I was able to call and get the All Access service for $99 plus tax. I use the mobile app quite a bit so I needed that and insisted that they not downgrade me to Auto only. Thanks for the heads up.
Just called negotiated a little without being demanding and got $99/yr. each for two receivers and a credit for 23 days time use from when my old plan expired.
I've been doing this for years, 2 cars and each 6 month package for $25 plus tax/fees which comes out to $28.50 every 6 months per receiver ($57 for year). I just set my reminder on my phone for 1 day before it expires. This is for select package.
Wow! They charged me $234 on an auto renew. I told them about the $24.99 for six months mailing and they honored it. They will issue me a credit for $191. How is this possible? YIKES.
Directly called the cancellation phone number. Price lowered for Select from 189.00/yr to 99.00/yr plus tax. Chose the 5 mo/25.00 plan and will call again before 4/1/16 to renew. 28.40 for the 5 months including tax. I have done this to get discounts for over 10 years now. It works if you are polite and pleasant.
EnterI hust called and advised my trial was ending on the 4th. I then said I wanted to take the $89/yr offer. After some questions about whether I'd gotten an email offering that, which I effectivley never answered, the rep said no problem. $89/yr plus taxes and fees = $101.37. Good enough. I know I'll forget to cancel after 5-6 months so, for me, it works.
I just got a call from them, as my trial is expiring in 2 weeks. was offered $99 for a year, looked here, told them I want $89. thye said that promo was over, but supervisor will still be able to give it to me. after 30 seconds hold, I got $89 per year
My account was going to expire tommorow and I had received a subscription of $49.99 for All Access for 6 months before. I called and told them I wanted to cancel because their offers on their web site were too high. She agreed to renew my subscription for the same $49.99 or $8.33 per month. (taxes and such were extra)
Talked to first rep, wouldn't budge when I told her long term subscribers I knew were paying $100 plus royalties for one year of XM select. Told her to transfer me to cancellation department. My second rep. almost immediately offered me the $99 plus royalties & tax deal. That was $123 total, which was only about $10 more than I paid last year and over $70 less than my bill. I'm a happy camper! And, I'll do it again next year...
My All Access package was due to expire today. Called & talked to a very professional gentleman, James. I indicated - very politely - that I didn't like the new renewal rate of $290 for 12 months and asked if there were any specials similar to what I had ($59/6 months). James said there were no specials being offered for the All Access package. I then asked to be transferred to the Cancellation Department. James told me that if I could hold for a few minutes, he would check with his supervisor to see if there was anything he could offer to keep my business. He came back on and offered me $119 to renew for 12 months. Grand total with taxes & fees is $145. Paper invoice only. Sold.
I have the SXM Select package with 1 Auto and 1 Online account with about 2 weeks left till it expires. Retail price for the renewal is $259. I called Customer Retention and they were able to give me the $99/yr before fees on the Auto but wanted to charge me full retail price for the online account of $164/yr before fees. I told them it was going to be a no-go because that's just too much for both. Call Center person checked and they were able to upgrade me to All Access for the same $99/yr with one free online streaming account. Total out the door was $130 including taxes for 1 All Access on Auto as well as 1 Streaming account. Took about 14 minutes on the phone.
They called me this weekend. Offer the select package for 30 fees / 6 months. Told them I'm on all access and asked what the price was for that. They offered 49.99/6 months or 119/year fees. I took the 6 months, total was $54 for 6 months all access. Not bad