Just called and simply told them I wanted to cancel, and $250 was way too much. She asked if there were different channels I listened to. I told her I wanted the full range of channels I already had, but at a much cheaper price, or I would cancel because it isn't worth it to me. I mentioned having friends who had a $99 per year package (I would rather lock down the price for a year than 6 months). She said that promotion had ended, but she would transfer me to an account specialist. I was on a short hold and then the second rep came on and asked the same questions. We quickly got to the $99 PLUS taxes and fees, for a total of $118 for 12 months, for Sirius Select. This does not include some MLB, NHL, etc., apparently. I tried to ask about the Internet/All Access, and was told that would be $143 for 12 months. Rep said she would send the invoice for $118, and I told her I would consider it, but was not agreeing to accept. She also mentioned the $2 invoice fee, and I told her I would not pay that, so she waived that too. I expect I will probably go ahead and pay the invoiced amount and continue the service. Anyone else get the Sirius All Access for around that amount ($118 taxes included) with little hassle?