How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

They offered me all kinds of deals. I held out for the second rep, after I told them I would cancel. I told him letting me pay $25 was better than me turning off my radio. He agreed, and got me the $25 for 5 months with no hassle.
Called the number, told them I called the other day and was offered 119.88 for 12 months for All-Access (I wasn't) and they confirmed and was a 5 minute process. Yes, I could've got 6 months for $25 but I NEED Howard Stern. Whoop whoop. Hey now.
1 year XM All Access... $110 taxes/fees included. Still not as cheap as Sirius subscription. Not sure why Sirius/XM don't have same rates. Seems unfair. I'm told its the same company but not. Hmmm??? With Sirius (previous car) for almost 5 years, I was getting all channels for anywhere from $25 to $29 per 5 or 6 month deal at a time. XM still more expensive and less willing to deal. When asked why the difference between companies, it was suggested I get a Sirius Add On Radio in order to get those types of deals. Gotta say I will consider getting a Sirius Add On radio before next XM renewal date.
I called 2 days ago to get the 6 months for 24.99 deal and couldn't get it. I was very polite, but after the CSR offered several progressively lower cost deals, the lowest the CSR would go was 5 months at $24.99. When I told her I knew of people who had received the 6 for $24.99 she said that wasn't available, and that I was welcome to cancel but if I did, there would be a $15 re-subscribe fee if I wanted to rejoin after canceling. So, based on advice in these comments, I cancelled, and SiriusXM sent emails to me confirming the cancellation. The next day I called back (got a different CSR) and asked for the 6 for $24.99 deal. I was extremely polite and said I appreciated her efforts in offering me other deals, the best being 5 for $24.99, but my 'friend' had received the 6 for $24.99 deal and that was what I wanted. When she said it wasn't available again, I asked why not. Her answer--'different radios are offered different deals throughout the year.' If I renewed with the 5 months for $24.99 now, she would waive the $15 rejoining fee and perhaps when the 5 months ended the 6 months for $24.99 deal could be available. At that point, having spent 30 minutes each on two different calls to them, I took the 5 months for $24.99 deal. Whether or not I believe what the CSR said about different radios receiving different deals, less than $6/month for SiriusXM is a decent price.
This is sort of true. I called and asked to cancel, but she informed me that I have an XM-hardware radio which means I am under different plan options than people with a Sirius-hardware radio. Both hardware types work on the service, and yes, you can get the $99 plan, but it will NOT include Howard Stern. I listen to him, so I did not want to lose it. However, I did whine and complain though, and got 1 yr of All-Access (every channel) for $147/yr (that includes fees and taxes) which is much cheaper than the $290/yr fee it normally would be. So, yes, it works, but the $99 plan will NOT include some of the stuff you are used to if you have XM-hardware (older cars like mine, which is a 2005).
$28.85 for six months including taxes and fees and got my parents previously canceled subscription renewed at the same rate. Insist on a paper bill. Do not use a credit card. It will auto renew but you can just call to cancel again. Rep suggested calling the cancellation number two days before it expired a politely asking to have the promotional rate renewed. Used the 866-635-2349 cancellation phone number.
Just called. Told them right off the bat that I would like the renew rate at $119 for all access. The other plans don't offer all access. I use the sports often. The woman was very nice, as was I also, and she helped me out. I was on the phone for 5 minutes. $119 for the year. $135 after taxes. Also did a one-time charge and paper billing with no auto renew. She was very helpful, just be nice and ask them and be clear about what you would like.
12 month 'select' service for $98/year INCLUDES all fees. Paper bill coming, so no money due today!!! 👍🏻
Called today after I got billed for a full year at full price. Requested refund and cancellation. Got the general spill plus the $99/year offer. I told her I still wanted to cancel because after taxes, the subscription was still too expensive (the sub is nice, but I don't NEED it). She gave me a three month trial offer as well so I won't be billed until Nov. Now all i need to do is remember to cancel/negotiate in Nov. because I see all these other people getting 5 months for $25. Either that or just buy a lifetime subscription radio off ebay and transfer it.
Well after a few days of calling them, I ended up with a year of Sirius for $119 for All Access for the year. With the taxes it comes out to $154 for me for some reason. This was offered by two reps pretty easily. I think at one point one of the Indians on the overnight shift offered me $40 for six months of All Access but when I called back in the next day the American rep wouldn't give it to me. Thanks everyone for the assist!
Called the 888 number, new subscription, told her I wanted the 24.99 for 6 months deal. Done and activated within 5 minutes. I didn't mess about the auto renewal. I'll just put on my calendar to cancel in February and ask for this rate again.
I just called to cancel and explained I was not renewing because of the cost. I was offered $99/year.
I was offered 99/yr for select. Hemmed and hawed and got 5 months for 24.99 but I am lazy and didn't want to call back in a few months so was offered a select family friendly (I don't listen to Howard) at 90/yr. thanks for the info.
I have XM in an Acura RDX. Tried to use Code 308442 for the $24.99/6 month special but was told it was invalid. Was first offered $99 (total price $113.14) for one year. Next was offered $25 for 5 months. Decided to go with 1 year deal and they waived the $2 processing fee. For me, the extra 7 months is worth the slightly extra cost per month. Thanks for all previous comments
Called 888-601-6302, gave code 308442
Agent checked with supervisor
28.46 inc taxes and fees for six months Select.
I first tried the chat line about getting a low cost renewal--no dice. Following the advice of this list I eventually--after 5 minutes of listening to all the other options--got the lady to the 5 month 24.99 fees, BUT my service was not scheduled to expire for 14 more days. They would 'pro-rate' credit my account for renewing today, but I could Not get the $24.99 rate to kick in on my current plan expiration date. Sorry, that did not work for me my old 6 month special was $24.99 and despite what the lady said, I did not want to get a pro-rated credit for my unused days. She would not let me go, but she could not put the plan into effect on next month. I ended hanging up on her, which I did not was to do, but I'll call the day before it expires. I love this list.
This was so helpful. This info is correct and it worked like a charm! They offered me the $99 for 1 year or 6 months for $48. When I asked for the 5 months for $25 (based on this thread) they gave it to me immediately! Thanks
I just called and stated I thought the $218 was too high and I also got the $99 rate. Worth a phone call.