How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Getting a new car and was going to get satellite radio for the first time because I can't stand all the commercials and the FCC's PC standards but it turns out that you're also just a bunch of cowards (pussies). So I'm saving that money money for downloads to my iPod which will be my ONLY music source from now on.
i am new to this radio i need to buy a home system and one for my car any advice?
I have been a customer of for ten years or better, every year my rate per year keeps going up, I have two units one is 109.00 the other is 167.00 a year, I see these discounts and wonder why I'm paying so much, all I listen to is music so if it is cheaper to take all the other stuff please do , my account #2981687513, my e-mail is [email protected] phone 321.549.1894, it's a little up sitting to see these discounts and know what I'm paying
I just got off the phone with Franklin and was offered: All Access ( Plan I Have) 6 mo/40.88 (includes a 10.00 credit from my account....then the Select Plan 5 mo/33.66 (includes the 10.00 credit) and finally the Mostly Music 6 mo/31.12 (includes the 10.00 credit) I then ended up cancelling anyway...and was then told they are sending me a check for 17.95...for some type of $ they owed me..(funny that 17.95 wasn't credit to me anywhere)...and that they will start sending me WELCOME BACK PROMOS for the 6 mo/25. Select Plan....guess we'll see.....I'm going to try using the FREE Pandora, as I can bluetooth that straight to my car speakers....and see if I miss the Sirius XM.....By the way Franklin talked....these all the time....however, mainly used when your account is expiring or has already expired. Wished I had known these ploys 3 yeas I paid 249.00 each year...for a car that is hardly driven and never used here in the house!
My subscription expires in a month. I called and asked for the $77/yr promotion. I was told there was no promotion. I told them I'd call back a day before my expiration date to cancel. Was put on hold and they came back with $89/yr. promotion. Also keep in mind you do not have to pay by credit card.....very had to cancel if you do. Tell them you want an invoice and pay the extra $2 for it.
Had to specifically ask for the $25/5 mos. twice but it was offered as 'finally our 3rd offer is...' Total 27.83 for 5 months. Will do the dance again in December but it's worth it.
Also renewed for $119 - but keep in mind the total with fees and taxes is $148. Still cheaper than the auto renewal invoice. Still cannot refuse auto renewal either, must contact them within 30 days of expiration to prevent.
just called all access for $119.00 actually $131.71 with all taxes but better than the 229.00 offer for the year
I just called. My subscription expires next month. They offered me the $89 for 12 months. The offered to credit me back $6.30 for my remaining month, but then give me an 11 month subscription, so it would actually be more than $89 for 12 months. I said still too high and mentioned the $25 for 5 months. They gave me this rate and subtracted the $6.30. First she asked if I like the service and what were my favorite stations. I said the service works most of the time but sometimes cloud cover or middle of nowhere causes interruptions. I said a like several channels. None of there business... They try and gauge your level of interest to offer pricing that is higher if you say you love it.
Offered $89 for 12 months at first, I said no thanks and the next offer was $25 for 5 months -- and yes you have to pay the extra $3 for Royalty fees but my bill was still $27isih - well for the 7 minute call!!
Just got the select plan from Alvie in the Cancelation Dept. for $89 plus fees for 12 months. Way better the $185.50 renewal they asked for on the mailer they sent.
The first person said no special pricing is available for my account. I had to say I wanted to cancel and get transferred to a different department. Explained that the price is too much and wanted to cancel. I said that I had heard that there was an $89 a year special rate available and she said she could offer that. After fees and taxes $109.28. I asked to be invoiced so my card won't be on file because they will auto renew if they have your card on file and you can't call and get special pricing.
I just renewed the select plan with Jane in the cancellation department for $89.00 plus fees for one year. Total was $99.54. So much better than the $199 plus fees that I received on the renewal mailer.
Got 6 months XM Select for $33.68 $2 invoice fee. Don't want to give them credit card or they auto renew when 6 months is up at jacked up rate. Didn't need to say the 'C' word (cancel)...just 'that's too much.. you can do better' maybe twice. If I had paid $164.89 for 12 months I would feel like such a chump!
Just got the Select annual for $99.86 all fees and taxes included v. $164.89 MRF fee of $20.61 offered by mail as renewal.
Paid $96.12 last year for same plan. Told them outright I was cancelling because of price increase from my last year's $96.12 and they immediately came back with $99.86 all fees and taxes included.
If you credit card company offers a 'one-time use' card, use it so you won't automatically renew if you forget to cancel next year.