How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Just got off the phone with them. Had the 3 month free trial and told them I wanted All Access for $119 for 12 months. Jose put me on hold and in 2 minutes came back and said that he would honor that price. No issues, no problems. I'll call them in a year to do it all over again.
Looking at all the posts, I wasn't sure which currency people were referring too so I will mention that the below is in CAD. I would put down how much time I spent on the phone, but I didn't keep track and likely don't want to know. LOL

I first called a month ago, and cancelled my subscription when they weren't providing me a deal that was agreeable with what I was willing to pay. They sent me an email afterwords saying they would give me a free month and hope that I changed my mind.
I called back today and made reference that I wanted all access and wasn't interested in the others. Thanks to the posts below, I decided to see which offers they had for 6 month terms. Taxes and fees all in, I managed to get 64.75/6 months for the premium package with online thrown in. (essentially 'all access) A little off what I wanted to pay for radio, however it's within reason to what I'm willing to pay. Have a great day all!
I tell them that I want to cancel because I want to lower my credit card debt and I don't want a $169 a year subscription on my card. They offered a 6 month $69 subscription. I told them that is still too much so they offered the $25 5 month to which I agreed. Make sure to call the cancellation department before your subscription automatically renews. It took 5minutes.
I am on a six month promo rate of $34.10 total that expires in May. I called and told the woman either to give me the same rate or a cancellation number. She counter offered a year for $112 (ridiculous and I said no) then six months for $51 and I said no again. Finally she offered the same rate of about $5 a month for five months but I must put a credit card on file. I said just cancel it.

I'm not sure I'll ever renew even if they do offer a better rate. The renewal/negotiation process is annoying.
just got the $99 deal after I was on hold waiting to cancel cause the rep said there were no more loyalty prices..., and thought I'd google 'saving on Sirius Radio'..glad I did!!
4/4/16 subscription was expiring- no deals,I said cancel. Next agent, 'are you open if I can get the bill down?' Offer 1 $99 for 1 yr taxes and fees (down from 180. I said no Offer 2 $44 for 6 months. I said yes then it was up $52. so I said no. Offer 3 $25 for 5 months. out the door was $27.00. Thanks for your posts they helped me~!!!
I can not believe that with all the free or low cost alternatives that Sirius xm feels it can raise monthly prices. After my current contract expires, I plan to return to Pandora without ads and Spotify. I would be interested in continuing your service at a price range of 4 or 6 dollars per month. Thanks David
Just called - got a very pleasant person.. I was up for renewal TODAY.. I just nicely said I want to cancel if its at the new $176 fees.. she offered the $99. - I said ok ( I am ok with the little extra and not calling again in 5mos) all in all she was VERY nice and we were done in minutes :) - this is my 2nd time.. and like before a much nicer group of people when you call 'after 6pm pst) hours'
They would not give me the 6mo at $30 that I previously had. Ended up getting the 5mo for $25
I called today because I received my 6 month invoice for $102. I told the young man I needed to cancel because this was entirely too high. He immediately offered me 5 months for $20. I told him I usually get 6 months for $24.99. He said he had to ask his supervisor. He came back in less than a minute and told me I could have 6 months for $24.99. No coupon or code necessary. He said he saw from my history I usually had that special and they would honor it. He agreed to bill me an invoice and read me all the details. I repeated all the financial parts of the deal to him, he said what I said was correct and I told him then that I agreed to renew for another 6 months at 33.47 including fees and taxes. Very pleasant experience, no arguing, no hardball. Yea!! I have my XM radio for another 6 months.
I called to cancel and was offered a year for $99, which I declined. Then I was offered $45 for 6 months, which I also declined. Then I was offered 5 months for $25, which came to $30.28 with taxes and fees.
4/05/2016: I just called to cancel the renewal which was to be at $17.07 per month and got it for $5.65 per month for 5 months. Saved a total of $57.12 over that time. They charged my card $28.23. Glad I found your site and article!!
Similar story with me as well. Called to say I wanted to cancel and was immediately offered the $99 per year plan plus fees and taxes (this is less than half of what my renewal bill was for). I told the rep that amount was still a little high for me and asked her if she could reduce the cost further. She immediately took another $20 off the bill. Total with taxes and fees for one year for the full plan now just $104.64. Rep was very nice and friendly.
Just got off the phone with them.. I'm really getting tired of having to do this every year. This time the 1st agent said they didn't have any promotions, so I had to go ahead and tell them to cancel.. I was then transferred to a 2nd agent who 'miraculously' offered me the same $99/year deal. Next time I think Ill just cancel, but I bit and have a new extension again for another year. My total bill is 112.xx per year
My free trial ended and so did my offer of 6 months for $29.94 when I went online to renew. My price was going to be $124 . Used the phone number above and got the discount. Thank you Spoofee!
1st guy said there is no deal, wanted to transfer me to retention accts. Placed on hold, I hung up and recalled. Was able to get 5 months $30.40
If you can wait a couple of weeks after your subscription expires, they will send you through email and snail mail tons of welcome back offers. The best one they've sent me so far is 5 months for $20 and also waiving the $15 activation fee.
Just got off the phone to negotiate an already existing subscription and add a new one. At first it was going to be $99 for the first car and then 30% off of that for the 2nd one. I declined. I was then offered another 'deal' a little less and declined. We ended up settling on $25 for 5 months for each radio. Yay!