How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

On hold for about 10 minutes...asked to get 6 months for $25...after last one ran out and i put acct on suspension for a few months..the deal of May is $25 for new customers...he keeps telling me that he has to run this past his manager..LOL took 32 min of on on hold and asking total cost with taxes will be $36.14 for six months...they did away with the $98 they billed me...a bit more than previous 6 months of $31..but i accepted time i will stay on top of my renew date...
FYI xm users:...make sure they bill you...don't pay for with credit card online.....much easier to bargain and see first hand what little fees they hide...I also have online account..but did not give them my cc card number.....(old school thinking)
Well I just got off phone with a woman who spoke English, but definitely had an accent. I basically pushed for the 120 for all access from the start and she put me on hold for 3 minutes and came back saying they couldn't do that. Apparently my email wasn't on file so she asked for it and at first I wasn't going to waste my time, but she said that's how they do promos. Basically I am under the impression that they are now going to send me a promo for the 120 via email that they wouldn't honor over the phone. My trial ends May 1st so I will check my email tomorrow and if there isn't anything there I will cancel. No way am I paying 199$ when many of you are getting the 120$.
I just called as my contract was suspended by me when we were away for 4 months. I had NO problems getting the $25 for 6 months rate. The rep never would have told me about it if I hadn't been looking while he had me on hold figuring out the tab for a year which he had already said would be about $180. Saved me a bundle. What you have to remember to do is get back to them at 6 months or they will automatically charge you at the 6 month rate which is about $98.
Just called and was able to get the $99 12month deal. $113 and some change after some tax and balance from old contract. works ... takes a bit of time. even got it for the new radio I added
Just got the same deal $99 they wanted to charge me 240.00 for 1 year just say you want to cancel service.
No problems with the $25 6-month deal but and they did charge taxes and fees so total charges for me were $28.52.
I just got the $99 deal on one vehicle for Sirius select and $120 deal with XM All Access on another. They originally offered $199 on the All Access, I told them thats too much, then they suggested I go monthly for $19.99 which is more money per year. I said its not about paying up front but just paying too much. I then said you have a $120 for all access can you give me that deal, she said that deal is for certain radio ids only. Then she asked if I am going to stay with them if $199 is too much , I said I will cancel both subscriptions. She them immediately said she can offer me the all access for $120 for the year. Also tell them you want to make a one time payment and to take any payment info off of your account so they can't automatically renew and you can renegotiate a deal when the year is up.
It looks like you have to tell them your going to cancel then they'll offer you the best deal they can.
if you say you don't want to pay right away they will invoice you for a $2 charge and then you wont have a card on file.
Called to cancel renewal due to cost. First offered All Access for $120/year ($150 after fees and taxes). Declined, then offered All Access for $50/6 mos ($61 after fees and taxes). Requested to be invoiced which added an additional $2 charge. Total call time: 17 mins including wait.
I just called. The bill was for XM Select at $221 for 12 months. I told them to cancel and they promptly offered $99 for 12 months. I asked about the &25 for 6 months and she said I can do that. They were having problems charging my CC, so they are sending me a bill instead. Total for 6 months $29.78. I then added a second car which has Sirius All Access. She gave me Sirius Select for $32.52 for 6 months. Added a reminder in my phone to call them in 6 months to re-up at a lower rate or cancel.
Just asked for the $25 for 6 mo deal i saw on their website. Total came to 28.46. DONE. No hassle no long waits.
The $25 deal for 6 months worked for me. The total was $32.52 with taxes and fees.
Called once a week ago using the Sirius XM phone # to renew my 6 mo 'deal' and was told I couldn't renew @ $25 for 5 months. I called again a week later and instantly was offered the 'deal' for SIX months, once I repeated it a few times. I used the phone number above, rather than the official Siriux XM # I called previously. Thanks!!!
Whatever you do...don't use the chat feature...NO HELP AT ALL. Now I get to wait on hold to see if they really want to keep a customer or not!
Just spent 15 minutes to get my new deal and 9 minutes of that was on hold waiting to speak with someone. Told the rep that I was retired now and that I wanted the Sirius Select package for 99$ for 12 months like I've been paying the last couple of years. He took it without hesitation. New total was $114.76 and they are sending me a paper invoice. I know it's cheaper to get the 6 mo package but it's worth it to me to only have to deal with this once a year.
The first rep said they had no deals, just the standard price. I said I wanted to cancel if there weren't any deals. She put me on hold for a supervisor and after 5 minutes I hung up and called the number above. I was able to get the $25 for 6 months right away. However I discovered they had already charged me full price this morning, and would now credit the excess amount to my card. And my understanding was that my last subscription was good THROUGH May 3. Guess not.