How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

My question is, why can't they just offer the set price as $89/yr as I also just finagled, instead of making their subscribers go through this process year after year? Jeez.
I live in Fla and taxes and fees are apparently higher. That being said, I followed the instructions listed below and got a very nice young man and asked about the $89 price and he said that was for Sirius Select only. If I wanted the premium package, I could pay the $119 (with tax here its $150) for the year. That's much better than the $199 ($250 with tax/fee) I was quoted first!
Five yrs ago when XM was teetering on extinction (going outta business), and I had 3 different subscriptions, they called me and offered me three 'lifetime subscriptions' for approximately $400 ea (total of $1200.....I guess they needed cash).
They told me that It would 'never cost me another cent' for XM and my only other possible cost would be a '$25 service transfer free if one of my receivers died and I needed to transfer service to a new XM receiver'.
All went fine until today when I needed to replace one of my two portable receivers'. They attempted to charge me a $75 transfer of service fee, not $25. After 20 minutes of me not budging, they finally relented and reduced the transfer fee to $25 plus a $2.00 fee to send me a bill ?!?!? (Ain't that some BS).

It also came out in the conversation that my 'lifetime subscription' for my in-car XM radio according to them, is not for MY 'lifetime', but for the car's 'lifetime'. My car still has a couple of years left, but when the time comes, there is gonna be a WAR if they try to stiff me on what was sold to me as a 'lifetime subscription' for ME, not my car !!!!
Answer to last question: Because there are idiots out there that wont pay attention and let their subscription renew at full price and wont do anything about it. It's monopolized service marketing at it's best!
I just got $89 for 1 year renewal, XM Select package. Don't waste time with the first department that answers, just politely ask to cancel your subscription and you will get transferred to another department that can give you that price. I said someone I know got that price, and the rep took care of it without any problems. Cheers!
Waiting on the phone...WHY do we have to WAIT so long, and then it's hard to understand some of these people...BUT it's WORTH it to SAVE a HERE I AM waiting...they offered $89. for one yr, I said NO SO I'm getting $25. for 5 mos....and have to renew in 5 mos. GREAT!
I tried last night to get a better price than the $180 that was on my invoice. The best the CSR said he could do (after talking with a manager ... so he said) was remove the royalty fee which was approximately $20. He would not give me another offer, so I cancelled my subscription as of July 1. Guess I'll be waiting until they have another special. I've been successful the past two years, but this year, not so much.
Done. Called the number above 5 days before my current promo of 6 months for $25 ended and was able to get the same promo applied for the next 6 months. The rep just wanted me to confirm that if I could not get the promo rate I would cancel my service. I nicely confirmed that I was going to cancel if I could not get the same promo and he applied it right away. The whole call took a total of 5 minutes. Yay!
Just called and took all of five minutes. I chose the 'cancel' option in the prompts. I did just as other did. I said I would like to cancel if they could not give me the same promotion I got 5 months ago. It was no problem at all. No song and dance. He confirmed he could give it to me, $29.88 for 5 months. Time to mark the calendar to make the next call.
Awesome info guys! Just got the one year 89.00 bucks, with fees and taxes 107.00 for 12 months.
useful info. Got XMPremier with internet & phone access for 1 year $112.88 OTD (all taxes, royalties,fees, etc included in that price). For $9.40/month I am satisfied. Not sure if it's the best out there because they offered me a better rate but for 5 months. I can't stand calling every year let alone in 5 months. I tool the 1 year price listed above.
Worked for me, have to do it every year! Bill was $24 for Premier, got it reduced to $133 for All access, which has more channels & internet streaming.
Called and spoke with Ariel. Just told her that I had a special promotion 5 months fore $25 coming to an end soon and asked if there was any way I could continue that promotion for another 5 months and she happily obliged and took care of me.
Just got 180 channels for 5 months, for 22.49 total. (I am a previous subscriber that cancelled months ago.) I opted for automatic cancellation after the 5 month, otherwise the cost went up to something like $14.95/month after that. Glad I asked about what happens after 5months (although maybe he was going to tell me anyway).

Thanks for the hints here. Was ready to skips rejoining when I saw the prices on the website.
Was getting charged the 103.18 for the 6 months at the regular rate. Talked to 3 reps in the cancellation dept. Finally got them to renew my subscription for 1 year at that same price!!! Just gotta be persistent and talk to the right person!!
I called above number and got SiriusXM Select for 5 months for a total of $23.74 which includes fees and taxes. LOVE that price!
Yup. For XM Select just hung up at $89/year (with taxes, fees, etc.) totaled $100.13. Paid in full. Savings of about $64 off of the price the regular mailed me to renew at. I don't get the MLB package and some other minor bells and whistles, but this is more than enough. Good luck to all.
SiriusXM does NOT offer promotions to 1)active full price subscriptions and 2) subscribers who already are on or just had a promotion. - These websites offering ways to get promotions and lower prices are a scam. One recent poster even said they got phone service which SiriusXM doesn't even offer. Get real people!
Just called - offered $89 for a year or $49 for 6 months. I asked for my current plan to be renewed at $25 for 5 months and they said OK. Much better deal.
Just called to cancel before renewal at $175 per year. The rep wouldn't go below $149, gave me some story about there only being one rate now, he got pushy, so I walked. Guess no one told him it costs five times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. They'll miss my money more than I'll miss 80s on 8 :)