How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I just called and said I wanted to cancel my service because my bill was too high. I was offered the $99/year without even asking. Phone call took 8 minutes total.
I get the 'All Access' package on 6 month promotions for $56 total. I do have two cars on that promotional price ($56 each) so there may be an additional discount there too. I have to call before the renewal date when they'll charge my card the normal rate(usually 2x the promotional price) and threaten to cancel to keep the 6 month rate. They usually back down pretty quickly.
You are getting ripped off. $25 for 5 months All Access. That's half what you are paying... SMH and you wrote an article bragging....
I just paid $127.32 for the year.Looks like I could have gotten them down to $99...but the deal is done. They did the same thing about trying to bill be $220. I figure about $10/month is fair. I used a debit card, we will see what they try to do in 2018.
I had All access for about $139 per year with all fees.
My renewal is for $273. I emailed to ask for a better rate. They called me, and said no better rate unless I downgrade. So I said to cancel. I'll gladly pay the 99 per year. The rep never gave tat as an option. The reason supposedly is because they cannot give promo pricing back to back? Crazy... I will cancel.. Does anyone have a better contact?
My biggest complaint about Sirius is having to go thru the BS twice a year (we have 2 cars with it) to 'negotiate' a better price.
Definitely call the above number. I received a bill for $222 and they reduced it to $99/year. I even asked if they could do better than $99/year but they did say no. It's worth the call.
Thanks for the tip! I've been with SiriusXM continually since 2001. Switched cars a few times. This time was gonna go to just internet access, but you can only use it on 1 device at a time. With 2 cars, that made no sense. So I came searching for deals and found this site. That being said, when it was all said and done, I got them to offer $44.26 tax= $56.94 for 6 months of All-Access. Mark my calender for a couple of days before 6 months from now and do it all again. Here's a good tip: if the customer service rep is not helpful right away, just hang up mid-sentence and call back until you get someone that isn't trying to make another $1 off of your call. Yeah, they get paid a commission depending on what they sell. Thanks again! E
So what if my subscription has expired? I got the phone call tonight from them because I haven't paid for the next year. Got the paper bill a couple of days ago. Rep did not give or offer a deal, other than going down from all access to another plan. Told her I just couldn't justify that price. Told her I would do research and would call back. She said I had until Feb 1 to decide. I even told her to just disconnect. Advice?
Called the cancellation line and it took 8 minutes and 31 seconds exactly to get the 5 months for $25 plus tax. They offered the 12 month then went right to the 5 month. easy.
I was just renew for 99/year without any argument. Just said my subscription was renewing and I wanted to see what we could do to improve the price
$99.00 a year plus tax/fees = $125.00 and change each for two cars. If you want the $99.00 year deal just ask. If no deal hang-up and try another rep. My rep. was in the Phillipines and had no problem at all with $99.00. Year before las the rep. was in Canada.
Called to cancel. Had to decline 4 deals before they offered me the 5 months for $25 deal. Well worth the 5minute phone cal.
My subscription was automatically renewed and my credit card charged $218. However they turned off my service! I called and said I was unhappy my service was turned off and with the rate I was charged. I persisted, and after being transferred to three different people, I finally got someone who agreed to the $99 rate. I'm getting a credit of $102 on my credit card. It was worth the effort to call.
I forgot to call before my subscription expired last week and billed a renewal of $91/6 months for the select plan. Called in today to cancel and was offered 6 months for $25. It took little to no effort to get that deal.
Did it exactly as instructed above, 10 days before automatic renewal. It seemed important to the rep that I confirm I would cancel if not given a better price. I was then offered the 99/year adjustment base price over 191.88 that was the autorenewal price for the Select plan. Taxes and royalty fees made that 123.89.

The customer service number listed above was different from the one included on my renewal mailer, and is the one I used. 1 call, 4 minutes, saved me nearly $100. Thanks, guys.
Just called the number and once again renewed for one year at $99 ($112.14 taxes and fees). Total call was 3:32 and easy. He was based in Asia and once I turned down the $230 rate, he immediately offered $99, after I confirmed that I was cancelling.
Just called as my subscription was expiring in 10 days. Got her to cave right away to 5 months for $25 fees. 3rd time in a row I have gotten this promotion
I've had SirirusXM for years, and ever since I stopped calling the regular customer service # on the renewal reminder flyer, and started using this number instead, my experience is 100% easier.