I had a yearly subscription for $89 that had expired (I requested a paper invoice as opposed to auto-renewal). I told them I wanted a shorter term than a year (preferably six months). They mentioned the there was a $10.99/month plan, so I explained that wasn't as good a deal as the $89/year deal I had before. Then I mentioned a coworker recently got 6 months for $25. He put me on hold then said he could offer that deal, but the total would be approx. $58 ($25 for the 6 months, and $14.99 for the past two months since they were outside of my old 1 year plan.
I told him I don't want to pay the $14.99 for those two months as I hadn't chosen to renew the service yet and that if I have to, I'll just not renew and let them deactivate my service. At this point he asked if I just wanted to pay the $25 plus fees for 6 months, and I said yes. He comes back and says his supervisor or whoever said it was fine to charge me only the $28.47 total for six months.
I never got any pushback on anything, I just had to explain a few time why I didn't like the deals they were offering me ($200 for a year, $89 for a year, $10.99/month, $14.99 for the two months after my subscription was up).
Also of note, I had not responded to the paper invoice or emails to renew my subscription. Today I got an automated call saying due to an outstanding billing issue, my service would be disrupted within 48 hours, and to please call back and make a payment. I think you will have much more negotiating power in the future if you request a paper invoice and do not authorize auto-renewal (and state you are only authorizing a one-time payment and you do not want them to store your credit card information). I feel like this way they are negotiating to receive payment, as opposed to your negotiating to get a lesser payment or money back if your subscription already renewed. And for what it is worth, I really was ready to walk away if they wouldn't give me the deal I wanted