After failing to get any discount other than the posted rates on the site, I called to 866-635-2349 number and went through several voice prompts not asked at the 888-601-6302 number. Got a nice gentleman in the midwest who offered me the 45% off full rate price of $99, plus $13.75 royalty, minus a 3 week credit (since plan goes thru 1/21/16), for a total of $108 per vehicle for 1 year.
So, it does appear that if you do not receive the offer you hope to at the original 6302 number listed above, try the second number ending in 2349 listed at the top of my (and other's) post.
Thanks to everyone for sharing their info and experiences.
Sirius is in serious trouble (ha ha) from the likes of Pandora and other services. They had better keep offering people good rates.