How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

I called and got 5 months for $25 plus tax. I did tell them that I would cancel if I did not get the price that I wanted. I have been customer for over 10 years. I hate to go thru the process every time that my account is up for renewal.
Just got 2 cars for same as last year. $205.85 total including all taxes and fees.
Ever since Iet the subscription expire, I've been getting mail from them offering me 6 months for $30. Haven't called them yet to renew, but the only thing I'll have to fight is the taxes/fees. So, you guys can say 'you guys are sending me cards in the mail offering me 6 months for $30' if you want.
I got XM Select for 6 months. Total cost was $35.81. They wouldn't budge on the price of NAV Traffic or Travel Link.
they offered me 1 year for $99... I just told them I wanted to cancel because the price was just too high and they asked if I would be interested in another year for $99...
Got $25 for 5 months. Just be pleasant on the phone but persist that you just can't afford it. Thanks for this site!
Last year (new customer) SiriusXM Select 1 Year for $112.76 total ($99 ). Renewal was SiriusXM Select 1 year for $218.55 ($191.88 ).

Call to say that the renewal was doubled and couldn't afford it. She offered the same as the 1st year. I said it wasn't in my budget. She said there were no other promotions. I said then I'm sorry, I'll have to cancel and just listen to Pandora on my phone. She 'put me on hold'.

Ended up with same plan for $27 (including taxes and fees) for 5 months plus a little bit of credit as I'm a few days shy of the renewal dates. I should have pushed for the 6 months but I'm very happy! Thank you!
Fees and taxes add 13.9%. So my one year Select package as a first-time subscriber was 89 12.37=101.37 Total
I just called them and told them I wanted to cancel offered the $99 deal, told him it was to much, then he offered 5 months for $24.99 plus taxes, I said sure that would be great. Gave me the upgraded package to select I am very happy thanks for your site!!
Just got XM Select for 6 months. Total cost was $32.40...can't beat that! Did live chat which took a total of 6-7 minutes.
My renewal date for XM Select was tomorrow so I called and asked to cancel because of the high cost of renewal (current plan is 6 months for $24.99). They offered my the $99 annual plan. I told them that this price was beyond my budget. They offered me 5 months $24.99. I requested that they simply extend my current plan of 6 months for $24.99. After a brief wait, the agent returned and said they could do 6 months at $24.99 ($30.38 after fees and taxes). All set until April 2017.
This doesnt work any longer. I've been trying for weeks for a deal and nothing.
Just got off phone and renewed for 12 months at $99 $13.76 taxes and fees. Simply told agent that $200 was unworkable and he immediately went to $99 and taxes/fees. Simply didn't want to go through the hassle more than once a year.
Anyone know if they will renew @ $25 for 5 months more than once?
They were going to charge me $229 for 12 months ($17.07/mo) for one radio! I called and they offered me $99 12/mo ($8.50/mo) which I declined and finally settled on $7.33/mo for 6 months...not bad for a few minutes time!
Just called to cancel. Got Kate- very nice, no hard sell. Told her I had the 6 month for $24.99 taxes and fees, for a total of $30.45. After turning down the $99/yr offer because it is too much for my budget, she gave me the same $30.45 rate for the next 6 months, with no hassle. Last April, the first person I dealt with refused to give me the better deal, saying I can only use that once, so I said I would think about it, and hung up. I called right back and the next person gave me the $30.45 total price without any hassle. It just depends on who you get, but they are still giving this offer.
Tried the chat with Bart. What a waste. No deals available he wouldn't budge. Told him politely that wasn't true and I would cancel before paying that rate.
Came back and said sorry. I said I understand Goodbye.
Called the number above got a wonderful representative who followed protocol, $99 for select which didn't include my Nav Traffic and Nav weather. I declined, wanted my old plan at $50 for 6 months which included the three features, came back and offered 5 months which I declined. Asked one more time if they could match 6 months to keep my vehicle active. After 2 minutes on hold she countered for 6-months of select, traffic and weather for $52. I accepted. I'm good for now. Just need to play the same game for 4 radios.