How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Great site! I had been paying $31.66/mo for the Select for 2 vehicles. That adds up to $379.92/yr! I was quoted the $99 at the start for the select, then 6 months for $58.48, but I ended up taking the 5 month deal for $25 per vehicle. The price will jump up to $30.45 for 5 mos after the promo ends. Wish I had called sooner!!
XM charged my credit card unexpectedly on 05/31. (I had wanted to renegotiate prior to the charge.)

CSR said my radio doesn't qualify for 6/$25 offer. Suggested that I downgrade. Me: no
Offered the $99 a year. Me: I am not paying any more today.
Thanked me for being a customer since 2005. Put me on hold and came back with 5/$25. Told me that I would owe .48 after tax, etc. I said, No, make it work.
She said that she was able to 'use her tools'. Awaiting the confirmation email.
Time on call 22 minutes including hold.
I have been a customer for over 10 years now and never paid full price. A nice CSR told me after my free trial was up and called to cancel that as long as I call before it renews, I could always get a lower rate. It is a big pain to have to call every 5-6 months but worth it. I have 3 radios and just got each for 5mths for 24.99. Each time I tell them that I will cancel unless they give me that rate. Been doing it for as long as I can remember. Today the first offer was for $119 a year and kept declining until I got what I was looking for. I don't understand why all the offers differ so much. They must be making plenty of money from the people who don't care what it costs. I am just bummed I hadn't seen that people were getting 6mths for $25 before I called.
$25 for 6 months and they waived the outstanding $33 for account overdue (they kept it on for a month after last paid period ended, before cutting it off)!
I got $99 a year like most everyone else. With service fees of $13 it was $112 total.
Only an eight-minute plan $25 for six months. No haggling, just stated I wanted to renew the same plan I currently have, easy as that.

FYI...I always opt for the paper statement which is an extra $2. It saves the hassle of the auto-renewal with a credit card.
It is against company policy to use these and the rules will be changing soon.. I have Intel on the company
New bill came in at $218.55 for Select. Called and politely stated I would like to cancel. Immediately offered me one year for $99 ($110.28). I asked if she could include All Access. She indicated yes for slightly more - ended up taking the deal at $136.06 total. Asked to be billed - no problem. Took all of 5 minutes
Just used this info to get the 25.00 for 6 months. Easy once you say you are cancelling- they switch you to new person who is very easy to deal with.
Just called --they offered me $99 a year then $25 for 5 months when I asked for $25 for 6 months, they said it on each of two cars...
I had to literally fight with the rep. to get the $25 for 6 months after offering $25 for 5. I get to call them again to fight again prior to 12/9/16. What fun!
Just spent 4 minutes and 11 seconds getting the rate to the $99/year. The 6mo/$25 is more of a hassle to me - plus the $99 rate seems more of their standard 'discount' rate as opposed to the ever changing 5 or 6 month rate.

This was a quick call with most of it spent waiting for the rep to charge the credit card and read the T's&Cs.....just tell them you want to cancel, say 'to save money' and let them lower your rate with no BS.

He also said just call back before June 9 2017 and they'll probably just do the $99/yr again.
Asked for All-Access. Quoted a price of $19.99/month = $240/year. Would not offer lower rate stating my car was not included for any lower promo rates.

I asked to speak to a supervisor and she asked 'why?' I told her I wanted to pay what I paid on my first car all-access (which was about $11.37/month or $119.88/year taxes and fees for a total of $136.54 for the year). She put me on hold for one minute. I got that deal and opted out of automatic credit card billing. i saved about $100 year for a 15 minute conversation. Thanks guys/gals for the advice.
yeah, sorry, this doesn't work, I tried yesterday. all they offered me was a free month and then next month they charge me the whole year so you have to cancel and start up again as a new customer to get any deal
Always request paper billing. It will cost $2 but worth the piece of mind they will not suddenly charge your card when your membership is close to expiring.
If you feel a rep is not working with you, hang up and start over with someone else, it will work.
select-1 yr.- $99 taxes and fees. No problems at all. I just said cancel, price was too much.
6/10/16 @ noon CTS
Been doing this for our 2 cars since 2011 after our new car trials ended.
She offered the 99$ deal for both radios, with tax etc came out to 226$. I kindly asked if we could make it an even 200$. After a min to talk to her supervisor, she agreed. I have about 8 days until my currrent subscription ends, so she even cut more to 96$ each total. So 196.00$ total and done. I will be calling in 11months and 25 days to do it again. SXJam on!! (ch29)