Five yrs ago when XM was teetering on extinction (going outta business), and I had 3 different subscriptions, they called me and offered me three 'lifetime subscriptions' for approximately $400 ea (total of $1200.....I guess they needed cash).
They told me that It would 'never cost me another cent' for XM and my only other possible cost would be a '$25 service transfer free if one of my receivers died and I needed to transfer service to a new XM receiver'.
All went fine until today when I needed to replace one of my two portable receivers'. They attempted to charge me a $75 transfer of service fee, not $25. After 20 minutes of me not budging, they finally relented and reduced the transfer fee to $25 plus a $2.00 fee to send me a bill ?!?!? (Ain't that some BS).
It also came out in the conversation that my 'lifetime subscription' for my in-car XM radio according to them, is not for MY 'lifetime', but for the car's 'lifetime'. My car still has a couple of years left, but when the time comes, there is gonna be a WAR if they try to stiff me on what was sold to me as a 'lifetime subscription' for ME, not my car !!!!