I called 2 days ago to get the 6 months for 24.99 deal and couldn't get it. I was very polite, but after the CSR offered several progressively lower cost deals, the lowest the CSR would go was 5 months at $24.99. When I told her I knew of people who had received the 6 for $24.99 she said that wasn't available, and that I was welcome to cancel but if I did, there would be a $15 re-subscribe fee if I wanted to rejoin after canceling. So, based on advice in these comments, I cancelled, and SiriusXM sent emails to me confirming the cancellation. The next day I called back (got a different CSR) and asked for the 6 for $24.99 deal. I was extremely polite and said I appreciated her efforts in offering me other deals, the best being 5 for $24.99, but my 'friend' had received the 6 for $24.99 deal and that was what I wanted. When she said it wasn't available again, I asked why not. Her answer--'different radios are offered different deals throughout the year.' If I renewed with the 5 months for $24.99 now, she would waive the $15 rejoining fee and perhaps when the 5 months ended the 6 months for $24.99 deal could be available. At that point, having spent 30 minutes each on two different calls to them, I took the 5 months for $24.99 deal. Whether or not I believe what the CSR said about different radios receiving different deals, less than $6/month for SiriusXM is a decent price.