How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

This has worked every 5 months for over 2.5 years.. My term expired tomorrow so they always offer 1 year for $99. I tell them I barely listen in car and I will pay 25 for 5 months if they can't do better on extended term. I offered $30 for 6 months but no, that was still $48 for 6 months.. Right away they offered the std 5 month deal and we have a deal Again.
They offered $25 for 5 month on select plan, plus tax, plus music royalty fee, plus $2.00 invoice fee. Those invoice fees alone must make them thousands per year. And no, she refused to waive any fees.
Been a subscriber for 4 yrs, Thank you for posting this. I have called in the past 2 yrs and always have gotten Sirius Select for 12 months for $99(probably 120 with fees etc) But it beats paying close to $300 yrly and the reps I have dealt with have always been Courteous and Friendlly
Had $25 for 5 months on select. Expired a month ago and auto renewed at $94/6 months. Called and was offered $99/1 year. Told them I saw $25/5 month. They tried to charge regular rate for the month since expiration but eventually made the renewal retroactive to the expiration date.
I couldn't get anyone that spoke English that I could understand. I'm not going to put up with that in my country!
Got the $25 for 5 month. Just keep passing on the offers and ask to cancel each time until you get your offer.
ALWAYS call and cancel right before your subscription runs out. They always offer $99 for a year. I tell them that's too much, then they offer $49 for 6 months. I say, 'How about $30 for 6 months?' I get put on hold, and the operator always comes back to offer 5 months for $25. Works every time! The key is you have to call right before your plan expires, because they get you with that auto-renewal.
Received 6mo XM Select for $30 after the standard sales pitch. Mailed statement with no $2 fee to pay with money order. Call took about 10min.
I'm getting the 5 months for $25 as well. However it does not include streaming. Has anyone gotten them to throw in the streaming for a discount!
Just called and got my All Access reduced from full price of $273.23 including fees to $119 plus fees. My only complaint is my bill was due on 5/1 but since I called in to negotiate today, 4/25, my new service period starts today (I did get a credit for the last 5 days of my old billing period). Bottom line is most people should be able to get a better deal with the advice above, but call the day before your current deal expires to get a full year's worth of a reduced deal .
Why do new customers get the 'better' rate? You would think that loyalty after 2-3 yrs would warrant a renewal rate if $99/yr. Without all of this bull.
just got $25 for 5 months after this sequence:
me: quarterly renewal is too expensive, can i get something around $5/month?
SXM: sorry to hear that but you've been with us a long time so we can help out, how about $99 for 12 months?
me: no, that's still too expensive, can I get something for around $5/month?
SXM: sorry sir, we do not have that rate for current subscribers
me: ok, please cancel my service
SXM: sir, I have found a rate of $25 for 5 months. would you like to switch to that?
me: yes please, thank you.

see you in 5 months for the same song and dance, SiriusXM.
I had the $119 All Access deal for the last year, and it would have expired on 5/1. I just got off the phone with the Sirius rep. Told her up front I'd like the same deal for the coming year. She 'checked with her support team' and.. I got it. Could not have been easier. As someone else said, the start date is today, 4/27, instead of 5/1, but that's ok. Gotta have my Howard Stern!
Thanks for the great tips!
They offered me one year at $99, said 'no' still too expensive and they offered 6 mos for $55 and I said 'no'. Then she offered $30 plus $4 taxes/fees since I've been a loyal customer for so long (lol). Be certain to call close to renewal as the new 'renewal' date will be from the day you called, not from when your current account expires (however they do credit the remaining balance on your account).

I have to do the same thing with my local newspaper. Guess they have so many people that don't pay attention to the jacked rates, that's why they do it.

Already have the 6 mo October call again date on my calendar so I can do it again.
Just called 4/27/17. Pushed hard for the 6 months for $29.66. Was told best they could do was 5 months for $25. They actually were going to proceed with the cancellation. Almost did that, but asked to talk to a supervisor. Guy came back and said his supervisor authorized $34 for 6 months with $5 statement credit to yield $28 for 6 months
I just called and asked for the 6 months for $30 and received that for $33 change. She did first offer me the 1 year $99 deal.
Tell them a friend of yours was given 6 months of Select for 25 bucks plus state fees & taxes. And that you want the exact same plan. I work for them their a bunch of weazels lol. If they don't give you it just be firm and say you've seen his bill and you want the same deal.
I just got one year of 'all access' for a total of $126.08 for one year starting today. They offered 6 months for $50 and I asked them to do 12 months at $100. The extra 26.08 was taxes and fees.