How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Just got six months for $24.99 plus taxes and fees. I told them I wanted to cancel because it's too expensive and they offered me $99 for a year subscription, I said that was too expensive still. The girl then said let me see what else you have and she said a promotion for $29.99 for six months, I said well a coworker just got $24.99 for six months, can I have that promotional deal? She said to hold on and she had to check if the promotion was still active and she said yes it was and so I got six months for $24.99 plus taxes and fees. I'm a happy camper.
I bookmarked this page and have come back to it several times over the years.I always get a great deal on my subscriptions. I like the 6 month promo for $50 fees for all access
i called 866-528-7474 told them i wanted the same deal i had before and it took about 10 minutes to get things done.
They charged my credit card 233.85 for one year and I called to cancel. They argued with me and put me on hold after i said about 15 times I wanted to cancel. I am a long time subscriber, and I'm not about to pay that amount for one year. Best they could offer was the $99 per year deal. Not worth it to me.
This site is great. Thanks for everyone's comments. I My select service was up for renewal I just called and it was painless. It took 9mins on the phone. Told the rep I'd like to cancel unless I could get the same 6 months for $24.99 deal my friend got. She said they don't have that promotion but could offer me $99/yr. I said I'm not interest b/c I don't spend a much time in my car so it wasn't worth the cost to me. She then offered me 6 months for about $54, which amusingly is actually more expensive than the first offer. I thanked her, asked to proceed with the cancellation and I'd call back if I missed the service :) Now came offer 3, 5 months for $24.99. I agreed and with taxes and fees it came to about $28.60. Interestingly she asked whether I'd like to keep my CC on file or make this a one time payment. Of course I said one time but the terms she read off also stated auto renewal so I'll be marking my calendar with a reminder to call before the new renewal date.
just called, my plan was going to cost me $273.00 to renew and in 5 min she gave me another year on my introductory plan with taxes $135.49. WOW! Make the call and just say your income is not allowing for such steep costs at this time.
After haggling for awhile last May I got 5 months select pkg for $19.99 tax/fees. This will expire next week, and I sure don't see this same deal being offered to anyone recently, so yes, we are all being taken a ride. I intend to cancel and just use the iPhone n/c.
THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU!!! I received the end of contract notice saying I would owe $235.99 in order to renew the annual subscription so I followed these instructions and called the above number and told them I wanted to cancel because it wasn't in my budget and he immediately told me they had a special promotion right now where I could get the year for $99! Worked like a charm! The important thing to do is NOT allow them to keep your card on file for future billings. This way they can't automatically charge your card for the full price at the end of the your subscription and then you can haggle all over again next time! THANK YOU FOR THIS POST, I SAVED OVER $100!
This site helped me too. My renewal base price $239.88 yr. I called to cancel and stated that I could not afford the high price any more. They looked at my records and due to the fact I was a long time customer 4 plus yrs they lowered the price to $99.00 yr. I am sure they would have lowered the price if I had been only 1 yr. I am very happy. Thank you for the advice. I will use this method going forward.
called 3 times, the last rep. was able to give me a promo at $99/yr. Call 855-635 2349 ad tell them you are cancelling. it worked.
just got the $99 a year select package with taxes $112.45 from the $218.55 quoted from renewal notice.
I'ts a pain in the A having to call them every 6 months to get the deal. It's just not worth more then $5 per month.I just let mine lapse rather then have to talk to their offshore reps., Their business model will eventually fade away when there are so many other options.
I was offered two packages, I said no, she transferred me to another person to cancel, this person offered me the 5 months for $25. Pain in the ass but the service is worth it to me for $25.
Just called and got 6 months for $25. Advised rep that I was previously told I would receive a renewal promotion for $25 and never received it. He denied me at first and offered the $99 for a year, then I told him to cancel it because I cannot afford $99 right now. He then gave me the 6 months for $25 plus tax.
I was offered 191 to continue All Access to renew for a year. Anyone get a better deal or have advice on All Access Packages?
Would be nice when we call to talk to someone who speaks ENGLISH !!!! Could not understand what he was saying and just hung up!!!