How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Today i called and got the all access for $120 per year (plus tax) and a select plan for $25 for 5 months (plus tax)
Had to 'fight' for about 14 minutes, but managed to get he year for $99 (comes out to $127.12 total). Told the rep that I had friends who were just put in a 'promotion' for the service for $99, put me on hold, came back and said he was given the green light to give me the promotion. How kind lol
Thanks for the info guys!!
Just got $99 for year plus taxes. Just told them a friend got the value for $99 and I wanted same deal. No ptroblem
I dont know if they still offer lifetime plans I paid like 300 and have not paid a penny this happen back in 2009 my radio broke I due have to pay 75,00 to change to the new radio I have not done it yet money a little tight Im disabled I been listening on my lap top and my phone for now
Followed the plan to a tee and got 2 vehicles for $25 for 5 months each!!! I was paying more than that before for 1 vehicle. It help if you have been a long time customer as I have been for 8 years, was not very painful. I will be calling back in 5 months to do it again....thanks!!
Toni? gave me a 5 month deal for $32.21 (include $1.94 for 3 days at regular rate because I called 3 days late).It took about 10 mins. One of these times I'll hold out for a 6 month deal.
Called just now, 10:30 Eastern Time, 12/27...Got 6 months for $32.27, including taxes and the $2.00 invoice fee. No problem, easy, very nice representative. I've done this for over 4 years now...worth the little extra time.
Original renewal cost for XM select year plan was over $200. Just called and was set up for $25 for 5 months in less then 10 mins on phone. Said I wanted to cancel due to price, was offered $99/year asked for the $25 plan instead and was good to go.
Just got $25 for 6 months for select package. I had to be persistent and request that offer 4 times before the rep put me on hold and had a supervisor approve it. I was offered 12 months for $99 and also 5 months for 25. I turned both down and stood my ground or I would cancel. I have two radios and got the deal on both radios.
I just straight up told the CSR, I wanted the 5 mos for $25 to renew or I was going to have to cancel. She offered 1yr for $99, I declined and she gave me the 5 for 25 no problem. Took about 5 min total.
Got 12 months All Access for $135. Saved $70. On the phone for a grand total of 7 minutes. This is my second year in a row doing this, so i guess there's no limit to how many times they'll give you the promo rate.
just called - 119.88 for 12 months for All Access

w/ fees and $2 invoice fee - total was $146.29

just over 8 minutes on the phone