How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

A few days ago, I received my automatic renewal letter on my current SiriusXM Select package - subscription ends on 1/04/16 - for $204.88. I called and explained that I was going to cancel due to price. The CSR immediately offered me the same select package for $99/year, excluding fee(s), which I took. Perhaps could have negotiated that down even more, but I figured that would be as good as gets with my Murphy's Law luck, so I accepted the deal. CSR was very nice and basically didn't even ask any questions, just offered up the $99 deal right away. Hope everyone has similar success.
don't settle for $89 for a year. I've always been able to get somewhere around $25-$30 for 6 month. Keep in mind they will prorate the amount you owe if you call before your subscription ends so it can't hurt to call a week or 2 in advance. I will have paid $54 for one year for XM Select from 2 separate 10 minute phone calls. Be very nice, make them believe you don't use the service often / it isn't smoething you NEED and just kindly turn down the first few offers and then tell them you'd like the $25 or $30 deal you had at one point or that your friend has yada yada. Just be nice.
The best I'm getting is $99/yr select or $29.94 for 6 months. I'm looking to get All Access with Internet for $90 per year, including taxes. Has anybody done that well?
Just spoke with Michelle. She is the BEST!! Got the all access for $49 with tx/fees for $58.07. Would love to get a cheaper yearly deal since time flies so fast and having to call in every 6 months is a pain!! Thanks to all of you for your input.
They offered me Select for $99/year, I said no, then I got Select for $44/6 months. I said no. I said I want the same deal Select 6 months for $25. She put me on hold to get supervisor approval and it was approved. 11/25/15
I usually call for past 4 yrs and tell them I will not or refuse to pay that much usually they tranfrre me cause I tell them its not big deal to me . I cancel g go throuvh 4 people and usually theytell me they have no specials. I usually get 89.00 then tax.
i'm currently on hold with customer service canada - first lady told me there isn't anything they can do for me. I've had a 3 month promo so far and it expired at end of October
update on Canada subscription - the 2nd rep was very helpful - he offered me a year for $99 taxes - I declined and asked if something better (my friend got a 6 month deal), he then offered me 6 months for $46 total (incl taxes etc) CAD - I took it. The first rep wouldn't (or maybe couldn't) do anything, so she transferred me. 2nd guys was super.
I just spoke with them and my yearly bill with taxes and the music fee was $232... the rep offered me a deal of $99 for the year plus tax and music fee (whatever that is) ... for a total of $133 for the year... so I accepted it.
Just called and got the deal i wanted on both my radios. One all access one select. Same for past 4 years now. Thanks all.
As many others have mentioned, I find that if you're nice and sincere about the price being too high they will eventually give you the deal you're looking for. I just renewed both of mine within the last week at the 5 mo /$25 rate. I just tell them I am trying to trim costs from my budget (which I am) and that unfortunately I am going to have to cancel my subscription because the regular rate is just too high. Been doing this every 5 or 6 months for 5 years. I often get a lady named Jasmine and she is super nice and helpful. = Get 5 months of service when you subscribe to our Sirius Select package for just $19.99 plus fees and taxes. That’s a 73% savings compared to the regular price of $14.99 per month.
Got my master radio with all inclusive including internet radio for $135.81 and $93.99 for my two secondary radios for a year. Not as good as last year, but better than full price.
Called to renew, told him the renewal price ($204.88) was too high. He offered a family renewal plan for $83.00 plus tax and fees for a total $91.24 for 1 yr. I checked it on line, it showed it removed several X rated channels. Sounds good renewed for 1 yr for the 8th year in a row. Always a run around...
I called twice. Both times I stated i know a friend paying $89/year and asked for that. First lady wouldn't go below $149 and said no such plan exists. I said I couldn't afford that and she said to call back should anything change. Second guy first offered me $150, then I said I am seeking the $89/year plan. He said it doesn't exist but I asked him to please ask. He came back and said they could do $99/year taxes and fees = $115. I said that's a lot of money of taxes and fees. I said I really can't spend over $100. Then he said he could do $30/6 months. I grabbed it! Comes out to $38 total for 6 months. I will cancel/renew in 6 months and hope I get the same great deal!
Called and told them couldn't afford the renewal fee of $204.88 and they offered $99/12 mo. Asked if they had a 6mo and offered me $45/6mo. Asked if there were any other promotions and she gave me 5mos/29.99 but then took off a couple bucks because I paid over the phone. Very simple this time as opposed to last when I got $89/yr. You need to call directly to the cancellations dept.and then hopefully get a nice salesperson and are cordial you will get a good deal.
Just hung up on sirus. No deal offer. Lady says no deals period. Siruis can kiss my ---. I will buy CD's.Their price was outrageous.
Just called in to renew my all access subscription. Quoted $350 by rep then told he could go to $250 for me. I said forget it and put through to cancellation department. Offered $140 tax for full premium subscription including internet radio.