports the 'virtual credit card' feature (such as Citi MC or BofA VISA do). Citi calls these Virtual Account Numbers while BofA calls it 'Shop Safe'. Google 'credit card companies with virtual account numbers' for a list. This feature enables you to create a new credit card number that's linked to your existing account with the following features:
1 - only ONE merchant can charge to it (generally it's the first one to do so)
2 - you specify the MAXIMUM dollar amount for all charges
3 - you specify the card's expiration date
4 - you control whether the card can be used just one time, or for repeated payments
5 - you can close the number prior to the expiration date if you choose too (for example you created but never used it).

These virtual credit cards are no different that the hard plastic one's except that they can only be used for non-swipe kinds of purchases (e.g. over the phone or on-line). To my knowledge you only have access to this feature if you've setup on-line access to your credit card since you create them using a link from within your on-line account. These work just fine with SiriusXM over the phone when you call to negotiate a renewal rate. As of today (11/30/2017) SiriusXM has a promotional rate for the Select package of $60 for 12 months (so $73 total with taxes). If you cannot manage to get this rate when calling then if you cancel you will then be emailed an offer for this rate in a day or two (probably before your current service is actually stopped).
I too have had the $99/year plus fees for past several years. Asked a few times if that was best they could do. Agreed to $60/year plus fees. They just need to hear the right things to offer the best deal. Easy. Good for another year.
EVERYONE: I called a Sirius XM 855 area code exchange today, to complain about the almost daily calls that I've been receiving on my cell phone, from someone trying to get me to sign up for a Sirius deal. Surprisingly (or maybe not), they somehow are using the same area code exchange that my cell phone number is in, however many times when I have answered they come on with a foreign accent, which tells me they may be a scammer, or seated in some foreign land, or both. Siriusly, do these idiots really think I'm going to sign up to some deal and give them my credit card info, when I have no idea who it is on the other end? NOTE: When I called Sirius today, I asked them to put me on the DNC - Do Not Call list. If you want to get Sirius re-activated again, you should CALL THEM, on the phone number that is on the snail mail that they are probably sending to you, don't deal with the possibility of scammers calling you.
Just called and said I wanted to cancel and got select for $60 taxes/fees a year, billed once. First offered me $99 a year, and I said no wasn't worth it, for the little bit I listen to it. Then, they had a year end special available.
Just bought a new car. Tried to transfer the existing 13 months on my old car to the new one. Was told no! I then asked, as a 12 year customer, why I couldn't transfer the remaining subscription to my new car like I have done for years. Dead silence and then a repeated sales pitch. Finally cancelled and asked for a refund of my existing balance.

A week later I got the $24.99/6 months or $99/12 month deal in the mail. No brainer for the six months.

Ridiculous business model to risk losing a loyal 12 year customer. No wonder they are about to go out of business.
Just talked to a rep and got the all access including taxes and fees for $120 total.
My free trial just expired yesterday. I called and immediately said I wanted the $4.99 deal I saw online and he said OK. Done in 6 minutes! Yea!
i called today for the $60 deal and it is only avail if leave credit card on file. they offered 99 and no card on file. told them to cancel then so they did! would not budge on the 60 and no card on file. maybe soon they will call back and we can see what happens.
Thanks so much I have been subscriber to Siriusxm since 2000. This year they wanted 287.00 and I negotiated to 120.00 which I think is reasonable
for the guest that did not get the deal and was surprised since they are a 'loyal 12-year customer.' FYI loyalty is a negative in this same as it is a negative when negotiating your cell phone discounts. the longer you have the service with them, the less likely they judge you to quit even with no are just a small discount.
So I called today. I have two vehicles expiring 1/1/2018 and 2/6/2018. They wanted $218 for my first vehicle and $160 for the second. I was able to get him to agree to $99 per year. I balked a bit again and he then offered me $68 per year per vehicle. Works for me!